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Open Lecture

Welfare, Social Risks and Poverty in Puerto Rico

Open Lecture by Gibrán Cruz-Martínez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Welfare, Social Risks and Poverty in Puerto Rico


Since 1898 Puerto Rico has been a non-incorporated territory of the United States of America, and in comparison to the 50 states of the US, Puerto Rico is considered to be the poorest as 45% of the population live below the poverty line.

Even though the welfare state of the United States has been studied in depth, little is known of the Puerto Rican reality: degree of institutionalization, coverage and results. Inspired in the US, Puerto Rico’s welfare programs and institutions had a residual / liberal nature since its origins.

You are most welcome to join us when Gibrán Cruz-Martínezdiscusses his work on the topic; Welfare, Social Risk and Poverty in Puerto Rico.


Crus-Martínez is a guest researcher at CROP and UiB, and a PhD Cadidate at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology,Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


This lecture is arranged by UiB-Global

Free and open for all
