Vitenskapelig foredrag
Gilmullina, Albina; Mordasova, Alina V.; Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas
et al. (2025). Provenance and sediment supply during the Cretaceous in the Great-er Barents Sea Basin . (ekstern lenke)
Sirevaag, Hallgeir; Eide, Christian Haug; Gilmullina, Albina
et al. (2022). Provenance of the Middle Triassic Kobbe Formation in the SW Barents Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina
(2022). Source-to-sink and provenance: the Triassic Barents Sea case study. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Klausen, Tore Grane; Doré, Anthony George
et al. (2021). Triassic sediment supply in the Greater Barents Sea Basin and its implications for the Arctic. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Christian Haug; Gilmullina, Albina; Pedersen, Leif-Erik Rydland
(2021). Provenance of the Middle Triassic Kobbe Formation in the SW Barents Sea – constraining the Fennoscandian sand and locating the mixing zone. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Christian Haug; Gilmullina, Albina; Sirevaag, Hallgeir
et al. (2021). Sediment transport and upland linkages in an enormous intracratonic Basin - Insights from cross-disciplinary source-to-sink studies in the Triassic Greater Barents Sea Basin
. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Christian Haug; Rossi, Valentina Marzia; Gilmullina, Albina
et al. (2020). Towards a revised stratigraphic framework for the Triassic in the Norwegian Barents Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Eide, Christian Haug; Klausen, Tore Grane
(2020). Sedimentation rates in the Greater Barents Sea throughout the Triassic. (ekstern lenke)
Sirevaag, Hallgeir; Eide, Christian Haug; Gilmullina, Albina
et al. (2020). Detrital zircon inventory of the Triassic Greater Barents Sea Basin: sediment transport and geodynamics. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Klausen, Tore Grane; Eide, Christian Haug
(2019). Regional correlation of Triassic clinoforms in the Greater Barents Sea Basin. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Klausen, Tore Grane; Helland-Hansen, William
et al. (2019). Large-scale seismic correlation and sequence stratigraphy in the Triassic of the Barents Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Klausen, Tore Grane; Eide, Christian Haug
et al. (2019). Regional correlation of Triassic clinoforms in the Greater Barents Sea Basin. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Klausen, Tore Grane; Helland-Hansen, William
et al. (2018). Large-scale correlation and sedimentation rates throughout the Triassic Barents Sea mega-basin. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mordasova, Alina V.; Stoupakova, Antonina V.; Suslova, Anna A.
et al. (2024). Sequence stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous in the Eastern Barents Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Klausen, Tore Grane; Doré, Anthony George
et al. (2022). Arctic sediment routing during the Triassic: sinking the Arctic Atlantis. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Klausen, Tore Grane; Doré, Anthony George
et al. (2021). Linking sediment supply variations and tectonic evolution in deep time, source-to-sink systems—The Triassic Greater Barents Sea Basin. (ekstern lenke)
Stoupakova, Antonia V.; Bolshakova, Maria A.; Suslova, Anna A.
et al. (2021). Generation potential, distribution area and maturity of the barents-kara sea source rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Suslova, Anna A.; Stoupakova, Antonina V.; Mordasova, Alina V.
et al. (2021). Structural reconstructions of the eastern barents sea at meso-tertiary evolution and influence on petroleum potential. (ekstern lenke)
Gilmullina, Albina; Klausen, Tore Grane; Paterson, Niall William
et al. (2020). Regional correlation and seismic stratigraphy of Triassic Strata in the Greater Barents Sea: implications for sediment transport in Arctic basins. (ekstern lenke)
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