Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid; Østgaard, Nikolai; Marisaldi, Martino
et al. (2024). High Peak Current Lightning and the Production of Elves. (ekstern lenke)
Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid; Østgaard, Nikolai; Sarria, David Alexandre Stephan
et al. (2024). Evidence of a New Population of Weak Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes Observed From Aircraft Altitude. (ekstern lenke)
Marisaldi, Martino; Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey
et al. (2024). Highly dynamic gamma-ray emissions are common in tropical thunderclouds. (ekstern lenke)
Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey; Marisaldi, Martino
et al. (2024). Flickering gamma-ray flashes, the missing link between gamma glows and TGFs. (ekstern lenke)
Mezentsev, Andrey; Østgaard, Nikolai; Marisaldi, Martino
et al. (2024). Discerning TGF and Leader Current Pulse in ASIM Observation. (ekstern lenke)
Caballero-García, M.D.; Gupta, Rahul; Pandey, S.B.
et al. (2023). Multiwavelength study of the luminous GRB 210619B observed with Fermi and ASIM. (ekstern lenke)
Mezentsev, Andrey; Nickolaenko, A.P.; Shvets, A.V.
et al. (2023). Observational and Model Impact of Tonga Volcano Eruption on Schumann Resonance. (ekstern lenke)
Sarria, David Alexandre Stephan; Østgaard, Nikolai; Marisaldi, Martino
et al. (2023). Library of Simulated Gamma-Ray Glows and Application to Previous Airborne Observations. (ekstern lenke)
Nickolaenko, A.P.; Shvets, A.V.; Galuk, Yu.P.
et al. (2023). Power flux in the Schumann resonance band linked to the eruption of Tonga volcano on Jan. 15, 2022. (Two point measurements of Umov-Poynting vector). (ekstern lenke)
Lindanger, Anders; Skeie, Chris Alexander Kallevik; Marisaldi, Martino
et al. (2022). Production of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes During the Early Stages of Lightning Flashes. (ekstern lenke)
Skeie, Chris Alexander Kallevik; Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey
et al. (2022). The Temporal Relationship Between Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Associated Optical Pulses From Lightning. (ekstern lenke)
Bjørge-Engeland, Ingrid; Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey
et al. (2022). Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes With Accompanying Elves Detected by ASIM. (ekstern lenke)
Lindanger, Anders; Marisaldi, Martino; Sarria, David Alexandre Stephan
et al. (2021). Spectral Analysis of Individual Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Detected by ASIM. (ekstern lenke)
Sarria, David Alexandre Stephan; Østgaard, Nikolai; Kochkin, Pavlo
et al. (2021). Constraining Spectral Models of a Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash From a Terrestrial Electron Beam Observation by the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor. (ekstern lenke)
Østgaard, Nikolai; Cummer, S.A.; Mezentsev, Andrey
et al. (2021). Simultaneous Observations of EIP, TGF, Elve, and Optical Lightning. (ekstern lenke)
Kochkin, Pavlo; Sarria, David Alexandre Stephan; Lehtinen, Nikolai Grigorievich
et al. (2021). A Rapid Gamma-Ray Glow Flux Reduction Observed From 20 km Altitude. (ekstern lenke)
Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Østgaard, Nikolai; Göǧüş, E.
