Courses for the 2030 Agenda (SDG courses)
The University of Bergen has a collection of courses building knowledge for the 2030 Agenda.

Department of Biological Sciences
SDG200 - Ocean-Climate-Society: Sustainability summer course
This course will employ the SDGs as a platform from which to gain a comprehensive understanding of planetary sustainability. This includes building skills for interdisciplinary cooperation needed for humanity to thrive for generations to come, simultaneously avoiding large-scale abrupt or irreversible environmental change. The course aims at recruiting a highly interdiscliplinary student group to facilitate incorporating individual differences of opinions and actions, cultural and social backgrounds and learning negotiating across these differences.
SDG214 – UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water
Through active learning and working in teams, the student will acquire knowledge and skills related to science, policy, and society necessary for understanding and contributing towards sustainable development of life below water. The course will end with a symposium where the students will present a group project as a poster.
SDG215 – UN Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on land
Human influence on the natural processes of the planet has been so massive in the last 200 years that the Holocene epoch in the time after the last glaciation has ended and we now live in the Anthropocene era, with mass eradication of animal species, climate change and physical changes in the Earth's surface. Thus, humans have transformed their natural environment over thousands of years by cultivating the soil and dominating plants and animals.
Department of Earth Science
SDG207 - Energy Transition
The main objectives of this course is to lintroduce the science of energy transition and sustainable energy sources, and to provide the students with an understanding of key cross-diciplinary challenges related to the transition towards a low CO2-emission society. The course directly addresses UN Sustainable Development Goal 7, and will give the students perspectives to discuss the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the context of how we mitigate the ongoing changes in climate through a transition to a more sustainable energy supply.
SDG213 – Causes of Climate Change
The seminar aims at giving an introduction to the science of climate change. It provides the basis for understanding the underlying physical processes governing climate variations on different timescales in the past, present and future. The seminar focuses on explaining the main external forcing mechanisms such as the sun, volcanoes, and changes in greenhouse gasses and aerosols, which can contribute to changing the global energy budget and initiate climate variations.
SDG607 - Energy Transition
The main objective of this course is to introduce the science of energy transition and sustainable energy sources, in light of the UN sustainable development agenda, and to provide the students with an understanding of key cross-diciplinary challenges related to the transition towards a low CO2-emission society. The course directly addresses UN Sustainable Development Goal 7, and will give the students perspectives to discuss the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the context of how we mitigate the ongoing changes in climate through a transition to a more sustainable energy supply.
SDG613 - Sustainable development, climate and climate action
The course aims at giving an introduction to the science of climate change. It provides the basis for understanding the underlying physical processes and feedbacks governing climate variations on different timescales. How different anthropogenic emissions influences climate and what are the main factors driving the changes in emissions. In addition, physical and economical climate change impacts and risks will be presented along with an outline of international frameworks for climate assessment, adaptions and mitigation. The course will give the student the perspective to discuss the UN's Societal Development Goals in the context of the ongoing changes in climate.
Department of Economics
ECON217 - Challenges and Content
This course aims at helping students better understand the lives of the world's poor and explore scopes for policies to help improve the their wellbeing.
- The key questions addressed here are:
- The nature and distribution of poverty across regions and countries of the world.
- The causes of persistent/chronic poverty.
- The progress that has been made so far on the millennium declaration of "making poverty a thing of the past"
- The question of whether poverty alleviation be left to the forces of free market or whether there be a role for policy.
- What the empirical findings say about which policies are successful and which are not.
- The role of institution building in the fight against poverty.
Department of Foreign Languages
KLIMA200 - Climate stories
Climate change is one of the biggest societal challenges of our time. From being a physical phenomenon, climate change today must also be understood as a social, political, ethical and cultural phenomenon. It is therefore important to illuminate the climate challenges from many different disciplines and perspectives, including the humanities. The subject KLIMA200 aims to provide insight into humanistic and interdisciplinary approaches to the climate issue.
The purpose of the subject is to reflect on the dissemination of climate issues through various discourses and how one can interpret these narratives.
Department of Geography
GEO125 - Økonomisk globalisering, produksjonssystem og miljø
(Economic Globalisation, Production Systems and Environment)
NB: In Norwegian!
Emnet tar opp tema som økonomiske globaliseringsprosessar med konsekvensar for produksjonssystem, lokalisering av arbeidsplassar og miljø (bærekraftig utvikling og omstilling). Utgangspunktet er økonomisk geografi som analyserer endringsprosessar i samfunnet internasjonalt, nasjonalt og lokalt, og som vekslar mellom føretaks-, produksjonssystems- og samfunnsperspektiv.
