Digital teaching
Work on digitalisation at the Faculty of Law is under continual development. The aim is to facilitate increased interaction with the students and to promote academic quality.

More and more lectures at the Faculty are recorded and published as a podcast on the net. Recording of academic discussions and the creation of course blogs has also been tested for several subjects. The content is available on all platforms, allowing you, the student, to see lectures using your smart telephone where and when you might want to.
The Faculty will continue to test digital media to see how these can function as a medium for increased academic quality, and if this can provide resource and pedagogical advantages. Digital teaching will make it easier for the lecturer to give other course coordinators insight into own course material, and enable the extraction of digital materials from one course into another. This can contribute to making the study programme more consistent. Digital teaching will also give the different teachers the opportunity of carrying out a so-called “peer evaluation” of the tuition.
It is up to each individual teacher to evaluate whether to use the digital tools.
Copyright law
All the material is protected by copyright The course coordinator owns all the rights, and the material cannot be published officially without the permission of the creator (lecturer). Since the course coordinator owns the copyright to his/her recordings of the teaching, all arrangements must be based on the individual course coordinator’s agreement.
Since 2013/2014 lectures in almost every course have been recorded and published on a separate teaching blog for the different subjects of the Master's thesis. The students log in using their own passwords to gain access to the blog. The recordings are intended as a supplement to the tuition; this is therefore not counted as an approved replacement for not having been present at the lectures.
Notices at the entrance to the lectures and in the tuition rooms advise that recording will take place. Presence during recording is counted as consent by the students. The recordings will not in practice contain any questions from the room or pictures of the students unless they actually pass by the camera. It is the lecturer and the board that has the focus of the recordings.
The project DigUiB (Digital aids and support systems for tuition at the University of Bergen) was started following an initiative from the students through the University Board’s Education Committee. DigUib is looking into the use of digital aids and support systems for teaching at UiB.
Academic discussions
All tuition a the Faculty of Law in Bergen is based on research. For many subjects, academic discussions are published on the net following a lecture, something that provides the students with unique access to the research environment. In these academic discussions, the professors at the Faculty discuss different issues, and the students are given the opportunity to ask questions and comment on the actual lecture.
This solution also provides possibilities for communications with other institutions.
Digital syllabus
A digital syllabus is available free of charge to students at UiB for most of the subjects. The university library makes purchases of a great deal of digital literature, and some of this is also syllabus literature.
You can find more information about digital syllabus on the University library website.
Digital exam
All study group assignments, compulsory course assignments and home examinations for the Master’s Programme in Law are submitted and assessed/graded digitally using the tuition support system KARK. KARK was developed at the Department of History at UiB.
During the spring of 2015 it was decided that digital examinations will become the norm at the Faculty of Law. All exams at the Faculty of Law are now digital. More information about digital exams at the Faculty. Digital exams at the Faculty of Law