Albert Imsland


Professor, II





Professor II Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland (Januar 2025, ISI statistic 233, H-indeks 45) har lang forskningserfaring innen vekst og utvikling hos fisk, reproduksjon og tilpasning til miljøet, med fokus på marine arter. Sentral i Imslands forskning er miljømessig og arvelig styring av vekst og kjønnsmodning og hvordan disse prosessene påvirkes av indre og ytre faktorer. Imsland innehar også stilling som forskningsdirektør i akvakultur hos Akvaplan-niva i Tromsø. Via den stillingen, og sin bistilling ved UiB, bidrar Imsland til å gjøre forskningsfunn og kunnskap tilgjengelig for havbruksnæringen.




BIO205 Praksisperiode, lovverk og forvaltning i akvakultur

BIO205A Lovverk og forvaltning i akvakultur

BIO203 Innføring i havbruk – Genetikk i akvakultur, bruk av rensefisk i akvakultur

Cand. scient. og Master studenter:

52 studenter som har tatt graden, 3 studenter under veiledning

Dr. scient og PhD studenter:

11 studenter som har tatt graden, 4 studenter under veiledning


Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Short communication
Faglig kapittel

Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin


  1. Imsland, A.K., Gunnarsson, S., Ásgeirsson, Á., Kristjánsson, B., Árnason, J., Jónsson, A.F., Smáradóttir, H. and Thorarensen, H. 2010. Long term rearing of Atlantic halibut at intermediate salinities: effect on growth and blood physiology. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 41115-123. 
  2. Koedijk, R., Le François, N.R., Blier, P.U., Foss, A., Folkvord, A., Ditlecadet, D., Lamarre, S.G., Stefansson, S.O., and Imsland, A.K. 2010. Ontogenetic effects of diet during early development on growth performance, myosin mRNA expression and metabolic enzyme activity in Atlantic cod juveniles reared at different salinities. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 156A, 102-109.
  3. Gústavsson, A., Imsland, A.K., Gunnarsson, S., Foss, A., Árnason, J., Jónsson, A., Smáradóttir, H., Arnarson, I. and Thorarensen, H. 2010. Growth dynamics and blood physiology of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) in relation to photoperiod and salinity. Aquaculture International 18, 433-445.
  4. Roth, B., Imsland, A.K., Stien, L.H., Schelvis-Smit, R, Gunnarsson, S. and Foss, A. 2010. The influence of anaerobic muscle activity, maturation and season on the flesh quality of farmed turbot. Aquaculture International 18, 461-474.
  5. Tremblay-Bourgeois, S., N. R. Le François, N.R., Roy, R.L., Benfey, T.J., Imsland, A.K. 2010. Effect of rearing density on the growth and welfare indices of juvenile spotted wolffish, Anarhichas minor (Olafsen). Aquaculture Research 41, 1179-1189.
  6. Koedijk, R., Folkvord, A., Foss, A., Pittman, K., Stefansson, S.O., Handeland, S., and Imsland, A.K. 2010. The influence of first-feeding diet on the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua phenotype: survival, development and long-term consequences for growth. Journal of Fish Biology 77, 1-19.
  7. Thorarensen, H., Gústavsson, A., Mallya, Y., Gunnarsson, S., Árnason, J Arnarson, I., Jónsson, A.F., Smáradóttir, H., Zoega, G.Th. and Imsland, A.K. 2010. The effect of oxygen saturation on the growth and feed conversion of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.). Aquaculture 309, 96-102.
  8. Folkvord, A., Koedijk, R., Lokøy, V, Imsland, A.K.. 2010. Timing and selectivity of mortality in reared Atlantic cod revealed by otolith analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes 89, 513-519.



  9. Gunnarsson, S., Imsland, A.K., Árnason, J., Gústavsson, A., Arnarson, I., Jónsson, J.K., Foss, A., Stefansson, S. and Thorarensen, H. 2011. Effect of rearing temperature on growth of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) during juvenile and on-growing periods. Aquaculture Research 42, 221-229.
  10. Imsland, A.K., Koedijk, R., Stefansson, S.O., Foss, A., Hjörleifsdóttir, S., Hreggviðsson, G.Ó., Otterlei, E. and Folkvord, A. 2011. A retrospective approach to fractionize variation in body mass of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Journal of Fish Biology 78, 251-264.
  11. Imsland, A.K., Våge, K.A., Handeland, S. and Stefansson, S.O. 2011. Growth and osmoregulation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post-smolts in relation to different feeding frequencies and salinities. Aquaculture Research 42, 469-479.
  12. Paust, L.O., Imsland, A.K., and Foss. A. 2011. Effects of chronic and periodic exposure to ammonia on growth, feed conversion efficiency and blood physiology in juvenile Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.). Aquaculture 315, 400-406. 
  13. Imsland, A.K., Gunnarsson, S. 2011. Growth and maturation in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in response to different feed rations. Aquaculture 318, 407-411.
  14. [1]Larsen, S., Imsland, A.K., Lohne, P., Pittman, K. and Foss. A. 2011. Stepwise temperature regulation and its effect on growth, feeding, blood physiology and muscle growth patterns of juvenile Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.). Aquaculture International 19, 825-837.
  15. Remø, S., Erstad, B., Imsland, A.K. and Waagbø, R. 2011. Eye health in juvenile halibut at two commercial production densities. Aquaculture 321, 21-25.