GEO131 - Mat, miljø og berekraftig utvikling
(Food, Environment and Sustainable Development)
Note: this course is given in Norwegian.
Kurset handlar om den mest grunnleggande problemstilliga for berekraftig utvikling: Korleis sikre nok mat til verdas befolkning og samstundes forvalte miljøet på ein berekraftig måte? Det vert lagt vekt på kunnskap om ulike system for matproduksjon i landbruk, fiske, akvakultur, skogbruk og husdyrhald i Asia, Afrika og Latin-Amerika. Sentrale tema er global mathandel, ulik fordeling og matsikkerheit, samt miljøeffektar, ressursforvalting og miljøpolitikk.
GEO212 - Terrestrial Climate and Environmental Changes
This course introduces the student to how different exogenous processes can be used to reconstruct past and present terrestrial changes in climate, geomorphology and environment with emphasis on Norway.
GEO222 – Sustainability in an Urbanising World
The course addresses present urbanization processes in the context of globalization processes, and focuses on challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. The course provides insight into central human geographical theoretical and methodological perspectives, and research based comparative insights from cities and communities across the world.
GEO330 – Theories of Sustainable Land Use
Finding ways to negotiate increasing pressures on land around the world is key to meet the sustainability challenge. The aim of this course is to give the student a thorough introduction to contemporary research and debates on sustainable land use in a period of rapidly increasing climate and environmental crises. The course integrates social science and ecological perspectives on competing uses of land, including production of food and energy, conservation, habitation and recreation. The concept land includes also coastal areas and marine resources. Students will discuss theoretical approaches to global and local complexities of sustainability, vulnerability and resilience. Central approaches to sustainability assessment are introduced, in addition to critical perspectives addressing sustainable land use interventions and policies for transition.
GEO324 - Geographies of the Green Economy
This course in economic and human geography addresses the concepts, theories and discourses of the green economy. Through a series of lectures, seminars and student presentations, this course discusses how the concept of the green economy affect society and economic activities on different scales.
GEO337 - Discourse, Politics, and Place: Critical Perspectives on Environmental Governance
The primary aim of this course is to strengthen and expand students' understanding of global environmental issues and their implications for local development challenges. To do so, we critically engage both longstanding and emerging theoretical, conceptual, and methodological debates concerning sustainable development and environmental governance in human geography. Students will cultivate an in-depth understanding of important themes within these debates, further empowering them to independently assess and utilize key theories and concepts relevant for their respective Master thesis projects.
SDG900 - PhD for Innovation. Interdisciplinary course from systems thinking through creative problem-solving to RandD management
The purpose of the course is to equip PhD candidates with problem solving methods that facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration with a strong focus on research impact. This will be achieved by working concretely with challenge-driven innovation related to sustainable development goals (SDGs), in teams consisting of PhD candidates with varied disciplinary backgrounds. PhD candidates gain theoretical as well as practical experience in methods and ways to solve complex problems that are characteristic for sustainable development challenges. The course works with both, private and public sector institutions (problem owners; varying from one course to the next) who furnish PhD candidates with an applied context and specific sustainable development problems. The course combines theory and application:
- Theoretical part: systems thinking and creative problem solving.
- Practical part: work in interdisciplinary teams using the methods for solving concrete sustainable development challenges. Three days of the practical work will be conducted in the format of a hackathon
Geophysical Institute
ENERGI101 - Introduction to Energy Resources and Consumption
Important renewable energy resources such as solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, tidal and wave energy, bioenergy and geothermal energy are to be discussed. Further, nuclear power and fossil energy resources together with CO2 capture and storage will be discussed. The various energy resources will be discussed in a sustainability and economic perspective. The concept of life cycle analysis will be introduced. The course will give an overview over national and global energy production and consumption as well as projections forward in time.
ENERGI230 - Environment and Energy
The course aims at giving the students insight into environmental consequences of harvesting, conversion and use of energy. The students shall be able to perform analyses and calculations of various technological energy solutions as well as local and global scenarios. The topic shall enhance the students understanding of how different kinds of environmental footprint may be included in planning of energy installations.
ENERGI300 - Energy Resources and Use
The course aims at giving the students an overview over various energy resources with emphasis on renewable resources. The course shall also provide an overview over national and international energy use and production, including projections forward in time. Key terms as life cycle analysis, sustainability and cost of energy should be mastered.
