Institutt for geovitenskap


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PhD seminar 2015

Mountain Farm


Dear PhD candidates and supervisors

We would like to invite you to this year`s PhD seminar held at Eidfjord Fjell & Fjord Hotel, Hardanger, 22-23 September for which all of you are invited!

GEO´s PhD candidates retreat once a year for two days. This year we have chosen Eidfjord Fjell & Fjord Hotel. We also invite the supervisors. The main purpose of the seminar is to get to know your peers and teaching/research staff at our department better, to exchange ideas and to open our minds to other field of geoscience.

This year's programme includes:

  1. A presentation of a recently finished PhD candidate, who will talk about his experiences and challenges during the time as a PhD candidate at our department.
  2. An excursion along the Hardangerfjord, covering structural and quaternary geology, as well as historical aspects; we will vist Kjeåsen - a small isolated farm 600 moh.
  3. A presentation on "Modern Geology and Ancient Myths in the Mediterranean area"
  4. A presentation of ethics in research
  5. A question hour on regulations and administrative issues.

Additionally, we would like you to contribute with a very short presentation of yourself and your research project. We suggest that each of you prepare a presentation of 3 slides, no more than 3-5 min.

Lunch and dinner are provided on the first day as well as breakfast and lunch on the second day. We will leave at ca. 08.15 on 22 september by bus and will be back in the afternoon on the 23 September (ca. 16.30). Our department will cover the expenses for travel, food and the hotel. For the first day (field visits) you should bring rain gear and waterproof shoes or wellingtons.

We hope that many of you can participate.

Joachim Jacobs
(coordinator for the seminar)

PLEASE SIGN UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND WITHIN 4 SEPTEMBER on the following link: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/embed.php?id=1409553