  16. Remen, M., Oppedal, F., Torgeirsen, T., Imsland, A.K. and Olsen, R.E. 2012. Effects of cyclic environmental hypoxia on physiology and feed intake of post-smolt Atlantic salmon: Initial responses and acclimation. Aquaculture 326, 148-155.
  17. [2]Lohne, P., Imsland, A.K., Larsen, S., Foss., A. and Pittman, K. 2012. Interactive effect of photoperiod and temperature on growth rates, muscle growth and feed conversion in juvenile Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Aquaculture Research 43, 187-197.
  18. Liakonis, K.M., Waagbø, R., Foss, A., Breck, O. and Imsland, A.K. 2012. Effects of chronic and periodic exposures to ammonia on the eye health in juvenile Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 38, 421-430.
  19. Leknes, E., Imsland, A.K., Gústavsson, A., Gunnarsson, S., Thorarensen, H., and Árnason, J. 2012. Optimum feed formulation for turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Rafinesque, 1810): minimum protein content in diet for maximum growth. Aquaculture 344-349, 114-119.
  20. [3]Koedijk, R., Imsland, A.K. Folkvord, A., Stefansson, S.O., Jonassen, T.M. and Foss, A. 2012. Larval rearing environment influences the adaptation capacity in the juvenile period in Atlantic cod. Aquaculture International 20, 467-479.
  21. Gunnarsson, S., Imsland, A.K., Arnarson, I., Siikavuopio, S.I., Gústavsson, A. and Thorarensen, H. 2012. Enhanced growth of farmed Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) following a temporal treatment of short day photoperiod. Aquaculture 350-353, 75-81.
  22. Hansen, H., Imsland, A.K., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Bjørnevik, M., Solberg, C., Roth, B., Norberg, B., Powell, M.,2012. Effect of different feeding regimes on growth in juvenile Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. Aquaculture 364-365, 298-304. 
  23. Fjelldal, P.G., Imsland, A.K., Hansen, T. 2012. Vaccination and dietary P affects age at puberty in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture 364-365, 333-337.



  24. Handeland, S.O., Imsland, A.K., Ebbesson, L.O.E., Nilsen, T.O., Hosfeld, C., Baeverfjord, G., Espmark, Å., Rosten, T., Skilbrei, O.T, Gunnarson, G.S., Breck, O. and Stefansson, S.O. 2013. Low light intensity can reduce Atlantic salmon smolt quality. Aquaculture 384-387, 19-24. 
  25. Siikavuopio, S.I., Foss, A., Sæther, B.S., Gunnarsson, S. and Imsland, A.K. 2013. Comparison of the growth performance of offspring from cultured versus wild populations of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, kept at three different temperatures. Aquaculture Research 44, 995-1001.
  26. Tremblay-Bourgeois, S., N. R. Le François, N.R., Roy, R.L., Savoie, A., Imsland, A.K., Dupont-Cyr, A.B., and Benfey, T.J. 2013. Cortisol response to chronic and acute stress in the spotted wolffish, Anarhichas minor (Olafsen). Journal of Applied Aquaculture 25w, 248-264.
  27. Handeland, S.O., Imsland, A.K., Björnsson, B.Th., Stefansson, S.O. and Porter, M. 2013. Physiology during smoltification in Atlantic salmon: effect of melatonin implants. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39, 1079-1088.
  28. Remen, M., Oppedal, F., Imsland, A.K., Olsen, R.E. and Torgersen, T. 2013. Hypoxia tolerance thresholds for post-smolt Atlantic salmon: Dependency of temperature and hypoxia acclimation. Aquaculture 416, 41-47. 
  29. Imsland, A.K., Gunnarsson, S., Roth, B., Foss, A., Le Deuff, S., Norberg, B., Thorarensen, H., Helmvig, T., Kristjánsson, B. 2013. Long term effect of photoperiod manipulation on growth, maturation and flesh quality in turbot. Aquaculture 416-417, 152-160.
  30. Imsland, A.K., Hansen, H., Roth, B., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Bjørnevik, M., Powell, M., Solberg, C. and Norberg, B. 2013. Short term exposure to continuous light delays sexual maturation and increases growth of Atlantic cod in sea pens. Aquaculture Research 44, 1665-1676.
  31. Handeland, S., Imsland, A.K., Björnsson, B.Th. and Stefansson, S.O. 2013. Long-term effects of photoperiod and temperature and their interaction on growth, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity, seawater tolerance and plasma growth hormone levels in Atlantic salmon. Journal of Fish Biology 83, 1197-1209. 



