Einarsen, Anna Karisdotter; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen; Pauzin, Francois Philippe
(2024). The Role of eIF4E in Translation Initiation Dynamics During Long-term Synaptic Plasticity in The Mouse Dentate Gyrus In-vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Farajdokht, Fereshteh; Myrum, Craig; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen
et al. (2024). Editorial: Impact of sex and gender on neurocognitive aging and behavior. (ekstern lenke)
Godoy Munoz, Jose Miguel; Neset, Lasse; Markusson, Sigurbjörn
et al. (2024). Structural characterization of two nanobodies targeting the ligand-binding pocket of human Arc. (ekstern lenke)
Potenza, Maria Letizia; Blankvoort, Stefan Matthias Adriaan; Carvalho, Miguel
et al. (2024). Generation of an enhancer-driven gene expression viral tool specific to dentate granule cell-types through direct hippocampal injection. (ekstern lenke)
Da Silva Mazzarini Baldinotti, Rodolfo; Pauzin, Francois Philippe; Fevang, Hauk
et al. (2024). A Nanobody-Based Proximity Ligation Assay Detects Constitutive and Stimulus-Regulated Native Arc/Arg3.1 Oligomers in Hippocampal Neuronal Dendrites. (ekstern lenke)
Pilskog, Ingjald; Vikene, Kjetil; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen
et al. (2023). Den plastiske hjernen – fra molekyler til bevissthet. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen; Lessmann, Volkmar; Hannan, Anthony J.
et al. (2023). Editorial: Synaptopathies: from bench to bedside. (ekstern lenke)
Song, Jiaxing; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen; Zhang, Hongyu
(2023). Regulation of AMPA Receptor Diffusion Trapping at the Synapses by Arc Protein. (ekstern lenke)
Neset, Lasse; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen; Kursula, Petri Tapani
(2023). Nanobody-aided structural study of the activity- regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) using synchrotron radiation and cryo-EM. (ekstern lenke)
Mahboob, Aamra; Pauzin, Francois Philippe; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen
(2023). Effect of Arc N-lobe expression on synaptic efficacy in medial perforant path-evoked transmission in the rat dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Avallone, Martino; Pardo, Joaquín; Mergiya, Tadiwos Feyissa
et al. (2023). Visualizing Arc protein dynamics and localization in the mammalian brain using AAV-mediated in situ gene labeling. (ekstern lenke)
Patil, Sudarshan; Chalkiadaki, Kleanthi; Mergiya, Tadiwos Feyissa
et al. (2023). eIF4E phosphorylation recruits β-catenin to mRNA cap and promotes Wnt pathway translation in dentate gyrus LTP maintenance. (ekstern lenke)
Mergiya, Tadiwos Feyissa; Gundersen, Jens Edvard Trygstad; Kanhema, Tambudzai
et al. (2023). Detection of Arc/Arg3.1 oligomers in rat brain: constitutive and synaptic activity-evoked dimer expression in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Dale, Thomas Myhre; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen; Kanhema, Tambudzai
(2022). Study the mRNA which crisscross with Activity-Regulated Cytoskeleton-Associated Protein (Arc) in the nucleus of hippocampus tissue post HFS-LTP. (ekstern lenke)
Grabowska, Agnieszka; Sas-Nowosielska, Hanna; Wojtas, Bartosz
et al. (2022). Activation-induced chromatin reorganization in neurons depends on HDAC1 activity. (ekstern lenke)
Ishizuka, Yuta; Mergiya, Tadiwos Feyissa; Baldinotti, Rodolfo Da Silva Mazzarini
et al. (2022). Correction to: Development and Validation of Arc Nanobodies: New Tools for Probing Arc Dynamics and Function (Neurochemical Research, (2022), 10.1007/s11064-022-03573-5). (ekstern lenke)
Eriksen, Maria Steene; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen
(2022). Molecular physiology of Arc/Arg3.1: The oligomeric state hypothesis of synaptic plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Markusson, Sigurbjörn; Hallin, Erik Ingmar; Bustad, Helene J.
