Forskningsgruppe for paraneoplasi


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Torbjørn Kråkenes

PhD student



Torbjørn is a PhD student at our lab funded by the Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen. He has a master degree in Medical Cell Biology and is scheduled for dissertation of his PhD in 2020.

Contact: torbjorn.krakenes@uib.no


Attended courses


- Cerebellum Gordon Research congress, Lewiston, Maine, USA.

- European Society of Neuroimmunology (ESNI) congress, Venice, Italy.

- Advanced Live Cell Imaging course, Center for Advanced Bioimaging, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


- Ultracentrifugtaion course by Beckman Coulter, University of Bergen, Norway.

- European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) meeting, Ion Channels and Immune Response toward a global understanding of immune cell physiology and for new therapeutic approaches (IONCHAN-IMMUNRESPON), Lisbon, Portugal.


- Neural Stem Cells: Development and Brain Repair course, Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies (NSAS), Florence, Italy.


- International Society of Neuroimmunology (ISNI) congress, Mainz, Germany.

- Confocal microscopy course at the Molecular Imaging Center (MIC), University of Bergen, Norway.

- FELASA C through the LAS301 and LAS302 courses, University of Bergen, Norway.


Onconeural autoantibodies associated with neurodegeneration.


Subcellular localization of cerebellar degeneration-related protein (CDR) 2 and 2L (CDR2 and CDR2L) and their function in:

  1. Cancer cells
  2. Purkinje neurons


Skill set

Genetics: Vector design, cloning, plasmid production, DNA extraction (genotyping), quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), gene transfer (transfection).

Molecular biology: Protein extraction, subcellular fractionation, immunohistochemistry (Western blot, co-immunoprecipitation, DUO-link, immunofluorescence).

Cell physiology: Neuronal cell culture (cerebellar and hippocampal neuron culture, organotypic slice culture), cancer cell lines and stem cells.

Microscopy: Superresolution microscopy, confocal microscopy, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, widefield microscopy.

Animal handling: Rodents (rats, mice).

Information technology: BioEdit, SerialCloner, ImageJ, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, Imaris, Microsoft Office, homepage/Facebook/Instagram/logo design.