Institutt for sosialantropologi

Nyhetsarkiv for Institutt for sosialantropologi

Ørnulf Gulbrandsen's new book - "The State the Social. State Formation in Botswana and its Precolonial and Colonial Genealogies" - is now out. Read more by clicking on the caption of the cover.
A special issue of Birzeit University's Review of Women's Studies has recently been published.
The Poverty Politics Research Group will host two international workshops in Norway in May and June 2012 -- one on the notion of trust and the other dealing with cosmopolitanism.
The Huxley Memorial Lecture will be held at the British Museum 16 December 2011.
Together with Anne Sofie Roald, Anh Nga Longva has edited a new anthology entitled "Religious Minorities in the Middle East. Domination, Self-Empowerment, Accommodation"
Institutt for sosialantropologi utlyser 4 seminarlederstillinger for vårsemesteret 2012. Søkerne bør være viderekommende masterstudenter eller nylig ha fullført master i sosialantropologi.
A PhD course and a conference -- both co-organized by the Department of social anthropology at the University of Bergen -- will take place between 9 and 11 November
Prior to John Pilger’s lecture there will be a screening of his latest film “The War You Don’t See" in studio B, Stein Rokkans Hus at 11:00 on 11 October.
Professor Vigdis Broch-Due is guest essayist on the American Humanist Society’s Forum OnTheHuman.org with "Animal in Mind: people, cattle and shared nature on the African Savannah". Her thought-provoking essay is published 3 October 2011 and will stay open for 2 weeks for comments.
In June 2011 Margit Ystanes defended her PhD thesis. Ystanes's thesis is entitled "Precarious Trust. Problems of Managing Self and Sociality in Guatema"
-There is no simple correlation between poverty and population growth, says Vigdis Broch-Due in this recent interview.
Author, war correspondent and documentary film-maker Jonh Pilger will be the second to present in the new series "Bergen Lectures in Critical Social and Political Inquiry" on 13 October 2011.
Author, war correspondent and documentary film-maker John Pilger will be the second to present in the new series "Bergen Lectures in Critical Social and Political Inquiry" on 13 October 2011.
As of the autumn of 2011, the project Poverty Politics launches its new webpages. During the coming weeks, the pages will gradually become updated.
Elaine Scarry from Harvard University will be the first to present in the new series "Bergen Lectures in Critical Social and Political Inquiry" on 27 September 2011.
Edvard Hviding and Knut Rio have just published a new anthology entitled "Made in Oceania. Social Movements, Cultural Heritage and the State in the Pacific"
For høstsemesteret 2011 utlyser instituttet nå 5 seminarlederstillinger. Søkere med både påbegynt og fullført mastergrad inviteres til å søke. Søknadsfristen er 15. juni.
The Departments of Social Anthropology at both University of Bergen and University of Oslo are co-hosting a PhD seminar on newer anthropological theory with the title "The Search for Order: Territory, Citizen, State and Governance”. The deadline for applying to the course is 1. April 2011.