et al. (2022). High-affinity anti-Arc nanobodies provide tools for structural and functional studies. (ekstern lenke)
Ishizuka, Yuta; Mergiya, Tadiwos Feyissa; Baldinotti, Rodolfo Da Silva Mazzarini
et al. (2022). Development and Validation of Arc Nanobodies: New Tools for Probing Arc Dynamics and Function. (ekstern lenke)
Pagenhart, Patrick Unneland; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen; Pauzin, Francois Philippe
(2022). Analysis of mRNA poly(A) tail length in relation to long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in the rat dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Hallin, Erik Ingmar; Markusson, Sigurbjörn; Bottger, Lev
et al. (2021). Crystal and solution structures reveal oligomerization of individual capsid homology domains of Drosophila Arc. (ekstern lenke)
Casarotto, Plinio C.; Girych, Mykhailo; Fred, Senem M.
et al. (2021). Antidepressant drugs act by directly binding to TRKB neurotrophin receptors. (ekstern lenke)
Vedeler, Anni; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen
(2021). Editorial: Coordination of mRNA Transport and Translation With Vesicle and Organelle Trafficking and Dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
Hallin, Erik Ingmar; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen; Kursula, Petri
(2021). Structural properties and peptide ligand binding of the capsid homology domains of human Arc. (ekstern lenke)
Acuña-Hinrichsen, Francisca; Covarrubias-Pinto, Adriana; Ishizuka, Yuta
et al. (2021). Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Neuronal Infection Triggers the Disassembly of Key Structural Components of Dendritic Spines. (ekstern lenke)
Johannessen, Helene Bustad; Flydal, Marte Innselset; Cuéllar, Jorge
et al. (2020). The solution structure of the human brain-protein arc studied by NMR. (ekstern lenke)
Zhang, Hongyu; Bramham, Clive R.
(2020). Bidirectional Dysregulation of AMPA Receptor-Mediated Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity in Brain Disorders. (ekstern lenke)
Marti, Andrea Rørvik; Pedersen, Torhild; Wisor, Jonathan P.
et al. (2020). Cognitive function and brain plasticity in a rat model of shift work: role of daily rhythms, sleep and glucocorticoids. (ekstern lenke)
Zhang, Hongyu; Bramham, Clive R.
(2020). Arc/Arg3.1 function in long-term synaptic plasticity: Emerging mechanisms and unresolved issues. (ekstern lenke)
Taha, Elham; Patil, Sudarshan; Barrera, Iliana
et al. (2020). eEF2/eEF2K Pathway in the Mature Dentate Gyrus Determines Neurogenesis Level and Cognition. (ekstern lenke)
Esvald, Eli-Eelika; Tuvikene, Jürgen; Sirp, Alex
et al. (2020). CREB family transcription factors are major mediators of BDNF transcriptional autoregulation in cortical neurons. (ekstern lenke)
Olofsson, Jan Stefan; Bramham, Clive R.; Kanhema, Tambudzai
(2020). Investigation of Arc interaction with mRNA in the nucleus of SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma cells. (ekstern lenke)
Eriksen, Maria Steene; Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Hallin, Erik Ingmar
et al. (2020). Arc self‐association and formation of virus‐like capsids are mediated by an N‐terminal helical coil motif. (ekstern lenke)
Hallin, Erik Ingmar; Eriksen, Maria Steene; Baryshnikov, Sergei
et al. (2018). Structure of monomeric full‐length ARC sheds light on molecular flexibility, protein interactions, and functional modalities. (ekstern lenke)
Eriksen, Maria Steene; Bramham, Clive R.
