Det humanistiske fakultet


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Dr. Philos. (doctor philosophiae) is a free degree which is equivalent to the PhD degree, but which is not covered by the arrangements for organized research training, such as supervision and coursework.

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Magnus Halsnes


There is a separate dr.philos.-regulation that covers the conditions for this degree.

A candidate who fulfills the conditions of the regulations can apply to the faculty to be allowed to present themselves for the dr. philos. degree.

The application must be sent via the department or center that administers the subject area in question, and it is desirable that the candidate contacts the relevant department or centre before the application is submitted. The department or centre then assesses whether the thesis is to be considered a scientific work, and whether it falls within the department's or centre's subject area. If these criteria are met, the application will be forwarded to the faculty for final assessment.

If the applicant is unsure of what will be the correct department or centre, the person concerned can contact the faculty for help with clarification.

A valid application consists of an application written in an approved form and required attachments.

If the thesis is not written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English, it is the departemt or centre responsible for the thesis's field of research that will decide what other languages can be taken care of in a proper way.

The Dr. philos. degree is awarded on the basis of an approved thesis, 2 trial lectures (self-selected and given topic), as well as a satisfactory public defense.

A thesis written within the framework of the organized research training cannot be submitted for assessment for the dr.philos. degree.

These are the departments and centres at Faculty of Humanities: