
Forskningsgruppe for beslutningstaking, intuisjon, bevissthet og emosjoner


DICE-lab is a research group with a focus is on basic and applied research within the field of cognitive psychology. DICE stands for Decision making, Intuition, Consciousness and Emotion. The acronym captures our interest in how our everyday decisions, judgements, reasoning and behaviour are directed by a complex interplay between conscious and unconscious processes, and are influenced by both intuition and emotion. The group works on the interaction of these mental ingredients across many domains.

What we study

In the area of “higher” cognition, our thematic focus includes the processes involved in making decisions and evaluating risk, and in applied metacognition. In basic research on consciousness we study perceptual sensation, synaesthesia, visual imagery and implicit learning. We also study the influence of cultural and linguistic differences on our mental processes, especially on perception and on numerical, spatial and temporal cognition. The group has expertise in the cross-disciplinary interface between archaeology, anthropology and psychology, for example in archaeological analysis of artistic expression. Within more applied areas of psychology, our projects specialise on economic and environmental decision making – with focus on perception and evaluation of climate change – as well as the psychology of therapeutic care.

Our research methods include laboratory-based studies, survey and questionnaire-based work, cross-linguistic and cross-cultural studies, and qualitative approaches.

Who we are

For more details, check the list of group members below.

Andrea Bender

Combining psychology and anthropology

Andrea Bender combines psychology and anthropology to observe how our language and culture shape the way we perceive the world.

EPCC` members with nation flag in background


European Perceptions of Climate Change: A Representative Survey in UK, Norway, France and Germany