(2018). The immediate early protein Arc:
an exploration of protein structure and regulation. (ekstern lenke)
Marti, Andrea Rørvik; waslander, jorrit; Skrede, Silje
et al. (2018). Extended photoperiod alters circadian rhythmicity and expression of neuroplasticity markers. The impact of blue-enriched light.. (ekstern lenke)
Grønli, Janne; Marti, Andrea Rørvik; waslander, jorrit
et al. (2018). Extended photoperiod alters sleep and expression of synaptic plasticity-associated genes. The impact of blue-enriched light.. (ekstern lenke)
Marti, Andrea Rørvik; Skrede, Silje; Mrdalj, Jelena
et al. (2018). Extending the photoperiod impacts circadian rhythmicity and gene expression in prefrontal cortex and retina- Impact of exposure to blue-enriched light. . (ekstern lenke)
Myrum, Craig; Soule, Jonathan; Bittins, Margarethe
et al. (2017). Arc interacts with the integral endoplasmic reticulum protein, calnexin. (ekstern lenke)
Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Eriksen, Maria Steene; Patil, Sudarshan
et al. (2017). Stimulus-evoked ERK-dependent phosphorylation of activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) regulates its neuronal subcellular localization. (ekstern lenke)
Myrum, Craig; Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Bramham, Clive R.
et al. (2017). Implication of the APP gene in intellectual abilities. (ekstern lenke)
Nair Raveendran, Rajeevkumar; Patil, Sudarshan; Tiron, Adrian
et al. (2017). Dynamic Arc SUMOylation and selective interaction with F-actin-binding protein Drebrin A in LTP consolidation in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Gozdz, Agata; Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Urbanska, Malgorzata
et al. (2017). GSK3α and GSK3β Phosphorylate Arc and Regulate its Degradation. (ekstern lenke)
Maag, Jesper L.V.; Kaczorowski, Dominik C.; Panja, Debabrata
et al. (2017). Widespread promoter methylation of synaptic plasticity genes in long-term potentiation in the adult brain in vivo.. (ekstern lenke)
Bekken, Aina Iren Aanes; Bramham, Clive R.
(2017). Activity-Regulated Cytoskeleton-associated (Arc) Protein: Interaction with Actin-Binding Proteins in the adult rat brain. (ekstern lenke)
Marti, Andrea Rørvik; Patil, Sudarshan; Mrdalj, Jelena
et al. (2017). No escaping the rat race: simulated night shift work alters the time-of-day variation in BMAL1 translational activity in the prefrontal cortex. (ekstern lenke)
Leal, Graciano; Comprido, Diogo; de Luca, Pasqualino
et al. (2017). The RNA-Binding Protein hnRNP K Mediates the Effect of BDNF on Dendritic mRNA Metabolism and Regulates Synaptic NMDA Receptors in Hippocampal Neurons. (ekstern lenke)
Herdlevær, Ida Ajvazi; Bramham, Clive R.
(2017). Dynamics of actin cytoskeleton in dendritic spines -interactions between Arc and Drebrin A. (ekstern lenke)
Rimstad, Johanne Eriksen; Bramham, Clive R.; Patil, Sudarshan
(2017). Arc expression and protein-protein interactions in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease: Exercise- and novelty-induced changes in Arc, BDNF, and PS1 expression and Arc PS1 interaction in APP/PS1 and WT mice. (ekstern lenke)
Grødem, Sverre; Bramham, Clive R.; Baryshnikov, Sergei
(2017). Dynamic Analysis of Arc Protein Oligomerization by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer. (ekstern lenke)
Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Patil, Sudarshan; Eriksen, Maria Steene
et al. (2017). Arc protein: a flexible hub for synaptic plasticity and cognition. (ekstern lenke)
Maag, Jesper L.V.; Panja, Debabrata; Sporild, Ida
et al. (2016). Corrigendum to Dynamic expression of long noncoding RNAs and repeat elements in synaptic plasticity [Front. Neurosci. (2015), 9:351. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00351]. (ekstern lenke)
Bojovic, Ognjen; Bramham, Clive R.; Tjølsen, Arne
(2016). Stimulation-induced expression of immediate early gene proteins in the dorsal horn is increased in neuropathy. (ekstern lenke)
Kuipers, SD; Trentani, Andrea; Patil, Sudarshan
et al. (2016). BDNF-induced LTP is associated with rapid Arc/Arg3.1-dependent enhancement in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R.; Jensen, KB; Proud, CG
(2016). Tuning specific translation in cancer metastasis and synaptic memory: control at the MNK-eIF4E axis. (ekstern lenke)
Kuipers, Sjoukje; Trentani, Andrea; Tiron, Adrian
et al. (2016). BDNF-induced LTP is associated with rapid Arc/Arg3.1-dependent enhancement in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. (ekstern lenke)
Szum, Adrian M.; Bramham, Clive R.