  32. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Hangstad, T.A., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Elvegård, T.A. 2014. The use of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) to control sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Krøyer) infestations in intensively farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture 425-426, 18-23. 
  33. Handeland, S.O., Imsland, A.K., Ebbesson, L.O.E., Nilsen, T.O., Hosfeld, C.D., Teien, H.Ch. and Stefansson, S.O. 2014. Osmoregulation and growth in wild Atlantic salmon smolts at different temperatures. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97, 285-296. 
  34. Vandamme, S.G., Maes, G.E., Raeymaekers, J.A.M., Cottenie, K., Imsland, A.K., Hellemans, B., Lacroix, G., Mac Aoidh, E., Martinsohn, J.T., Martínez, P., Robbens, J., Vilas, R. and Volckaert, F.A.M. 2014. Regional environmental pressure influences population differentiation in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Molecular Ecology 23, 618-636
  35. Imsland, A.K., Ólafsson, K., Skírnisdóttir, S., Gunnarsson, S., Heylar, S, Oddgeirsson, M., Skadal, J. and Folkvord., 2014. A. Life history of turbot in Iceland: intra- and inter-population genetic diversity and otolith tracking of environmental temperatures. Fisheries Research 155, 185-193.
  36. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Hangstad, T.A., Nytrø, A.V., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Elvegård, T.A. 2014. Notes on behaviour of lumpfish in sea pens with and without Atlantic salmon. Journal of Ethology 32, 117-122. 
  37. Jóhannsdóttir, J., Heimisdóttir, H.L., Hákonardóttir, K., Hrólfsdóttir, Steinarsson, A., Imsland, A.K., Thorarensen, H. and Björnsdóttir, R. 2014. Improved performance of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae following enrichment using a fish protein hydrolysate. Aquaculture Nutrition 20, 314-323.
  38. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Hangstad, T.A., Nytrø, A.V., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Elvegård, T.A. 2014. Assessment of growth and sea lice infection levels in Atlantic salmon stocked in small-scale cages with lumpfish. Aquaculture 433, 137-142.
  39. Imsland, A.K., Handeland, S. and Stefansson, S.O. 2014. Growth and maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared under constant temperatures and photoperiods in fresh- and seawater. Aquaculture International 22, 1331-1345.
  40. Remen, M., Aas, T.S., Vågseth, T., Torgersen, T., Olsen, R.E., Imsland, A.K. and Oppedal, F. 2014. Production performance of Atlantic salmon post-smolts in cyclic hypoxia, and following compensatory growth. Aquaculture Research 45, 1355-1366. 
  41. Roth, B., Kramer, L., Vorre, A., Løvdal, T., Øines, S., Foss, A., Imsland, A.K. 2014. The shelf life of farmed turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Journal of Food Science 79, 1568-1574.
  42. Imsland, A.K., Haugen, T., Håvardstun, S. and Mangor-Jensen, A. 2014. Triploid induction in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) by the use of different pressure levels. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 26, 252-262.
  43. Nytrø, A.V., Vikingstad, E., Foss, A., Hangstad, T.A., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Elvegård, T.A., Falk-Petersen, I.B and Imsland, A.K. 2014. The effect of temperature and fish size on growth of juvenile lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.). Aquaculture 434, 296-302. 
  44. Árnason, T., Gunnarsson, S., Björnsson, B.Th., Thorarensen, H., Smáradóttir, H., Steinarsson, A., Gústavsson, A., Johanson, M. and Imsland, A.K. 2014Long-term rearing of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in different salinity regimes at constant temperature. Journal of Fish Biology 85, 1145-1162. 
  45. [4]Handeland, S., Imsland, A.K., Nilsen, T.O., Ebbesson, L.O.E., Hosfeld, C.D., Petrosa, C. and Stefansson, S.O. 2014. Osmoregulation in wild Atlantic salmon smolts transferred to seawater at different temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 85, 1163-1176. 
  46. Gunnarsson, S., Marcus, F., Gústavsson, A., Árnason, T., Árnason, J., Smáradóttir, H., Björnsson, B.Th., Thorarensen, H. and Imsland, A.K. 2014. Farming of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) at intermediate salinities, effect from short day treatment during freshwater stage. Journal of Fish Biology 85, 1211-1226.



  47. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Hangstad, T.A., Nytrø, A.V., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Elvegård, T.A. 2015. Feeding preferences of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) maintained in open net-pens with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture 436, 47-51. 
  48. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Hangstad, T.A., Nytrø, A.V., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Elvegård, T.A. 2015. Assessment of suitable substrates for lumpfish in sea pens. Aquaculture International 23, 639-645.
  49. Lambooij, E., Bracke, M.B.M., Reimert, H.G.M., Foss, A., Imsland, A.K., van de Vis, J.W. 2015. Electrophysiological and behavioural responses of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) cooled in ice water. Physiology and Behaviour 149, 23-28.
  50. Jørpeland, G., Imsland, A.K., Stien, L.H., Bleie, H. and Roth, B. 2015. Effects of filleting method, stress, storage and season on the quality of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Aquaculture Research 46, 1597-1607.
  51. Thorarensen, H., Kubiriza, G.K., Imsland, A.K. 2015 Experimental design and statistical analyses of fish growth studies. Aquaculture 428, 483-490. 



  1. Bjørndal, T., Guillen, J., Imsland, A.K. 2016. The potential of aquaculture sole production in Europe: Production costs and markets. Aquaculture Economics and Management 20, 109–129.
  2. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Mortensen, A., Hansen, Ø.J., Puvanendran, V., Hangstad, T.A., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Emaus, P.A., Elvegård, T.A., Lemmens, S.C.A., Rydland, R., Nytrø, A.V., Jonassen, T.M. 2016. Is cleaning behavior in lumpfish (Cycloptherus lumpus) parentally controlled? Aquaculture 459, 156-165.
  3. Imsland, A.K. Helmvig, T., Kristjánsson, G.Ö. and Árnason, J. 2016. Effect of fish protein replacement in diets for turbot. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 16, 267-273.
  4. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Nytrø, A.V., Eliassen, G., Hangstad, T.A., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Emaus, P.A., Elvegård, T.A., Lemmens, S.C.A., Rydland, R., Jonassen, T.M. 2016. Effects of lumpfish size on foraging behaviour and co-existence with sea lice infected Atlantic salmon in sea cages. Aquaculture 465, 19-27.
  5. Døskeland, I., Imsland, A.K.D., Fjelldal, P.G., Eriksen, K.E., Stefansson, S.O., Roth, B., Mikalsen, B., Handeland, S. 2016. The effect of low temperatures and photoperiods on growth and vertebra morphometry in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture International 24, 1421-1434. 
  6. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Hangstad, T.A., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Elvegård, T.A., Lemmens, S.C.A., Rydland, R., Nytrø, A.V. 2016. Investigation and quantification of behavioural interactions between lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and Goldsinny (Ctenolabrus rupestris) under controlled conditions. Aquaculture International 24, 1509-1521
  7. Imsland, A.K., Pettersen, K., Stefansson, S.O., 2016. Growth and parr-smolt transformation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from cold, warm and hydropower regulated rivers. River Research and Applications 32, 1800-1807.



