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Virtual Role-Playing in Training Language Teachers and in Research

Myriam Danièle Coco, a member of the Digital Culture Research Group, successfully defended her PhD in March. The title of her dissertation is “Jeux de rôles virtuels et dévoilement des représentations. Une étude didactique dans une perspective innovatrice des pratiques dans l’enseignement du français langue étrangère.”


Coco's dissertation research is connected to the teaching of language didactics at the University of Bergen. Coco examined the use of information- and communication technologies (ICTs) and their potential for uncovering future language teachers' representations about language teaching and language learning. Representations are preconceptions that affect the ways in which we understand our surroundings, analyse events and create expectations about what may come to pass. The way in which a teacher teaches will be closely connected to the representations that underlie his or her pedagogical and didactic choices. Representations are generally resistant to change, but can be developed and modified through experience and conscious change.


Myriam Danièle Coco was born in Fort-de-France (Martinique, France) in 1972. She has an MA degree in linguistics from Université Nancy 2 (France) in 2000. She has been a PhD fellow at the Pyschological and the Humanities Faculties. Coco has also had various engagements at the Humanities Faculty as an Assistant Professor in foreign language didactics and in digital culture, and as a French teacher in Norway and abroad.

Myriam blogs at http://iktoglaering.wordpress.com/