Violence and threats
“Guidelines for handling violence and threats” shall help prevent violence and threats against employees and ensure that violent or threatening situations are handled effectively and followed up on.
UiB has Guidelines for handling violence and threats that clarify responsibilities, prevention requirements, and the handling and follow-up of violence and threats.
These guidelines cover third-party violence and threats and apply to the entire organisation and all UiB employees. In this context, "third-party" means persons who are not UiB employees and who threaten or are violent towards a UiB employee in the context of the latter's work situation.
Harassment between employees and/or leaders are handled in accordance with UiB's Guidelines for conflict management (NO) and Guidelines for Notification (Whistleblowing).
Harassment between employees is handled in accordance with UiB's Guidelines for conflict management (NO) and Guidelines for Notification (Whistleblowing).
Prevention of violence and threats
Preventing violence and threats is part of the systematic HSE work. It entails mapping dangers, assessing risks, preparing plans and prioritising measures, and implementing measures to reduce the risk factors.
Mapping and risk assessments
The line managers shall ensure that risks are mapped and assessed. The mapping will identify activities that may entail a risk of violence and threats. The Safety delegate and employee representatives shall participate in this work along with the line manager.When the risks have been mapped and assessed, the line manager shall prepare plans and ensure that measures are implemented to reduce the risk factors.
Find more information about risk assessment in the HSE-gateway.
Information ang training
The line manager is responsible for ensuring that the employees receive necessary information and adapted training related to the completed risk assessment, so as to enable them to effectively handle violence and threats.
- Sikresiden has advise on how to handle violence and threats.
- An e-learning course is accessible, through which you can learn strategies to enhance your chances of survival in an ongoing, life-threatening, violent situation. The course comprises five modules.