  1. Gunnarsson, G.S., Karlsbakk, E., Blindheim, S., Plarre, H., Imsland, A.K., Handeland, S., Sveier, H., Nylund, A., 2017. Desmozoon lepeophtherii (microsporidian) infections and pancreas disease (PD) outbreaks in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture 468141-148. 
  2. Calabrese, S., Nilsen, T.O., Ebbesson, L., Pedrosa, C., Fivelstad, S., Hosfeld, C., Stefansson, S.O., Terjesen, B.F., Takle, H., Martins, C., Sveier, H., Mathisen, F., Kolarevic, J., Imsland, A.K., and Handeland, S. 2017. Stocking density limits for post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture 468, 363–370. 
  3. Bjørnevik, M., Hansen, H., Roth, B., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Powell, M., Solberg, C., Norberg, B. and Imsland, A.K. 2017. Effect of starvation, subsequent feeding and photoperiod on flesh quality in farmed cod (Gadus morhua). Aquaculture Nutrition 23, 285-292.
  4. Gunnarsson, G.S., Karlsbakk, E., Blindheim, S., Nylund, H., Imsland, A.K., Handeland, S., Sveier, H., Nylund, A. 2017. Temporal changes in infections with some pathogens associated with Gill Disease (GD) in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture 468, 126-134.
  5. Thorarensen, H., Gústavsson, A., Gunnarsson, S., Arnarson, I., Árnason, J., Steinarsson, A., Björnsdóttir, R., Imsland, A.K. 2017. The effect of oxygen saturation on the growth and feed conversion of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Aquaculture 475, 24-28.
  6. Imsland, A.K.D., Roth, B., Fjelldal, P.G., Stefansson, S.O., Handeland, S., Mikalsen, B., 2017. The effect of continuous light at low temperatures on growth in Atlantic salmon reared in commercial size sea pens. Aquaculture 479, 645-651. 
  7. Hvas, M., Folkedal, Imsland, A.K., Oppedal, F., 2017. The effect of thermal acclimation on aerobic scope and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 2757-2764. 



  8. Thorarensen, H., Imsland, A.K., Gunnarsson, S., Gústavsson, A., Arnarson, I., Árnason, J., Steinarsson, A., Bouwmans, J., Receveur, L., Björnsdóttir, R. 2018. Possible interactive effect of ammonia and COon growth performance and feed conversion in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Aquaculture 484, 272-276. 
  9. Imsland, A.K., Jonassen, T.M., Hangstad, T.A., Stefansson, S.O., Elvegård, T.A., Lemmens, S.C.A., Urskog, T.C., Nytrø, A.V., Reynolds, P., 2018. The effect of continuous light and compressed photoperiods on growth and maturation in lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus. Aquaculture 485, 166-172. 
  10. Folkvord, A., Imsland, A.K., Grahl-Nielsen, O., Meier S., Olsen B.R., Blom, G., and Koedijk, R., 2018. You are what you eat? Differences in nutritional composition of cod larvae reared on natural zooplankton and enriched rotifers. Aquaculture Nutrition 24, 224-235. 
  11. Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Schregel, J., Hagen, S., Tobiassen, C., Aarnes, S.G., Imsland, A.K.D. 2018Population structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: aquaculture implications. Aquaculture International 26, 49-60. 
  12. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Jonassen, T.M., Hangstad, T.A., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Stefansson, S.O., Noble, T., Wilson, W., Mackie, J.A., Elvegård, T.A., Urskog, T.C., Mikalsen, B., 2018. Feeding behaviour and growth of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) fed with feed blocks. Aquaculture Research 49, 2006-2012. 
  13. Sambraus, F., Remen, M., Olsen, R.E., Hansen, T.J., Waagbø, R., Torgersen, T., Lock, E.J., Imsland, A.K.D., Fjelldal, P.G. 2018. Production performance and physiological status in adult diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) subjected to increasing temperature and hypoxic periods. Aquaculture Environment Interaction 10, 157-172.
  14. [5]Árnason, J., Imsland, A.K.D., Helmig, T., Gunnarsson, S. and Kristjánsson, G.Ö. 2018. Fishmeal replacement by mixed plant proteins and effect on growth and sensory attributes in on-growing turbot Aquaculture Nutrition 34, 1141-1147. 
  15. Powell, A, Treasurer, J.W., Pooley, C.L., Keay, A.J., Lloyd, R., Imsland, A.K. and Garcia de Leaniz, C. 2018. Cleaner fish for sea-lice control in salmon farming: challenges and opportunities using lumpfish. Reviews in Aquaculture 10, 683-702. 
  16. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Jonassen, T.M., Hangstad, T.A., Elvegård, T.A., Urskog, T.C., Mikalsen, B. 2018. Effects of three commercially available diets on growth, cataract development and health of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.). Aquaculture Research 49, 3131-3141. 
  17. Imsland, A.K., Hanssen, A., Reynolds, P., Nytrø, A.V., Jonassen, T.M., Hangstad, T.A., Elvegård, T.A., Urskog, T.C., Mikalsen, B. 2018. It works! Lumpfish can significantly lower sea lice infections in large scale salmon farming Biology Open 7, bio036301. doi:10.1242/bio.036301
  18. Hvas, M., Folkedal, O., Imsland, A.K., Oppedal, F. 2018. Metabolic rates, swimming capabilities, thermal niche and stress response of the lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus. Biology Open 7, bio036079. doi:10.1242/bio.036079. 
  19. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Eliassen, G., Berg-Hansen, L., Hangstad, T.A., Elvegård, T.A., Urskog, T.C., Mikalsen, B., 2018. Assessment of artificial substrates for lumpfish: effect of material thickness and water current speed. Aquaculture International 26, 1469-1479. 