(2016). The localization and function of Arc in the neuronal cell nucleus. (ekstern lenke)
Myrum, Craig; Giddaluru, Sudheer; Jacobsen, Kaya Kvarme
et al. (2015). Common variants in the ARC gene are not associated with cognitive abilities. (ekstern lenke)
Myrum, Craig; Baumann, Anne; Bustad, Helene J.
et al. (2015). Arc is a flexible modular protein capable of reversible self-oligomerization. (ekstern lenke)
Segev, Yifat; Barrera, Iliana; Ounallah-Saad, Hadile
et al. (2015). PKR inhibition rescues memory deficit and atf4 overexpression in apoe ε4 human replacement mice. (ekstern lenke)
Bojovic, Ognjen; Bramham, Clive R.; Tjølsen, Arne
(2015). Chronic morphine treatment enhances sciatic nerve stimulation-induced immediate early gene expression in the rat dorsal horn. (ekstern lenke)
Abideen, Syed Ainul; Bramham, Clive R.; Pakzad, Ashraf Fathpour
(2015). Expression of Argonaute 2 and associated proteins following LTP induction in the dentate gyrus in vivo: comparsion between lysates and fractionated synaptoneurosomes. (ekstern lenke)
Bojovic, Ognjen; Panja, Debabrata; Bittins, Margarethe
et al. (2015). Time course of immediate early gene protein expression in the spinal cord following conditioning stimulation of the sciatic nerve in rats. (ekstern lenke)
Hall, Malgorzata H.; Magalska, Adriana; Malinowska, Monika
et al. (2015). Localization and regulation of PML bodies in the adult mouse brain. (ekstern lenke)
Maag, Jesper L.V.; Panja, Debabrata; Sporild, Ida
et al. (2015). Dynamic expression of long noncoding RNAs and repeat elements in synaptic plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R.; Panja, Debabrata
(2014). BDNF regulation of synaptic structure, function, and plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Debnath, Sudip; Bramham, Clive R.; Patil, Sudarshan
(2014). Arc protein-protein interaction in long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Sporild, Ida; Bramham, Clive R.; Wibrand, Karin
(2014). Characterization of two predicted long non-coding RNAs in long-term synaptic plasticity in rat hippocampus. (ekstern lenke)
Sreenivasa, Pai Balagopal; Siripornmongcolchai, Taweeporn; Berentsen, Birgitte
et al. (2014). NMDA receptor-dependent regulation of miRNA expression and association with Argonaute during LTP in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Panja, Debabrata; Kenney, Justin W.; D'Andrea, Laura
et al. (2014). Two-stage translational control of dentate gyrus LTP consolidation is mediated by sustained BDNF-TrkB signaling to MNK. (ekstern lenke)
Schubert, Manja; Panja, Debabrata; Haugen, Mette
et al. (2014). Paraneoplastic CDR2 and CDR2L antibodies affect Purkinje cell calcium homeostasis. (ekstern lenke)
Panja, Debabrata; Bramham, Clive R.
(2014). BDNF mechanisms in late LTP formation: A synthesis and breakdown. (ekstern lenke)
Grønli, Janne; Soule, Jonathan; Bramham, Clive R.
