Masterprosjekt V19 Geodynamikk

Masterprosjekt vår 2019 ved GEO - Joachim Jacobs

Petrography and geochronology of selected rock samples from a thermochronological transect in northernmost Sogn og Fjordane


Project description:

The MSc is connected to a PhD project starting in 1/2019. The PhD project deals with the structural, geomorphological and exhumation history of a so far little studied area between the Møre Trondelag Complex and the Gjærdal-Gjende Fault. In the MSc project we aim to better constrain the structure, age and petrology of a number of lithologies along a profile from Olden to Stad with special emphasis on possible Sveconorwegian rocks in the region.  Ca. 8-10 selected rock samples will be studied with petrographic, structural and geochronological methods.  The candidate should have a good background in microscopy and should already be familiar with the regional geology of northern Sogn and Fjordane. 

Experince with microscopy, e.g. through the course GEOV241

Field and/or laboratory work
- Mineral separation
- U-Pb zircon geochronology
- Petrographic and structural description of rock samples and thin sections

Proposed course plan during the master degree

GEOV241 - Mikroskopi (10 stp.),
GEOV242 - Magmatisk og metamorf petrologi (10 stp.)
GEOV251 - Videregående strukturgeologi (10 stp.),
GEOV252 - Feltkurs i geologisk kartlegging (10 stp.)
GEOV342 - Radiogen og stabilisotop geokjemi (10 stp.)