  20. Imsland, A.K.D., Danielsen, M., Hangstad, T.A.., Jonassen, T.M., Falk Petersen, I.B. 2019. Egg incubation temperature regime influences hatching survival and larval quality of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus. Aquaculture 498, 217-222. 
  21. Imsland, A.K., Micallef, G., Korsnes, K., Reynolds, P. 2019. Consumption of sea lice by lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus): qPCR quantification and use of a non-destructive sampling method. Aquaculture 500, 640-644. 
  22. Imsland, A.K.D., Hangstad, T.A., Jonassen, T.M., Stefansson, S.O., Nilsen, T.O., Hovgaard, P., Elvegård, Lindberg, K.S., Mikalsen, B., Urskog, T.C., Norberg, B., Andersson, E., Spetland, F., Reynolds, P. 2019. The use of photoperiods to provide year round spawning in lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 228, 62-70. 
  23. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Jonassen, T.M., Hangstad, T.A., Elvegård, T.A., Urskog, T.C., Hanssen, A., Mikalsen, B. 2019. Effects of different feeding frequencies on growth, cataract development and histopathology of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.). Aquaculture 501, 161-168. 
  24. [6]Foss, A., Imsland, A.K. van de Vis, H., Abbink, W., Lambooij, E., Roth, B. 2019. Physiological tolerance levels for temperature shocks in turbot and sole. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 31, 34-47. 
  25. Imsland, A.K., Roth, B., Døskeland, I., Christensen, L.B., Fjelldal, P.G., Stefansson, S., Handeland, S., Mikalsen, B. 2019. Flesh quality of Atlantic salmon smolts exposed to different temperatures and photoperiods. Aquaculture Research 50, 1795-1801. 
  26. Imsland, A.K., Reynolds, P., Jonassen, T.M., Hangstad, T.A., Noble, T., Wilson, W., Mackie, J.A., Elvegård, T.A., Urskog, T.C., Mikalsen, B., 2019. Comparison of diet composition, feeding, growth and health of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) fed either feed blocks or pelleted commercial feed. Aquaculture Research 50, 1952-1963.
  27. McEwan, G.F., Groner, M.L., Cohen, A., Imsland, A.K., Revie, C.W. 2019. Modelling the use of lumpfish to control of sea lice on Atlantic salmon farms: Interactions with mate limitation, temperature and treatment rules. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 155, 69-82.
  28. Imsland, A.K.D., Frogg, N.E., Stefansson, S.O., Reynolds, P., 2019. Improving sea lice grazing of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) by feeding live feeds prior to transfer to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) net-pens. Aquaculture 511, article no: 734224. 
  29. Staven, F.R., Nordeide, J.T., Imsland, A.K., Andersen, P., Iversen, N.S., Kristensen, T. 2019. Is habituation measurable in lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus when used as cleaner fish in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar aquaculture? Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6:227. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00227 (
  30. Imsland, A.K.D., Conlon, H. 2019. Money for nothing: the possible use of recycled fish farm material as habitat for lumpfish. Aquacultural Engineering 87, article no: 102015. 



  1. Maduna, S.N., Viviam-Smith, A., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Imsland, A.K.D., Clutch, C.F.C., Nyman, T., Eiken, H.G., Hagen, S.B. 2020. Genome- and transcriptome derived microsatellite loci in lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus: molecular tools for aquaculture, conservation and fisheries management. Scientific Reports 10, article 559.
  2. Hemmingsen, W., MacKenzie, K., Sagerup, K., Remen, M., Bloch-Hansen, K., Imsland, A.K.D. 2020Caligus elongatus and other sea lice of the genus Caligus as parasites of farmed Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 522, article 735160. 
  3. Foss, A., Siikavuopio, S.I., Imsland, A.K.D. 2020. Effects of altered photoperiod regimes during winter on growth and maturation in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Aquaculture Research 51, 1365-1371. 
  4. Imsland, A.K.D., Gunnarsson, S., Thorarensen, H. 2020. Impact of environmental factors on the growth and maturation of farmed Arctic charr. Reviews in Aquaculture 12, 1289-1707. 
  5. Foss, A., Roth, B., Imsland, A.K.D., Nytrø, A. 2020. Catch me if you can: how to recapture lumpfish from net cages using light as an attractant. Aquacultural Engineering 90, 102074.
  6. Imsland, A.K.D., Reynolds, P., Lorentzen, M., Eilertsen, R.A., Micallef, G., Tvenning, R. 2020. Improving survival and health of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) by the use of feed blocks and operational welfare indicators (OWIs) in commercial Atlantic salmon cages. Aquaculture 527, 735476.
  7. Imsland, A.K.D., Reynolds, P., Remen, M., Bloch-Hansen, K., Sagerup, K., Hemmingsen, W., Mathisen, R., Myklebust, E.A. 2020. The possible use of lumpfish against Caligus elongatus: a mini review. Journal of Oceans University of China 19, 1133-1139.
  8. Imsland, A.K.D., Roth, B., Siikavuopio, S.I., Christensen, L.B., Foss, A. 2020. Effects of short-term starvation periods on flesh quality in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in different seasons. Aquaculture Research 51, 4022-4029.
  9. Foss, A., Imsland, A.K.D., Gutierrez, X., Briceño, F., Magnolfi, P., Magnolfi, S. 2020. Stocking density and its influence on growth of red cusk eel, Genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848), in shallow raceways. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 48, 818-825. 



  1. Imsland, A.K.D., Reynolds, P., Hangstad, T.A., Madura, S., Hagen, S., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Spetland, F., Lindberg, K.S. 2021. Quantification of grazing efficacy, growth and health score of different lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) families: possible size and gender effects. Aquaculture 530, 735925.
  2. Imsland, A.K.D., Ólafsdóttir, A., Árnason, J., Gústavsson, A., Thorarensen, H., Gunnarsson, S., 2021. Effect of rearing temperature on flesh quality in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Aquaculture Research 52, 1063-1070. 
  3. Bjørnevik, M., Imsland, A.K.D., Hansen, H., Roth, B., Foss, A., Vikingstad, E., Powell, M., Solberg, C., Norberg, B. 2021. Compensatory growth in Atlantic cod: effect of starvation and subsequent feeding on growth, maturation, feed utilization and flesh quality. Aquaculture Nutrition 27, 1206-1211.



