In the press
Martha Chekenya and Andrea Gras Navarro recently published two articles in the journal Best Practices.
The articles are called "Naturlige dreperceller– kjennetegn og funksjonelle egenskaper" and "Terapeutisk bruk av NK-celler - klinisk rasjonale og begrensninger". Articles are in Norwegian. Acrobat Reader required. Published January 11th 2015.
Agnete Engelsen receives award for best PhD dissertation 2013. We want to congratulate Agnete for this amazing achievement, and we wish her the best of luck in her career in cancer research! Read more.
Agnete held her PhD defence on May 15th 2013 at the Dept of Biomedicine in combination with a mini-symposium. Read a summary of her dissertaion. Published June 5th 2014.
Dreper celler som gir hjernekreft:, 18. april, 2014. Morderceller fra skreddersydde donorer kan gi håp for hjernekreftpasienter (article in Norwegian). Les mer på
A more individualised cancer treatment: 14.10.2010. New findings can lead to a more optimalised treatment of brain cancer (article in Norwegian). Read more
Anbefaler individualisert behandling av hjernesvulster: 01.10.2010. På overflaten av hjernesvulstceller finnes en reseptor kalt NG2. Denne har betydning for om standard behandling virker godt eller dårlig (article in Norwegian). Read more.