
Bergen Research Group for Innovation, Growth, Health and Technology (BRIGHT)


BRIGHT - Bergen research group for innovation, growth, health, and technology

The Research Group Bergen Research Group for Innovation, Growth, Health and Technology (BRIGHT), was founded in 2019 by Inger Hilde Nordhus (leader), Anders Hovland, Tine Nordgreen, Linn Heidi Lunde, Minna Hynninen and Elisabeth Flo-Groeneboom. The group is mainly affiliated with the Department of Clinical Psychology at The Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen.

BRIGHT have several ongoing research projects covering old age mental health (sleep, anxiety and alcohol / substance use), non-pharmacological treatment for people with dementia (bright light treatment and music therapy), as well as innovative e-Health solutions.

forsidebilde og innholdsfortegnelse

Comic book: Enlighten your clock

Louise Bjerrum (UiB) and Daniel Vethe (NTNU) have translated 'Enlighten Your Clock: How your body tells time' into Norwegian. Target audience is adolescents 13-18 years of age. The comic book describes how light can affect circadian rhythms, sleep, and mental health.

Research seminars
bright forskningsdag 2020, avholdt på Grand Terminus, Zander Kaaes gate 6

BRIGHT research seminar 2020

BRIGHT's yearly research seminar took place 23.10.2020, at Grand Terminus, Zander Kaaes gate 6. Participants included affiliated PhD students and Postdocs, as well as advisory committee board members of BRIGHT. Stine Andrea Sognes, student at the Grieg Academy, Department of Music, University of...

Research seminars
bright forskningsdag 2019, avholdt på Styrerrommet på Vektergården, Christies gate 13

BRIGHT research seminar 2019

BRIGHT's yearly research seminar took place 26.11.2019, at Styrerrommet, Vektergården, Christies gt. 13. Participants included affiliated PhD students and Postdocs, as well as advisory committee board members of BRIGHT.