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Study skills

Educational support from the University Library

The University Library provides support to help you succeed in your studies. We can help you become acquainted with or enhance your generic academic skills, including literature searching, source assessments, managing references, understanding plagiarism, and navigating copyright issues.

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Generic academic skills are abilities and competencies valuable for learning and problem-solving across all fields of study and various professions. They form the foundation for a lifelong ability to learn, adapt, and efficiently tackle challenges in studies and work life. General academic skills encompass capabilities such as literature searching, source assessment, reference management, and knowledge of the rules of plagiarism and copyright. These are areas in which we at the University Library are experts, and we are glad to offer our guidance. Here, we've highlighted information that can be helpful to you:

Search&Write is a website designed for all students who want to learn more about information retrieval, study techniques, and academic writing, regardless of the institution or subject. Here, you'll find practical information on how to cite different sources in writing assignments. The website is a collaboration between the libraries at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, the University of Bergen, the University of Oslo, and the Department of Philosophy and First-Year Studies at the University of Bergen.

DIGI101 Digital Information Evaluation 
A digital course developed by the University Library in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy. In this course, you will learn simple techniques for investigating and evaluating information, claims, and sources, and how to reuse this in writing assignments. The course is primarily aimed at new students and takes approximately 4 hours to complete.

Subject Librarians and Subject Pages
Bergen University Library has dedicated subject pages for the various disciplines at the university. You can find these pages in the menu on the library website. On these pages, you will find information about literature relevant to your specific field. You will also find contact information for your subject librarian. The subject librarian is a specialist in literature searching and source usage within your field, and you can reach out if you have questions or need guidance. The university library offers appointments through various platforms: in-person at the library, Teams, Zoom, phone, or email.

The University Library offers a variety of courses for students and staff. Some of these courses are integrated parts of study programs. However, we also have open courses. Check our calendar to see if we have anything relevant for you.

UiB rules concerning source citations, referencing, and plagiarism