UiB Ocean e-post liste
E-postliste for UiB-hav
Ønsker du å motta e-post vedrørende arrangementer, nyheter og aktiviteter knyttet til UiBs marine aktiviteter. Meld deg på e-postlisten til UiB-hav.

UiB Ocean
About the UiB Ocean mailing list
If you want to receive emails from UiB Ocean and marine researchers about events and news relevant to the ocean, you can subscribe to the UiB Ocean's mailing list. Sign up to our mailing list here.
Using the list
To use the mailing list hav@uib.no you first need to be a member of the mailing list. If you are a member feel free to use it as a means to spread relevant information to members of the mailing list. However, this is a moderated list. Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive notification of the moderator's decision.