Global oral helse
- Studiepoeng
- 6
- Undervisningssemester
- Haust, Vår
- Emnekode
- GOH301
- Talet på semester
- 1
- Undervisningsspråk
- English
- Ressursar
- Timeplan
Mål og innhald
The course equips students with a systematic understanding of challenges in global oral health (oral problems in a global perspective), prevalence, incidence, and development of oral diseases as well as public health interventions and treatments utilized to address oral challenges.
Upon completing the course, the candidate :
- Has knowledge about the global burden of oral diseases Knows various approaches to study oral health
- Has knowledge about the role of the globalization processes and cultural competence in addressing international health issues
- Has knowledge about the great panorama of oral diseases, diagnostic procedures, and treatment
- Understands different approaches to collect and analyze relevant data
- Is able to describe the important concepts of oral health and need for treatment of oral diseases
- Is able to compare various approaches to study oral health
- Is able to identify how variables for a given problem should be operationalized
- Is able to assess population oral health/oral diseases using common indicators,
- Is able to use theoretical frameworks to analyze health behavior,
- Discusses how different interventions can improve oral health,
- Discusses ethical issues in global oral health
- Is able to set up some basic schemes for analysis and statistical methods
General qualifications
- Discusses how different interventions can improve oral health,
- Discusses ethical issues in global oral health
- Reflects on global oral health challenges- and approaches for intervention, argues for life course and common risk factor approaches,
- Reflects on collaboration with low income countries
Studiepoeng, omfang
6 ECTS Credits. This is a 4 week full time course (4 modules), each module lasting for one week.
Studienivå (studiesyklus)
Autumn (every 2nd year)
Administered by UiB, Department of Clinical Dentistry, IKO
Krav til forkunnskapar
Bachelor/Master in Dentistry or equivalent of this
Tilrådde forkunnskapar
Krav til studierett
The course is only available to students enrolled in the study program INTL-MED with the student right "NORPART".
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer
Lectures, literature reading, group discussions of clinical cases, excercises, evaluations using digital teaching methods.
Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet
Mandatory attendance, participation in group discussions and exercises
To pass the course, the candidate must
- Participate in the activities of the four modules
In addition
- The candidate must pass the multiple-choice test after each module and the final written digital home exam covering topics from all 4 modules
- Mainly scientific articles that are free to download electronically and are related to each module.
- Relevant basic textbooks will be available at each university for general use.
After a number of implementations (3 years)
Hjelpemiddel til eksamen
Students can use all support material for the home exam.
The program board for subjects in odontology has the responsibility for the course¿s content and construction and for the quality of the study programs and all related subjects.
Prof. Anne Nordrehaug Åstrøm, e-mail
Administrativt ansvarleg
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Dentistry