Research Group Leader:
Professor Astrid Tolo
Contact information:
Education Policy (EDPOL)
Department of Education
University of Bergen
Christies gate 12
N-5015 Bergen
Tel: +47 55 58 48 81
E-mail: Astrid.Tolo@uib.no
The research group Education Policy (EDPOL) studies governance and development processes related to policies, implementation, changes, and quality assessment in the education sector.
The group studies processes at different levels, investigating their significance for children and youth, employees, professionals, leaders, and organisations or institutions.
EDPOL's research is guided by a broad theoretical approach. The group's comprehensive competence in research design and methodology, primarily emphasising qualitative methods, is a testament to our ability to conduct high-quality research. Our substantial experience with projects that combine various datasets further demonstrates the group's versatility.
We welcome potential collaborators to explore our work and consider partnering with us.
You may find information about EDPOL's projects on the members' websites.