Antikkens filosofi

Friendship and Political Expertise - In Plato and Aristotle

Bergen Ancient Philosophy Symposium 2022

Plato and Aristotle with the text "This friendship thing .... ....I know..."
Based on picture from Youth time magazine



Thursday 2 June

10.30 - 12.00
Paul Ludwig (St John’s College)
KEYNOTE: «Aristotle’s Civic Friendship: Is It Compatible with the Political Techniques of Liberal Democracy?»

12.15 - 13.15
Kristin Sampson (University of Bergen)
«The Politics of Friendship in Plato’s Lysis»

     Chair: Oda Tvedt


14.15 - 16.00
Kristian Larsen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
«Defining Rhetoric Dialectically in Plato’s Gorgias»

Hallvard Fossheim (University of Bergen)
«Persuasion and Dialogue in Plato’s Laws»

16.15 - 17.15
Hayden Ausland (University of Montana (olim))
«The Platonic-Aristotelian Understanding of Political Community and the Subsequent Tradition»

     Chair: Marilù Papandreou


Friday 3 June

11.00 - 11.45
Catherine Rowett (University of East Anglia)
«Friendship and Political Obligation in Plato’s Crito»

12.00 - 13.00:
Oda Tvedt (University of Bergen)
«What Friendship can Teach us About Trust in Plato’s Political Philosophy»

     Chair: Andreas Staurheim Enggrav


14.00 - 15.00:
Andreas Staurheim Enggrav (University of Bergen)
«Political Institutions and Love in Plato»

15.15 - 16.00:
Ryan Balot (University of Toronto)
«Friendship, Citizenship, and Political Knowledge in Plato’s Magnesia»

     Chair: Hayden Ausland

Program (pdf)