Institutt for geovitenskap

2013 Doktorgrader


PhD Degrees 2013

16.12 Kim Senger"Impact of Geological Heterogeneity on CO2 Sequestration – From Outcrop to Simulator”
3,12 Tore Klausen"Sedimentology, reservoir geometry and paleogeography of the Mid- to Late Triassic Snadd Formation of the Barents Sea"
8.11Tor Even Ass"Reconstruction of deep-sea palaeotopography and process-based flow simulations as a new method for spatial sand prediction: modelling case studies and assessment of uncertainties"
29.10 Marcus Landschulze"Investigation and optimization of OBC sensor array coupling to the seafloor"
23.10 Trond Kvarven"On the evolution of the North Atlantic – from continental collapse to oceanic accretion"
8.7 Thamer Mahdi"Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization of the Mishrif Formation (Middle Cretaceous), southern Iraq"
24.6 Bernardo Moyano”Static and dynamic elastic behaviour of siliciclastic reservoir rocks”
18.6 Yuangao Qu "Isotopic and structural characteristics of organic matter in the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation, Karelia, Russia"
11.6 Kristina Bakke "Seismic modelling of deep-water outcrops: Bridging the gap at geobody, trap and basin scale"
29.5 Heidi Kjennbakken "Holocene high-resolution paleoclimate records from Voldafjorden and the SE Norwegian Sea"
10.5Dominik H. Lang"Earthquake Damage and Loss Assessment - predicting the Unpredictable"
 17.4Quetzalcoatl Rodríguez-Pérez"Study of the seismic source parameters and its ralation with other seismic engineering parameters"
14.3Andreas Ritterbacher”Fluvial facies and virtual outcrop geology: a novel approach to empirical understanding of fluvial architecture”
 7.3Andrea Diana Teggzes ”The main branch of the Atlantic Inflow into the Nordic Seas over the Holocene - An analysis of its longer-term variability and its potential impact on climate”
8.2Ingeborg Økland”Low temperature geochemical reactions and microbial life in ultramafic rock”