Senter for geobiologi


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Day 14 – 8 July

Around 06:00 the ship stopped battling the head wind and moved into a stationary position over the expected location of the CTD on the sea-floor (267m).


Position: 70N 17E (around lunchtime)
Temperature: 10.3 (air) 10.2 (water)
Wind speed: 6.4m/s
Wave height: 2.4m (average)
Visibility: excellent
Weather: fine, clear and sunny

The crew and the ROV operators started discussing the feasibility of a rescue operation.

The decision was made to go ahead and the rescue effort was begun.

The ROV was launched in record time before any waves could knock it against the ship's side. The ROV cameras quickly located the CTD lying on its side on the sea floor.

The crew sent down another line with a large hook, weights and a transponder.

Jan Bryn successfully manipulated the ROV robot arm to recover the hook and to attach it to the CTD.

The crew worked efficiently and recovered both the ROV and CTD without mishap under the challenging weather conditions.

Next stop - Tromsø!!