et al. (2021). Very-high-frequency oscillations in the main peak of a magnetar giant flare. (ekstern lenke)
Maiorana, Carolina; Marisaldi, M.; Füllekrug, Martin
et al. (2021). Observation of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes at Mid Latitude. (ekstern lenke)
Neubert, Torsten; Østgaard, Nikolai; Reglero, Victor
et al. (2020). A terrestrial gamma-ray flash and ionospheric ultraviolet emissions powered by lightning. (ekstern lenke)
Østgaard, Nikolai; Christian, Hugh J.; Grove, J. Eric
et al. (2019). Gamma Ray Glow Observations at 20-km Altitude. (ekstern lenke)
Füllekrug, Martin; Koh, Kuang; Liu, Zhongjian
et al. (2019). First Map of Coherent Low-Frequency Continuum Radiation in the Sky. (ekstern lenke)
Sarria, David; Kochkin, Pavlo; Østgaard, Nikolai
et al. (2019). The First Terrestrial Electron Beam Observed by the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor. (ekstern lenke)
Østgaard, Nikolai; Neubert, Torsten; Reglero, Victor
et al. (2019). First 10 Months of TGF Observations by ASIM. (ekstern lenke)
Füllekrug, Martin; Koh, Kuang; Liu, Zhongjian
et al. (2018). Detection of Low-Frequency Continuum Radiation. (ekstern lenke)
Mezentsev, Andrey; Lehtinen, Nikolai; Østgaard, Nikolai
et al. (2018). Spectral Characteristics of VLF Sferics Associated With RHESSI TGFs. (ekstern lenke)
Liu, Zhongjian; Koh, Kuang Liang; Mezentsev, Andrey
et al. (2018). Lightning Sferics: Analysis of the Instantaneous Phase and Frequency Inferred From Complex Waveforms. (ekstern lenke)
Skeltved, Alexander Broberg; Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey
et al. (2017). Constraints to do realisticmodeling of the electric field ahead of the tip of a lightning leader. (ekstern lenke)
Liu, Zhongjian; Koh, Kuang Liang; Mezentsev, Andrey
et al. (2016). Variable phase propagation velocity for long-range lightning location system. (ekstern lenke)
Füllekrug, Martin; Liu, Zhongjian; Koh, Kuang
et al. (2016). Mapping lightning in the sky with a mini array. (ekstern lenke)
Østgaard, Nikolai; Carlson, Brant Edward; Nisi, Ragnhild Schrøder
et al. (2016). Relativistic electrons from sparks in the laboratory. (ekstern lenke)
Mezentsev, Andrey; Østgaard, Nikolai; Gjesteland, Thomas
et al. (2016). Radio emissions from double RHESSI TGFs. (ekstern lenke)
Sarria, David; Kochkin, Pavlo; Østgaard, Nikolai
et al. (2019). Observation of a Terrestrial Electron Beam during the tropical cyclone Joaninha in March 2019. (ekstern lenke)
Østgaard, Nikolai; Christian, Hugh J.; Grove, Eric
et al. (2017). Gamma-ray observations at 20 km altitude above thunderstorms. (ekstern lenke)
Skeltved, Alexander Broberg; Østgaard, Nikolai; Mezentsev, Andrey
et al. (2017). Constraints to do realistic modeling of the electric field at the tip of a lightning leader. (ekstern lenke)
Mezentsev, Andrey; Lehtinen, Nikolai; Østgaard, Nikolai
et al. (2017). Spectral characteristics of VLF sferics associated with TGFs. (ekstern lenke)
Østgaard, Nikolai; Marisaldi, Martino; Kochkin, Pavlo
et al. (2017). How should we define terrestrial gamma-ray flashes?. (ekstern lenke)
Marisaldi, Martino; Østgaard, Nikolai; Albrechtsen, Kjetil
et al. (2017). A Synergic Approach to the Study of TGFs and Energetic Radiation from Thunderstorms. (ekstern lenke)
Mezentsev, Andrey; Østgaard, Nikolai; Gjesteland, Thomas
et al. (2016). Radio emissions from RHESSI TGFs. (ekstern lenke)
Mezentsev, Andrey; Lehtinen, Nikolai; Østgaard, Nikolai
et al. (2016). Spectral characteristics of VLF sferics associated with TGFs. (ekstern lenke)
Mezentsev, Andrey; Østgaard, Nikolai; Gjesteland, Thomas
et al. (2016). Radio emissions from RHESSI TGFs. (ekstern lenke)
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