Det juridiske fakultet

Opening Conference CENTENOL

Welcome to the kick off for The Centre on the Europeanization of Norwegian Law (CENTENOL).

Forskningsrådet støtter CENTENOL med 21 millioner kroner over fem år.


The theme for this one-day event will be to showcase our hopes and aspirations – explaining why CENTENOL is important, and what the Centre will aim to bring to the table, as seen from various stakeholder perspectives, both internally, for UiB and our EU/EEA research community; but also externally – i.e. the Norwegian public authorities, national/international courts and partner institutions.

Venue: The University of Bergen Aula, Muséplassen 3, 5010 Bergen 

Participant Fee: No, the project will cover all costs, including lunch at the venue – participants cover their own travel and accommodation. Conference participants can book room at discount prices by using the code 182933. In order to use the discount code, bookings must be done through direct contact with the hotell: resepsjon@zanderk.no. The discount code is available until 3. September.   

Duration: 09.00-15.45 

08.30-09.00 Registration – Coffee/Tea 

09.00-10.30 Keynote and Presentation of Work Packages 


  • Professor Christian Franklin, Director of CENTENOL
  • Marte Mjøs Persen, Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion (tbc)
  • Professor Benedicte Carlsen, Vice Rector UiB
  • Professor Karl Harald Søvig, Dean of the Law Faculty UiB 

Presentation of Work Packages 

  • Associate Professor Ingrid Halvorsen Barlund


  • Professor Catherine Barnard, University of Cambridge, Member of CENTENOL’s Advisory Board 

10.30-11.00 Coffee/Tea  

11.00-12.00 CENTENOL and the Courts 

  • Henrik Bull, Justice of the Norwegian Supreme Court
  • Pall Hreinsson, President of the EFTA Court 
  • Magni Elsheim, President of the Gulating Court of Appeal 

12.00-13.00 Lunch  

13.00-14.30 CENTENOL and National & International competence building 

  • Public administration 
  • Haakon Hertzberg, NAV 
  • Eva Charlotte Mysen, UDI 
  • National academic partners 
  • Associate Professor Lana Bubalo, UiS
  • Professor Jarle Trondal, UiA
  • Professor Ole-Andreas Rognstad, UiO  
  • International cooperation 
  • Professor Margrét Einarsdóttir, University of Reykjavik 
  • Dr. Georges Baur, Liechtenstein Institut

14.30-15.00 Coffee/Tea 

15.00-15.40 Panel Discussion  

  • Professor Halvard H. Fredriksen (moderator) 
  • Associate Professor Anne Elizabeth Stie, UiA  
  • Henrik Bull, Justice of the Norwegian Supreme Court 
  • Mona Næss, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion 
  • Professor Gunnar Thor Petursson, University of Reykjavik 
  • Dr. Christian Frommelt, University of Liechtenstein  

15.40-15.45 Endnote  

Registrer here.