  1. Imsland, A.K.D., Purvis, E., Reinardy, H., Kapari, L., Watts, E.J., Hangstad, T.A. 2022. The effects of cryogenically preserved sperm on the fertilisation, embryonic development and hatching success of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus. Aquaculture 547 737466. 
  2. Remen, M., Nes, A.M., Hangstad, T.A., Geraudie, P., Reynolds, P., Urskog, T.C., Hanssen, A., Stefansson, S.O., Imsland, A.K.D. 2022. Temperature and size-dependency of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) oxygen requirement and tolerance. Aquaculture 548 737576. 
  3. Beuvard, C., Imsland, A.K.D., Thorarensen, H. 2022. The effect of temperature on growth performance and aerobic metabolic scope in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.). Journal of Thermal Biology 104 103117. 
  4. Maduna, S.N., Vivian-Smith, A., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Imsland, A.K.D., Klütsch, C.F.C., Nyman, T., Ewiken, H.G., Hagen, S.B. 2022. Mitogenomics of the suborder Cottoidei (Teleostei: Perciformes): improved assemblies, mitogenome features, phylogeny and ecological implications. Genomics 114, 110297. 
  5. [7]Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Gíslason, D., Ólafsdóttir, G., Maduna, S., Hagen, S., Reynolds, P.Sveinsson, S., Imsland, A.K.D. 2022. Lack of population genetic structure of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) along the Norwegian coast: A reappraisal based on EST-STRs analyses. Aquaculture 555, 738230. 
  6. Øvrebø, T.K., Balseiro, P., Imsland, A.K.D., Stefansson, S.O., Tveterås, R., Sveier, H., Handeland, S., 2022. Investigation of growth performance of post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in semi closed containment system: A big-scale benchmark study. Aquaculture Research 53, 4178-4189.
  7. Hjelle, B.M.K., Imsland, A.K.D., Vigo, P.B., Handeland, S.O. 2022. Acoustic de-licing of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Fish welfare and salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) dynamics. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, 1004.
  8. Imsland, A.K.D., Reynolds, P. 2022. In lumpfish we trust? The efficacy of lumpfish to control Lepeophtheirus salmonis infestations on farmed Atlantic salmon: a review. Fishes 7, 220.
  9. Foss, A., Imsland, A.K.D. 2022. Physiological effects of recapture and transport from net-cages in lumpfish. Fishes 7, 242.
  10. Lamberg, A., Imsland, A.K.D. 2022. Using merged pre-fisheries abundance as a parameter evaluating status of Atlantic salmon and anadromous brown trout populations: a Norwegian case study. Fishes7, 264.
  11. Imsland, A.K.D., Berg, M.S., Haugland, G.T., Eliasen, K. 2022. Comparing density of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus), used in aquaculture, to different operational welfare indicators. Fishes 7, 284.
  12. Reynolds, P., Imsland, A.K.D., Boissonnot, L. 2022. Causes of mortality and loss of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus. Fishes 7, 328.
  13. Martinez, E.P., Braanaas, M., Balseiro, P., Kraugerud, M., Pedrosa, C., Imsland, A.K.D., Handeland, S., 2022. Temperature and feed regime determine transcription of Sertoli cell growth factors that regulate testis development in early maturing male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.) postsmolts. Fishes 7, 341.



  1. Pino Martinez, E., Balseiro, P., Stefansson, S.O., Kaneko, N., Norberg, B., Fleming, M.S., Imsland, A.K.D., Handeland, S. 2023. Interaction of temperature and feed ration on male postsmolt maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture 562, 738877. 
  2. Pino Martinez, E., Balseiro, P., Fleming, M.S., Stefansson, S.O., Norberg, B., Imsland, A.K.D., Handeland, S. 2023. Interaction of temperature and photoperiod on male postsmolt maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture 568, 739325.
  3. Andersson, E., Denker, E., Norberg, B., Schulz, R.W., Olausson, S., Thorsen, A., Stefansson, S.O., Imsland, A.K.D., 2023Lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus reproduction: pituitary gene expression, physiological and morphological changes accompanying gonadal maturation. Aquaculture 566, 739162. 
  4. Imsland, A.K.D., 2023. Cleaner fish in aquaculture. Fishes 8, 2,
  5. Boissonnot, L., Austad, M., Reynolds, P., Karlsen, C., Remen, M., Imsland, A.K.D. 2023. Welfare and survival of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) in Norwegian commercial Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) production. Aquaculture 572, 739496.
  6. Pino Martinez, E., Imsland, A.K.D., Hosfeld, A.C.D., Handeland, S.O. 2023. Effect of photoperiod and transfer time on Atlantic salmon smolt quality and growth in freshwater and seawater aquaculture systems. Fishes 8, 212. 
  7. Calabrese, S., Imsland, A.K.D., Nilsen, T.O., Kolarevic, J., Ebbesson, L., Fivelstad, S., Hosfeld, C., Pedrosa, C., Stefansson, S.O., Terjesen, B.F., Takle, H., Martins, C., Sveier, H., Mathisen, F., Handeland, S., 2023. Water flow requirements of post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared in intensive seawater flow-through systems: A physiological perspective. Fishes 8, 285. 
  8. Thorarensen, H., Imsland, A.K.D., Monroe, A.C., 2023. The effect of CO2, total ammonia nitrogen and pH on growth of juvenile lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus). Aquaculture 577, 739986.
  9. Imsland, A.K.D., Berg, J.P., Nola, V., Geitung, L., Oldham, T., 2023. Cleanerfish do not impact the pigmentation of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in commercial aquaculture cages. Fishes 8, 455. 
  10. Maduna, S.N., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., Imsland, A.K.D., Gíslason, D., Reynolds, P., Kapari, L., Hangstad, T.A., Meier, K., Hagen, S.B., 2023. Genomic signatures of local adaptation under high gene flow in lumpfish – implications for broodstock provenance sourcing and larval production. Genes14, 1870
  11. Lopez, T., Costas, B., Ramos-Pinto, L., Reynolds, P., Imsland, A.K.D., Fernandes, J. 2023. Exploring the effects of acute stress exposure on lumpfish plasma and liver biomarkers. Animals 13, 3623. 



