Bård Flattun Lilleeng
Førsteamanuensis, Spesialist i samfunnsmedisin, allmennmedisin og nevrokirurgi
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Schmidt, Anne Kjær; Lilleeng, Bård Flattun; Baste, Valborg et al. (2018). First four years of operation of a municipal acute bed unit in rural Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Lilleeng, Bård Flattun; Gjerstad, Michaela D; Baardsen, Roald et al. (2015). The long-term development of non-motor problems after STN-DBS. (ekstern lenke)
- Lilleeng, Bård Flattun; Gjerstad, Michaela D; Baardsen, Roald et al. (2015). Motor symptoms after deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus. (ekstern lenke)
- Lilleeng, Bård Flattun; Brønnick, Kolbjørn S; Toft, Mathias et al. (2014). Progression and survival in Parkinson's disease with subthalamic nucleus stimulation. (ekstern lenke)
- Toft, Mathias; Lilleeng, Bård; Ramm-Pettersen, Jon-Terje et al. (2011). Long-Term Efficacy and Mortality in Parkinson's Disease Patients Treated with Subthalamic Stimulation. (ekstern lenke)