GEOF347 - Seminar on "Earth system science for sustainability studies"
Earth system science goes beyond traditional climate research by including also biogeochemical cycles in climate studies and thus providing key links to sustainable development, e.g. in terms of energy and food production. Students will be made familiar with the interplay between biogeochemical, physical, and human-induced processes in the Earth system under human perturbations of matter and energy fluxes. The course should enable the students to embed their research into grand societal challenges and contribute to tackling these.
Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care
SDG303 - Global Health - Challenges and Responses
The objective of the course is to equip the students with concepts and perspectives for the analysis of global health challenges and responses in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. This course aims for an understanding of the determinants of health, and health systems anchored in specific political, socio-economic, cultural and epidemiological settings.
Department of Government
GOV108 - Climate Policy
The course examines the significance of energy systems for the global environmental and climate challenges. The course offers particular attention to countries with a relative large poor population and which confronts the challenge of how to reduce poverty and ensure their population access to reliable and affordable energy, without affecting the environment and the climate too much. The course also explores how countries in other parts of the world respond to the energy- and climate change. It gives attention to how global processes in the energy- and finance sectors affect choices that are made more locally. The course problematizes the role of the state and public administration, but attention is also given to actors in the market and in civil society.
GOV109 - Climate Policy
This course introduces the students to key empirical and theoretical work on the policies that have been proposed, agreed, and implemented to tackle human-induced global warming. Emphasis is put on international developments and key emitting countries such as China, the US, and the European Union. The course also discusses the politics of climate change, including social movements, institutions, theories of international fairness, and public opinion.
GOV212 - Climate, Crises and Societal Security. The Management of Wicked Problems
Climate changes, crises and community security represents big, complex societal challenges on multiple levels and different sectors. The course particularly aims to study how the organisation, management and regulation of problems that are unruly and hard to manage come about, take place in practice, and are developed.
Department of Philosphy
FIL106 - Introduction to Environmental Ethics
The course will give the student an overview of philosophical approaches to morality, politics and science that are relevant to the environmental problems of our time, with an emphasis on animal welfare, the intrinsic value of land, climate justice and the relationship between individual and public morality. Environmental ethics is an interdisciplinary study that combines insights from other subjects (e.g. economics, biology and law) with philosophical analysis.
FIL236 - Environmental Ethics
The course will give the student an overview of philosophical approaches to morality, politics and science that are relevant to the environmental problems of our time, with an emphasis on animal welfare, the intrinsic value of land, climate justice and the relationship between individual and public morality. Environmental ethics is an interdisciplinary study that combines insights from other subjects (e.g. economics, biology and law) with philosophical analysis.
Department of Psychosocial Science
PSYK116 - Environmental Psychology
Environmental psychology focuses on the relation between individuals and their physical environment. This includes (but is not limited to) the study of human behavior that interacts with the natural environment. For example, humans play an essential role in both producing and potentially mitigating climate change.
Department of Social Anthropology
SANT103 - Materiality: Environment, Place and Economy
How people interact with their spatial and material surroundings is a central concern of social anthropology. This course gives a comparative insight into how spatial and material conditions form, and are formed, by social and cultural contexts. The course focuses on social anthropological approaches to ecology, economy, things, and space, and connects the material and ideal aspects of human life via several themes, such as: landscape, place and body, regimes of production, technology, environment and resource management, gift exchange, market and consumption. Emphasis is placed on conveying the social and cultural diversity found around the world, amid uneven projects of globalization and modernization, and relations of power and governance.
Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities
VIT210 - Major Issues in Research and Society: The Human Being: Nature and Culture
The purpose of this course is to give students the opportunity to
- practice the ability to critically reflect on the relationship between different forms of knowledge and fields of science
- develop intellectual skills to engage in research-based, interdisciplinary discussion on key societal issues
VIT211 - Major Issues in Research and Society: Global Health: Ethics, Politics and Human Rights
The purpose of this course is to give students the opportunity to
- practice the ability to critically reflect on the relationship between different forms of knowledge and fields of science
- develop intellectual skills to engage in research-based, interdisciplinary discussion on key societal issues
See the list of all climate courses at UiB.
SDG Bergen
As part of the SDG Bergen initiative, the University of Bergen (UiB) is looking into how critical thought around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can become a part of the study programmes at the university.
UiB is a comprehensive university that conducts and manages knowledge across all disciplines. Sustainability runs through the research and education that we offer across all our seven faculties. As a university we believe that the growing awareness on sustainable development will affect, and must shape, future education opportunities.