Styre og ledelse


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The members of The University Board 2017-2021



MembersSubstitute members
Rector Dag Rune OlsenPro-Rector Margaret Hagen
Permanent academic staff: 
Kjersti Fløttum
Petter Erling Bjørstad
1. Inga Berre
2. Nina Langeland
Tempory academic staff:
Runa Falck1. Thomas Stevenson
2. Victoria Røyseth
Tecnical and administrative staff: 
Jørgen Melve1. Randi Heimvik
2. Kristin Kalvik
3. Frode Randal
Students (1.8.2020-31.7.2021): 
Cora Gabrielle Møller Jensen

1. Anni Karin Rambek
2. Lise Carlsen

Gard Aasmund Skulstad Johanson1. Erlend S. Grønvold
2. Stian Torset
External members: 
Hanne Foss Hansen
Bjørn K. Haugland
Marianne Møgster
Bjørn Østbø
1. Marit Warncke
2. Sven Marius Urke

The University Director works as the Boards secratary. The Secretariat of University Leadership is the secetariat of The University Board.