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Mutual agreement between students and UiB on expectations for teaching, assessment and exam

Here you will find information about the rules and regulations that apply for students at the University of Bergen (UiB).


All study programs at UiB have an academic content that must be follow by all admitted students.  The study program content vary widely and some programs offer great variation in courses, while otehr programs consists mostly of compulsory subjects. Specified  information is given in the individual study programmes description.

An academic program is a combination of courses and related activities organized for the achievement of specific learning outcomes as defined by the University.


Education plan:

When you are admitted to UIB, you make an agreement with the institution about your personal education plan. The plan consists of two parts. The education plan part I is common to all the students at UiB and reviews general aspects of the studies and highlights the expectations, rights and obligations between you as a student and UiB. Part II of the education plan covers your study programme in more detail and also contains the individual student's study progression.

You find the individual education plan after getting access to the Studentweb. Students must confirm their study plan every semester.

The university expects you as a student to take responsibility for your own learning by:

  • Follow the laws, regulations and legislations that apply to you as a student and your study programme.
  • Meet the requirements that apply to the preparation for and the completion of examination/assessment.
  • Follow procedures for leave of absence and absence from studies or exams.
  • Pay respect to privacy and do not record audio or video during class or assessment.
  • Ask for explanation for the exam grade and or results before you consider appealing.
  • Understand and adhere to the information from the university about enrolment in teaching and exams.
  • Respect the work of others and get familiarized with the correct use of references and sources.
  • Become familiar with the learning outcomes, teaching and learning practices for your studies, as well as exam and assessment forms.
  • Prepare and participate actively in the teaching, assessment and learning practices that the university facilitates.
  • Take responsibility for fulfilling the mandatory requirements seen in the course(s) you are studying
  • Stay informed about the place and time of the exam, what equipment you need and are the permitted support materials.
  • Attend and complete the exams you are registered for, or withdraw within the stated deadline
  • Participate in evaluation of study quality from the academic environments.
  • Stay informed about the deadlines and the university's appeals procedures.

The university recommend that you as a student:

  • Facilitates your own learning through a combined full time study effort, expected at 40 hours of weekly work throughout the academic year, corresponding to 1600 hours in the academic year, for full-time students.
  • Don't let paid work impact your studies and your planned study progress
  • Meet regularly and take an active part in the group and colloquium teaching that is being offered

The University's duties and responsibilities regarding teaching are to:

  • Facilitate a research-based teaching practices that contribute to your professional and intellectual development
  • Formulate learning outcomes that include knowledge, skills and general competence that will be achieved by the completed study programme
  • Strive to adapt teaching practices so that the student can complete the studies in accordance with the education plan
  • Facilitate varied teaching and learning arrangements with student-active learning practices
  • Facilitate teaching so that students who so wish can attend events on “Fagkritisk dag”
  • Facilitate the use of digital learning tools
  • Provide information in your studies/study plan on how to participate in course or programme evaluation
  • Make sure that cancelled teaching is re-offered within a reasonable time, as long as this is feasible
  • Inform about leave of absence and absence schemes

The University's duties and responsibilities regarding assessment are that:

  • Assessment is conducted in accordance with the Guidelines for Assessment
  • There should be a clear connection between the learning outcomes, the teaching and the form of assessment in a course
  • The assessment form should be suitable for testing the learning outcomes of the course and for showing you whether you have achieved these.
  • The assessment should be transparent, consistent and fair with regards to your contribution. The assessment criteria shall be available, stable and based on objective conditions.
  • The forms of assessment used during a study programme should be varied and contribute to achieving the overall learning outcomes of the programme
  • The assessment should facilitate that you as a student take an active part in the learning process - both in the individual course and in the programme as a whole.
  • UiB will use assessment methods that are updated in the regard to research the assessment field and use digital opportunities that stimulate innovation in the assessment practice
  • The assessment should promote learning and motivation through feedback and evaluation

The University's duties and responsibilities regarding examination execution are:

  • Ensure that all relevant information about the examination registration, examination execution, grading, appeal process and rights are readily available, both in Norwegian and English
  • Ensure that the examination plans are presented within the stipulated deadlines
  • Give the exam in English when the course is given in English, and upon application to the relevant Faculty when the course is given in Norwegian
  • Conduct examinations and grading in a professional and objective manner, within the current framework and deadlines
  • Follow clear rules and procedures when students are caught in cheating or other violations of the examination regulations
  • Have clear and stable rules and procedures for handling appeals