Metodologiske emner i oral helserelatert forskning


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The official language of the conference is English. In hotels, shops, busses or taxis most people speak English.

Passport and Visa

All information regarding visa requirements can be found at the pages of the Norwegian immigration authorities (http://www.udi.no/en/want-to-apply/visit-and-holiday/).


The official currency in Norway is the Norwegian krone.


Bergen has a temperate oceanic climate, with cool winters and mild summers as well as a quite high precipitation, mostly in the autumn and winter months (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergen#Climate). Nevertheless, you should be alert for rain even in summer.


Electricity is 230 V, 50 Hz. Sockets are the standard European type and two-prong round pin plugs, with a hole for a male grounding pin, are standard.


The conference organizers do not take responsibility for any type of insurance.