Institutt for sammenliknende politikk


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Public Defense Marybel Perez Suarez


M.Phil. Marybel Perez Suarez, Department of Comparative politics, will defend her dissertation “The European Union’s socialising institutions: The Role of EU think tanks in EU policymaking” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.


Time: Tuesday 2 December 2014 at 10.15 am

Place: Auditorium, Ulrikke Pihls House, Professor Keysersgate 1

Opponents for the public defence:

1. opponent: Donald Abelson, Professor, Western University , Department of Political Science

2. opponent: Dr. Stella Ladi, Senior lecturer in Public Management , Queen Mary University of London

The third member of the committee is Professor Kristin Strømsnes, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.


The public defence will be chaired by Acting Dean, Professor Ståle Knudsen.


The event is open to the public.