Forskerskole i molekylærbiologi og bioinformatikk


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What are your skills and how do you communicate them? Workshop May 22nd

A PhD opens up many career opportunities. Formulating and presenting your own skills is essential in pursuing a job. This might be particularly challenging if you are looking for jobs outside academic research.


During this workshop you will be presented to a framework for communicating your own skills, get practical tips and tools, and be able to work on your own presentations (CV and more) under guidance.

In cooperation with the Career Centre at the UoB, we have put together a workshop which aims at i) providing a framework for communicating your own skills to potential employers inluding practical tips and hints and ii) provide practical training through working under guidance with your own presentations including your CV.

In addition to 2 advisers from the Career Centre, we Hiwa Målen will also join us.  Hiwa is currently a project manager with Aker Solutions, and has previously been a PhD-student and post doc in Molecular biology/Biochemistry at the UoB.  He will share his experiences from the transition from academia to industry, and also join us for the practical sessions.

After the workshop you are all invited to a social gathering with a bit to eat.

Please note that the main language will be Norwegian, as the course is primarily intended for candidates who wish to pursue a career in Norway.  However, many of the slides will be in English and we will try to help with translation as far as we can.

When: 22nd May, 2013

Where: Conference room C, Vilvite (Thormølens gate 51)

Registration Deadline:  Wednesday 8th May, 2013

Register to: contact.mcb@mbi.uib.no



12.00:  Welcome

12.05:  My experiences in moving from academic resarch to industry - Hiwa Målen

12.50-13: Break

13.00:  The pyramide of skills – mapping your own skills.

13.30:  Speed-presentations

14.00-14.15: Break

14.15:  CV – theory and practical work on your own CV

15.20:  Job ads – anything for me?

16:30 – Food/Social