Forskergruppe for klima-, energi- og miljørett

Challenges of the changing arctic: Continental Shelf, Navigation, and Fisheries

Internasjonal havrettskonferanse i Bergen 25.-28. juni 2014.

the ocean


Primary Sponsors are the University of Bergen Faculty of Law, the Center for Oceans Law and Policy (COLP), and the Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland. The conference will be based at the new Rica Ørnen Hotel, which is centrally located near the Bergen railway station. Theopening reception on June 25 will be held at the Bergen Maritime Museum.


25 June

25 June 2014 (Wednesday)

Bergen Maritime Museum (Haakon Shetligsplass 7)

1830 Welcome Reception
Dag Rune Olsen, Rector (President) of the University of Bergen
Liv Holmefjord, Director General of the Fisheries Directorate, Norway
Introduction of Organizers and Sponsors Representatives
Welcome: John Norton Moore; Tomas Heidar; and Sung-gwi KIM (President,
Korea Maritime Institute)

26 June

26 June (Thursday)

Scandic Ørnen Hotel


  • 0800-0845 Registration and pick up of conference materials
  • 0845-0900 Opening Remarks, introduced by Ernst Nordtveit, University of Bergen

    Hans Corell, Ambassador, Former Legal Counsel of the United Nations
  • 0900-1030 Panel I: Arctic Continental Shelf

    Moderator: John Norton Moore, Director, Center for Oceans Law and Policy, University of Virginia

    1. Larry Mayer, Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire (USA) “The Arctic Continental Shelf: The Evolving Geomorphologic Context”
    2. Michael Byers, Dept. of Political Science, University of British Colombia “The Law and Politics of the Lomonosov Ridge”
    3. Alex Oude Elferink, Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea, Utrecht University and K.G. Jebsen Centre, Tromsø “Arctic Continental Shelf: Outer Limits and Bilateral Delimitations”
    4. Dennis Bley, Buttonwood Consulting “Probabilistic Risk Assessment: Concepts and Applications”
  • 1030-1100 Break
  • 1100-1230 Panel II: Arctic Continental Shelf Petroleum

    Moderator: Vladimir Golitsyn (Russia), Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

    1. Kuen-chen Fu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, KoGuan Law School “Russian Continental Shelf Resources and Non-Arctic Countries' Opportunities to Share”
    2. Ole Anders Lindseth, Director General, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (Norway) “Sustainable Petroleum Activities in the Arctic”
    3. Erik Haaland, Team Leader of Arctic Unit, Statoil “Statoil’s Approach to the Arctic: Knowledge and Challenges”
    4. Stephen A. Macko, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia “Environmental Aspects of Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Arctic”
  • 1230-1330 Luncheon
  • 1330-1500 Panel III: Arctic Shipping

    Moderator: Rüdiger Wolfrum (Germany) Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

    1. Knut Einar Skodvin, University of Bergen, Faculty of Law “Arctic Shipping: Still Icy”
    2. Sung-Woo LEE, Korea Maritime Institute, “Essential Factors in Commercializing Arctic Shipping”
    3. J. Ashley Roach, “Arctic Navigation: Recent Developments”
  • 1500-1530 Break
  • 1530-1700 Panel IV: Other Arctic Related Topics

    Moderator: Alfred H.A. Soons, Professor Emeritus of Public International Law, Utrecht University

    1. Robert Beckman, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore, “UNCLOS Part XV and the Arctic”
    2. Ronán Long, National University of Ireland, Galway, “Arctic Governance: Regulatory and Policy Challenges for the European Union”
    3. Liz Whitsitt, University of Calgary, Faculty of Law “Finding Refuge in the Exceptional: Using Morality as a Way to Manage Natural Resources in the Arctic”
    4. Rolf Birger Pedersen, Professor and Director of Centre for Geobiology, University of Bergen “The Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Metal Resources and Unique Deep-sea Environments”

27 June

27 June (Friday)

Scandic Ørnen Hotel


  • 0900-1030 Panel V: Changing Fisheries: Northeast Atlantic and Arctic Ocean

    Moderator: Ernst Nordtveit, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen

    1. Lars Henrik Smedsrud, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen “Causes of Arctic Sea Ice Loss and a Future Outlook: Possible Effects on Fisheries and Navigation”
    2. Johann Sigurjonsson, Director, Marine Research Institute (Iceland) “Climate Change and Fish Stock Distribution and Migration in the North Atlantic”
    3. Jan Arge Jacobsen, Senior Scientist, Head of Pelagic Department, Faroe Marine Research Institute, “Aspects of Zonal Attachment for Sharing Fish Stocks”
    4. Geir Huse, Research Director, Marine Ecosystems and Resources, Institute of Marine Research (Bergen) “Interactions Between Fish Stocks in Relation to Climate Change”
  • 1030-1100 Break
  • 1100-1245 Panel VI: Fisheries in the Arctic Ocean

    Moderator: Jin-Hyun Paik (Korea), Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

    1. Harald Loeng, Institute of Marine Research (Bergen) “Arctic Fisheries: Present and Future Perspectives”
    2. Erik J. Molenaar, Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea, Utrecht University, and K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea, Tromsø “International Regulation of Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries”
    3. Kolbeinn Arnason, CEO of Federation of Icelandic Fishing Vessel Owners "Perspectives of the Icelandic Fishing Industry"
    4. Bjørn Kunoy, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Faroe Islands “Available Tools for the Resolution of Deadlocked Disputes on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks: The Trail of a Red Herring”
  • 1245-1345 Luncheon
  • 1345-1445 Panel VII: Regional Fisheries Management: Agreements on Allocation of Shared Fish Stocks

    Moderator: Tomas H. Heidar, Director, Law of the Sea Institute of Iceland

    1. Stefan Asmundsson, Executive Secretary of the Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) “The Role of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations”
    2. Kjartan Hoydal (Fish & Film Ltd., Faroe Islands): “Agreements on Management and Allocations of Straddling Stocks in the North East Atlantic: Three Case Studies--Norwegian Spring Spawning (Atlanto-scandian) Herring, Blue Whiting and Mackerel”
    3. Tore Henriksen, Director, K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (Tromsø) “Allocation of Fishing Rights: Principles and Alternative Procedures”
    4. Rögnvaldur Hannesson, Norwegian School of Economics (Bergen) “Managing Shared Migratory Stocks: the Case of the Atlantic Mackerel”
  • 1445-1515 Break
  • 1515-1645 Panel VIII: Related Law of the Sea Issues

    Moderator: Nikos Skourtos, Aegean Institute of the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law

    1. James Kraska (USA) “Maritime Security Law in the Bering Strait”
    2. Julia Xue, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, KoGuan Law School “International Cooperative Framework for Resource Conservation”
    3. Ted McDorman, University of Victoria, Faculty of Law “Observations by a Canadian Academic on Arctic Ocean Regional Governance”

  • 1800-1830 Reception
  • 1830-2030 Gala Dinner at Fløien Folkerestaurant on Mount Fløien

    Presentation of Peaceful Order in the World’s Oceans: Essays in Honor of Satya N. Nandan to Satya Nandan by Co-editors Michael Lodge and Myron Nordquist

    Keynote address:
    “Norwegian Legal Perspectives on the Challenges of the Changing Arctic”

    Director General Rolf Einar Fife, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway

28 June

28 June (Saturday)

0930-1200 Fjord tour