Information about exams at UiB
Practical information and guidelines about examination at UiB, both before, during and after you have taken your exams. Students are personally responsible for familiarizing yourself with the information here.

Students take notes and read in a booklet
Eivind Senneset
Prior to the examination
Find examination dates and venues. Sign up for examination and learn to use sources correctly. See how to apply for special arrangements and the aids you can bring to the examination. Read about what you need to do before you present yourself for a digital examination and what to do if you get sick before or on the day of the exam.
- Examination dates and locations: Note that for examinations taken on-campus the start time may change up to 14 days prior to the examination. Please double check in Studentweb the time and location the days before the exam.
- How to registration on Studentweb
- Find your upcoming exams on UiBtreet
- Special Arrangements for examination
- Citations for written work
- Support materials permitted during examinations
- Exam preparation
On examination day/Delivering home examinations on deadline
- School exams: Where does the exam take place? When should I be there and what can I take with me? Everything you need to know about school exams.
- Submission of papers: Where do you submit your paper and your take home exam? Everything you need to know about submission of papers
- Master's Thesis submission (check your submission deadline on Studentweb)
- Absence from an exam
After the day of the exam
You can collect or share your grades after the exam. See what your grade means. You can also ask for an explanation or appeal the grade.
- Grade explanations
- Grade appeals
- Formal complaints on the examination
- Official grading scale
- Transcript of Records and Diploma registry
- Questions after the exam?