Genregulering i gonade differensiering og utvikling

Utvalgte publikasjoner / selected publications


Goksøyr, A. and Male R (2006) Endocrine disrupters and the aquatic environment: studies on mechanisms of toxicity and influence on signalling pathways in fish. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Symposia Book. (T. Grotmol, A. Bernhoft, G.S. Eriksen & T.P.Flaten, eds.), The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, 2006.

Oftedal, B.E., Ladstein, S., Telle, W. and Male, R. (2005) Exploring protein interactions of the estrogen receptor in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using the yeast two-hybrid system. Trends In Comparative Endocrinology, 1040:420-425.

Bemanian, V., Male, R., and Goksøyr, A. (2004) The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated disruption of vitellogenin synthesis in the fish liver: Cross-talk between AHR- and ERa-signaling pathways. Comparative Hepatology, 3:2.

Rekand, T., Male, T., Myking, AO., Nygaard, SJ., Aarli, JA., Haarr, L., and Langeland, N. (2003) Detection of viral sequences in archival spinal cords from fatal cases of poliomyelitis in 1951-1952. J Virol Methods. 114: 91-6.

Bemanian, V., Langvik, M., Rannug, A., Goksøyr, A. and Male, R (2003) Modulation of Cytochrome P450 1A1 and Vitellogenin Gene Expressions by Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Natural Ligands in the Fish Liver. Organohalogen Compounds, vol 65. p 118-121. Dioxin 2003, Boston MA. USA.

Yadetie, F. and  Male, R. (2002) Effects of 4-nonylphenol on gene expression of pituitary hormones in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquatic Toxicology. 58: 113-129

Arukwe, A., Yadetie, F., Male. R. and A. Goksøyr. (2001) Modulation of xenoestrogen-induced zonagenesis and vitellogenesis by the antiestrogen, 3,3´4,4´-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB-77) in juvenile fish. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 10: 5-15

Rungruangsak-Torrissen, K. and Male, R. (2000) Trypsin isozymes: development, digestion and structure. In NF Haard, BK Simpson eds, Seafood Enzymes. N.Y. Marcel Dekker Inc. pp. 215-270

Oppen-Berntsen, D.O., Arukwe, A., Yadetie, F., Lorens, J.B., and Male,R. (1999) Salmon eggshell protein expression: a marker for environmental estrogens. Marine Biotechnology 1: 252-260.

Yadetie, F., Arukwe, A., Goksøyr, A. and Male,R (1999) Induction of  hepatic estrogen receptor in juvenile Atlantic salmon in vivo by the environmental estrogen 4-nonylphenol. Sci. Total Environ.  233: 201-210