  1. Imsland, A.K.D., Reynolds, P., Kapari, L., Madura, S., Hagen, S., Jónsdóttir, Ó.D.B., 2024. Towards better lumpfish: changes in size variation, cataract development, behaviour and sea lice grazing through selective breeding. Aquaculture 578, 740041.
  2. Staven, F.R., Engebretsen, S., Aldrin, M., Iversen, N.S., Staven, A.R., Egeland, T., Steensby-Skjærvik, S., Imsland, A.K.D., Boissonnot, L., 2024. The digestion rate for salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus). Aquaculture 578740103
  3. Imsland, A.K.D., Reynolds, P., Boissonnot, L., 2024. Effects of different feeding regimes on growth, cataract development, welfare, and histopathology of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.). Aquaculture 578, 740137.
  4. Calabrese, S., Jonassen, T.M., Steigum, E., Åsnes, H.Ø., Imsland, A.K.D., Saude, S.C., Wergeland, T., Höglund, E. 2024. Does sedation with AQUI-S® mitigate transport stress and post transport mortality in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta)? Frontiers in Veterinary Science 11, 1347062. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1347062 
  5. Imsland, A.K.D., Methúsalemsson, H. 2024. The effects of different feed ratios on growth, welfare rating and maturation in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Fishes 9, 70. 
  6. Pino Martinez, E., Kamlund, K.A., Balseiro, P., Kraugerud, M., Imsland, A.K.D., Handeland, S.O. 2024. High water temperature and an increase in daylength stimulate early spermatogenesis in male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.) postsmolts. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 55, e13090 
  7. Boissonnot, L., Karlsen, C., Jonassen, T.M., Stensby-Skjærvik, S., Storsul, T., Imsland, A.K.D. 2024. Causes of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) mortality in Norwegian hatcheries: challenges and opportunities. Fishes 9 288. 
  8. Lopez, T., Costas, B., Ramos-Pinto, L., Reynolds, P., Imsland, A.K.D., Fernandes, J. 2024. Lumpfish physiological response to chronic stress. Frontiers in Marine Science 11, 1443710. doi:10.3389/fmars.2024.1443710   
  9. Jonassen, T.M., Imsland, A.K.D[8]., Pittman, K. 2024. The effect of stress on the skin welfare in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus Linnaeus, 1758) broodstock. Animals 14, 3114. 



  1. van Nes, S., Imsland, A.K.D., Jones, S. 2025. Salmon lice biology, environmental factors and smolt behaviour in relation to the Norwegian salmon farming management system: a critical review. Reviews in Aquaculture 17, e12953. 
  2. [9]Østervold, M., Imsland, A.K.D., Ozlem, Y., Fjelldal, P.G., Siapazis, C., Mangor-Jensen, R., Mangor-Jensen, A., Norberg, B. 2025. Effect of temperature on growth, expression of growth regulating genes, and skeletal development of juvenile European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa). Aquaculture 594, 741450. 
  3. Imsland, A.K.D., Balseiro, P., Handeland, S., Godø, O.R. 2025. Follow-up study on acoustic de-licing of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus dynamics over four consecutive production cycles. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 13, 00104


[1] Equal authorship between Larsen and Imsland.

[2] Equal authorship between Lohne and Imsland

[3] Equal authorship between Koedijk and Imsland.

[4] Equal authorship between Handeland and Imsland.

[5] Equal authorship between Árnason and Imsland.

[6] Equal authorship between Foss and Imsland.

[7] Equal authorship between Jónsdóttir, Gíslason and Imsland

[8] Equal authorship between Jonassen and Imsland. 

[9] Equal authorship between Østervold and Imsland.






NFR 110993/122 ‘Environmental and genetic regulation of growth in juvenile halibut’, 1996-1999).

NFR 156204/120 ‘Optimization of growth performance of juvenile cod by applying environmental regulation and water quality control’, 2003-2006.

NFR 163429/120 ‘Optimization of harvested halibut by lowering maturtion, increasing growth and improving flesh quality’, 2004-2007.

NFR 172263, ‘Progressive, modern production of juvenile Atlantic cod (PROCOD)’, 2006-2008.

NFR 180088 Accelarated production of Atlantic halibut, 2007-2011.

NFR 187291, ‘Growth, maturation and flesh quality control in on-growing Atlantic cod in the North Norway region’, 2008-2011.

NFR 187354, ‘Production optimization for enhanced sustainability of Arctic charr culture in the Northern region’, 2008-2011.

NFR user controlled project 187291 (2011-2014). ‘Rognkjeks som biologisk avlusingsmetode for oppdrettslaks og torsk i Nord-Norge (NORDLUS)

RFFNord project 226059 (2013-2016). Utvikling av nye produksjonsprotokoller og kvalitetsoptimalisering av laks i Nord-Norge (NORDLYS). 

RFFNord project 239135 (2014-2018). Optimalisering av rognkjeks som biologisk avlusingsmetode for oppdrettslaks (AVLUS). 

RFFNord project 247986 (2015-2017). Bestandstruktur hos rognkjeks: bedre føre var enn efter snar (POPKJEKS 

NFR user controlled project 256199 (2016-2020). Optimalt bruk av rognkjeks til avulsing av oppdrettslaks (Optimal use of lumpfish for biological delousing of salmon) (LUSINFER 

NFR user controlled project 269043 (2017-2021). Kontroll av kjønnsmodning hos rognkjeks (Controlling sexual maturation in lumpfish) (STAMINA). 

RFFVest project 286597 (2018-2019). Tidlig kjønnsmodning hos postsmolt (SAFT). 

RFFNord project 282460 (2018-2020). Selection program for lumpfish (CYCLOSELECT). 

