Senter for geobiologi


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CGB Collaborators

A primary objective of the research centre is to facilitate the interactions that are needed to meet interdisciplinary scientific challenges of geo-biosphere research.


At UiB

Collaborations between geologists and microbiologists started at UiB about 20 years ago, and a geomicrobiology group has gradually developed through joint research projects. This Geomicrobiology Group (GMG) has played a central and pioneering role in the initial exploration of the deep biosphere of the oceanic crust.

In addition to CGB project leaders, the following UiB senior scientist collaborators play a key role in the centre:

  • Haflidi Haflidason (marine geology)
  • Nils-Kåre Birkeland (extremophiles)
  • Tanja Barth (organic chemistry)
  • Martin Hovland (cold seeps, Statoil/UiB)

In the Bergen region

There is a cluster of research institutions and companies specialising in subsea and subseafloor technology in the Bergen region. Recently, this cluster was awarded a "Center of Research-based Innovation" in sensor technology and a "Norwegian Center of Expertise" in subsea technology. Our research on the deep seafloor and involvement in IODP and the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) programmes depend on sub-sea and sensor technology. We collaborate closely with these centres and add a basic research, deep-sea exploration and outreach dimension to the strong subsea initiatives already present in Bergen.

University of Washington

University of Washington (UW), Department of Oceanography is a critical international and active partner with expertise that contributes to most of CGB's research themes. Our collaboration involves providing access to essential laboratories, human resources and marine infrastructure, such as the world's first regional cabled subsea observatory off the Pacific coast of USA and Canada through the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI).

International programs

Sampling and investigation of the deep biosphere requires drilling platforms. The exploration of the deep biosphere therefore depends on international cooperation. The exploration of the deep, subseafloor biosphere has become one of three major scientific themes in the international Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), which operates three drilling platforms.

UiB is a key institution in the Norwegian IODP effort. It hosts the NFR-funded Norwegian IODP-office headed by the CoE Director. The CGB in cooperation with its international partners, actively uses the opportunities the ocean drilling program provides. A major aim of the centre is to contribute to the development of experiments and research strategies needed to make significant advances in the understanding of the deep biosphere through the IODP.

The CGB is an international partner in the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) program. The program is deploying a regional cabled ocean observatory on the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate off the west coast of USA and Canada. In collaboration with UW we aim to design geochemical and geomicrobiological experiments to conduct on the cable and to use the cable for outreach and educational purposes. The OOI program will be important for technology exchange between USA and Norway and will provide UiB with important experience and know-how for the planning and deployment of a future European cable off the coast of Norway.

The centre uses opportunities provided by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) to address important research objectives concerning the deep biosphere and early earth environments. Members of the centre have been actively involved in the FARDEEP drilling project in Fennoscandia - Arctic Russia to investigate the Palaeoproterozoic earth. Several of our international collaborators are involved in the ICDP projects. Centre researchers also took part in ICDP-drilling of the Achaean rocks of the Barberton Greenstone Belt to address issues on early life.

European partners

Together with a subgroup, we submitted a proposal to the ESF-funded Challenges of Marine Coring Research program (EuroMARC) for a collaborative research program on ultra-slow spreading and hydrogen-based deep biosphere.

Theme leaders and senior scientists have coordinated and participated in a range of projects in the EU Framework Programmes. Additionally, the centre has close links to the InterRidge program where the centre leader is a member of the steering committee.