Det juridiske fakultet

Professor Ingunn Elise Myklebust

Professor Ingunn Elise Myklebust er med i leiargruppa i GOVLAND-prosjektet. Her ei engelsk skildring av rolla ho har i prosjektet.


Professor Ingunn Elise Myklebust will focus on the Norwegian system concerning planning at sea, aquaculture and salmon lice issues. Ongoing changes in the system for aquaculture management and the legal framework for municipal spatial planning must be seen in context. Keywords here are functional units, an ecosystem-based approach and municipal boundaries. The work will follow up – and will be more specialised than – previous work on the division of responsibility between the central government level and administrative sectors in relation to the localisation of aquaculture. The subproject will also build on the findings of DEMOSREG, HAVKYST and MARINFORSK. The cooperation with our active partner Sussie Dalvin (PhD), researcher in Molecular Biology at the Institute of Marine Research, will be particularly important in this work.