NFR user controlled project 309288 (2020-2026). Fremtidens lakseoppdrett (FREMAD). 


FHF - The Norwegian Seafood Research Fund

  • FHF project 900977 (2014-2017). Stamfiskhold av rognkjeks (Broodstock management of lumpfish). 
  • FHF project 900979 (2014-2017). Bruk av rognkjeks i biologisk avlusning i semi-kommersiell og produksjonsskala (Use of lumpfish for biological delousing of salmon). 
  • FHF project 900976 (2014-2015). Etterbruk av rognkjeks (Lumpfish markets and use for human consumption). 
  • FHF project 932015 (2016-2017). Innfangning, avlivning og tilrettelegging for etterbruk av rensefisk: Fra problem til ressurs. 
  • FHF project 91539 (2019). Kunnskaps- og erfaringskartlegging om Caligus elongatus (skottelus) (KEKS). 
  • FHF project 901567 (2019-2021). AcuLice: Effekt av sammensatt akustisk lydbilde i sjø på lakselus.
  • FHF project 901652 (2020-2022). Effekt og velferd ved bruk av rensefisk og luseskjørt (EFFEKTIV). 
  • FHF project 901692 (2021-2022). Årsak til dødelighet og tap av rensefisk (DOKUMENTAR).
  • FHF project 901798 (2023-2025). Veien til best mulig produksjon av rognkjeks for å sikre en robust og effektiv rognkjeks (VEIEN).
  • FHF project 901890 (2023-2026). Salmon Tracking (SALT) II 2030: Publisering av forskningsdata.
  • FHF project 902019 (2025-2028). Områdesamarbeid for forebyggende strategi mot lus i produksjonsområde 4 (PO4).
  • FHF project 902015 (2025-2028). Områdesamarbeid for forebyggende strategi mot lus i produksjonsområde 4 (PO3). 


Det islandske forskningsrådet (IRC)

IRC 031000003 ‘Growth performance and population genetics in different populations of spotted wolffish’, 2003-2005.

IRC 081233008 ‘Optimization of Icelandic turbot culture’, 2008 – 2011.

IRC 081302808 ‘Lengi býr að fyrstu gerð (TOPCOD)’, 2009 – 2011.

IRC RAN090303-0389 ‘Hámarksafrakstur í bleikjueldi (PROCHARR)’, 2009-2012.

IRC project 142592-0611 (2015-2017). Litarefni í sæbjúgum - Einangrun og nýting á verðmætum litarefnum úr vannýttu sjávarfangi (ASTA). 

IRC project 186971-0611 (2018-2021). Selection program for lumpfish (CYCLOSELECT) . 


Økt verdiskapning innen fiskeri (AVS) prosjekter

AVS R032-05 ‘Biological optimization and development of processing methods for turbot farming’, 2005-2007.

AVS R031-05 ‘Competitive halibut farming in landbased facilities’, 2005-2009.

AVS S 035-06 ‘Þróun og betrumbætur á aðferðum við söfnun og frysting svilja hjá hlýra’, 2006-2007.

AVS R007-07 ‘Optimization of Arctic charr culture’, 2007-2010.

AVS R 020-09 ‘Optimal larval rearing protocols in Atlantic cod culture’, 2009-2010.

AVS project R001-10 (2010-2012). Uneven growth in Arctic charr (BIGCHARR). 

AVS project R001-11 (2011-2013). Optimizing and increasing Icelandic turbot culture (MAXIMUS).

AVS project R005- 12 (2012-2014). Oxygen and carbon dioxide in Arctic charr aquaculture (OXYCHARR). 

AVS project R002-13 (2013-2015). Better feed utilization in Arctic charr culture. P

AVS project R009-17 (2017-2020). Use of lumpfish as biological delouser in Iceland. 

AVS project ANR20050667 (2020-2023). Bigger and better smolts (SOSsmolt). 


Det islandske fiskeridepartementet (IMF)

IMF 00509 ‘Turbot – a new colonist from the sea (LANDNEMI)’, 2009-2012.

NR16110262. (2017-2020). Use of lumpfish as biological delouser in Iceland. 

ANR20020056 (2020-2023). Bigger and better smolts (SOSsmolt). 


Nordiske prosjekter

NORA 069-03 ‘Development of aquaculture of spotted wolffish in the Northeast Atlantic’, 2002-2004.

NORA 347-07 ‘Optimization and induced sustainability of Arctic charr culture’, 2008-2011.

MABIT (Marin innovation in Northern Norway) project AF0055 (2011-2014). ‘Rognkjeks som biologisk avlusingsmetode for oppdrettslaks og torsk i Nord-Norge (NORDLUS) ’. 

NORA project 510-125 ‘Lumpfish: Eco-friendly biological delousing of farmed Atlantic salmon (NOLICE)’, 2013 - 2016. 


EU prosjekt

EU, FAIR-CT97-3544 ‘A multidisciplinary evaluation and optimization of the production characteristics of different strains of commercially cultured flatfish’, 1998-2000.

EU, QOL-5, CRAFT QLK5-CT-2002- 70700 ‘Design and development of commercial scale farming technologies for sole’, 2002-2004.

EU 6 FP, CRAFT, SME-2002-1-508070 ‘Biological optimization and development of processing methods for turbot farming’, 2004-2006.

EU 6 FP, CRAFT, SME-2003-1-016869 ‘A hyperintensive fish farming concept for lasting competitiveness and superior production’, 2006-2008.

EU 7 FP, Research for the SMEs, SME-2008-232305 (2010-2013). Implementation of natural spawning for marine fish species in culture - improving the quality of offspring and animal welfare (PROSPAWN). 

EU 7 FP, Research for the SMEs, SME-2008-286200 (2012-2014). Innovative rearing and stunning of farmed turbot and sole to meet future challenges regarding quality of production and animal welfare (MAXIMUS).