Action plan for HSE, 2023-2026
Health, Safety and the Environment - A good working environment for everyone.
A good working environment for everyone
The University of Bergen shall have a culture in which health, safety, the environment and emergency preparedness are preventative and health-promoting. This means that UiB must ensure:
- a fully satisfactory working and learning environment
- diversity, openness and inclusion
- accessible, functional and safe workplaces and buildings
- continuous and systematic HSE work through the active participation of employees, safety representatives and leaders.
This means that HSE must be clearly organised at all levels and that the working environment must be surveyed, risk assessed and followed up in accordance with regulatory requirements and internal rules.
HSE - a shared responsibility
The working environment is created through day-to-day interaction and dialogue. All staff and students have a responsibility to actively participate in this. Employees and students must have the necessary training and sufficient expertise to manage HSE challenges within their own work and study situation.
HSE is a leader responsibility at all levels and is an integral part of all leadership. Safety delegates fulfil a supervisory function and are collaborators for the leaders. It is important that both leaders and safety delegates have good expertise in systematic HSE work. When risk factors on occupational health issues are being triggered, the employer shall ensure assistance from The Occupational Health Service.
Clear roles and responsibilities with a mutual understanding of and respect for the various functions, clear organisation of and predictability in the work are prerequisites for sustaining and developing a good working and learning environment. The university’s leaders, safety delegates, staff and students must, together, actively contribute to the development of the working environment.
HSE goals
The Action Plan for Health, Safety and the Environment is based on the university’s strategy 2023-2030 ‘Knowledge That Shapes Society’ and includes three HSE goals.
UiB shall be characterised by:
- Good and inclusive working communities
- Safe and functional workplaces
- Good safety culture and emergency preparedness
Each HSE goal is a priority area that is specified through sub-goals for the period 2023–2026. The goals are realised through central measures and local HSE action plans at faculty and department level, and through various forms of interaction between units and levels.
The following UiB governing documents also support the HSE goals:
- The University’s Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Management system for Information Security and Data Protection
- Management system for securing buildings and valuable objects
- Action Plan for Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equality
- Action plan for climate and environmental work
- Masterplan for Properties and Campus
The student learning environment is specifically addressed in the Action Plan for Learning Environment.
The HSE Action Plan is intended to contribute to ensuring that everyone working at UiB is safeguarded and is not subjected to negative impacts due to their work.
Priority areas for health, safety and the environment for the period 2023-2026
A. Priority area: Good and inclusive working communities
Sub-goals | Main activities | Responsible |
Sub-goal 1: UiB shall have a good psychosocial working environment
| Annually map and follow up the psychosocial working environment (HSE meeting) at all units. Develop tools and support for work with the psychosocial working environment, which must be put into use at all units. Facilitate, conduct and follow up annual employee appraisals interviews for all employees, including clarifying local organisation and the follow-up of these. Conduct systematic safeguarding and follow-up for younger academic staff. Facilitate so that new employees are welcomed in a good way. Offer internationally recruited colleagues Norwegian language training promptly after appointment, and facilitate in a way that makes participation in the training easy. Translate important information for employees into English. | Division of Human Resources
Sub-goal 2: UiB shall have an inclusive working environment | Strengthen the focus on diversity and inclusive working life by i.a.: | Division of Human Resources |
Sub-goal 3: UiB shall have transparent processes and good participation for a vibrant university democracy | Manage and develop the university community’s many bodies, arenas and meeting places that stimulate engagement, participation, debate and experience sharing internally at the units and across academic and organisational boundaries. | Rector/University Director
Sub-goal 4: UiB shall meet changes in a constructive manner | Clarify responsibilities, roles and tasks in the HSE and working environment work by: | Division of Human Resources |
B. Priority area: Safe and functional workplaces
Sub-goals | Main activities | Responsible |
Sub-goal 1: UiB shall ensure that the workplaces and buildings that UiB dispose and develops have proper, satisfactory working and learning environments that comply with current legislation and good participation processes
| Establish and develop user-friendly workplaces on campus that contribute to good working conditions for carrying out the University’s core activities and support functions. Map and follow-up the physical working environment (HSE round) annually at all units. HSE rounds must also be carried out during renovations. Evaluate and follow-up the use of the home office scheme for technical/administrative staff. | Estate and Facilities Management Division |
Sub-goal 2: UiB shall have a good digital working environment | Develop good work processes and ensure that all employees have well-functioning work platforms and effective digital tools. Offer and strengthen the digital competence of leaders and employees with a user-oriented approach. | IT Division |
C. Priority area: Good safety culture and emergency preparedness
Sub-goal | Main activities | Responsible |
Sub-goal 1: UiB shall have a clear safety and emergency preparedness organisation
| Review responsibilities and roles to ensure a good and comprehensive emergency and security organisation. Regularly update and follow-up risk and vulnerability analyses (ROS) related to safety and emergency preparedness. Carry out warning and emergency preparedness exercises and emphasise internal and external collaboration exercises. | Rector/University Director |
Sub-goal 2: UiB shall have good understanding of HSE risk | Carry out/update HSE risk assessments annually at all units and implement measures to safeguard employees’ health, safety and environment. Ensure good risk management through safe handling of biological and chemical hazards, as well as radiation sources. | Division of Human Resources Estate and Facilities Management Division |