(2014). Sleep and protein synthesis-dependent synaptic plasticity: impacts of sleep loss and stress. (ekstern lenke)
Siripornmongcolchai, Taweeporn; Bramham, Clive R.; Wibrand, Karin
(2013). MicroRNA regulation in synaptic plasticity and expression of plasticity-associated genes during social defeat stress. (ekstern lenke)
Bergersen, Linda Hildegard; Bramham, Clive R.; Hugdahl, Kenneth
et al. (2013). The changing brain – Insights into the mechanisms of neural and behavioral adaptation to the environment. (ekstern lenke)
Eriksen, Maria Steene; Bramham, Clive R.; Nikolaienko, Oleksii
(2013). In search of a binding site for extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) to the synaptic plasticity-related protein Arc. (ekstern lenke)
Rønnestad, Kine Terese; Bramham, Clive R.; Berentsen, Birgitte
(2013). The Role of miR-‐326 in Basal Synaptic Transmission and Long-‐Term Potentiation in the Rat Dentate Gyrus In Vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Vesta, Lasse; Bramham, Clive R.; Skaftnesmo, Kai Ove
(2013). Early life stress influences on stress handling in adulthood - development of depressive- and anxiety-like behavior in Wistar rats. (ekstern lenke)
Wibrand, Karin; Berge, Kjetil; Messaoudi, Michael
et al. (2013). Enhanced cognitive function and antidepressant-like effects after krill oil supplementation in rats. (ekstern lenke)
Vieuille, Christel Marie; Bramham, Clive R.
(2012). Modulation of the Ago2-Associated microRNA Induced Silencing Complex during Long-Term Potentiation in the Rat Dentate Gyrus in Vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Pai, Balagopal; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2012). miRNA-mediated regulation of translation in synaptic plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Wibrand, Karin; Sreenivasa, Pai Balagopal; Siripornmongcolchai, Taweeporn
et al. (2012). MicroRNA regulation of the synaptic plasticity-related gene arc. (ekstern lenke)
Gal-Ben-Ari, Shunit; Kenney, Justin W.; Ounalla-Saad, Hadile
et al. (2012). Consolidation and translation regulation. (ekstern lenke)
Grønli, Janne; Dagestad, Grethe; Milde, Anne Marita
et al. (2012). Post-transcriptional effects and interactions between chronic mild stress and acute sleep deprivation: Regulation of translation factor and cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein phosphorylation. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R.; Fathpour, Ashraf Pakzad
(2012). Remodeling of the microRNA-induced silencing complex during LTP in the adult rat brain in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Grønli, Janne; Dagestad, Grethe; Milde, Anne Marita
et al. (2012). Chronic mild stress abolishes a relationship between sleep architecture and translational control. (ekstern lenke)
Soule, Jonathan; Alme, Maria Nordheim; Myrum, Craig
et al. (2012). Balancing arc synthesis, mRNA decay, and proteasomal degradation : maximal protein expression triggered by rapid eye movement sleep-like bursts of muscarinic cholinergic receptor stimulation. (ekstern lenke)
Dziembowska, Magdalena; Milek, Jacek; Janusz, Aleksandra
et al. (2012). Activity-dependent local translation of matrix metalloproteinase-9. (ekstern lenke)
Håvik, Bjarte; Degenhardt, Franziska A.; Johansson, Stefan
et al. (2012). DCLK1 variants are associated across schizophrenia and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (ekstern lenke)
Rajbhandari, Yurika; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2011). Regulation of micro-RNA induced silencing complex during long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus In vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Coppens, Caroline M; Siripornmongcolchai, Taweeporn; Wibrand, Karin
et al. (2011). Social defeat during adolescence and adulthood differentially induce BDNF-regulated immediate early genes. (ekstern lenke)
Grønli, Janne; Dagestad, Grethe; Milde, Anne Marita
et al. (2011). Chronic mild stress and acute sleep deprivation: interactive and brain-region specific effects on regulation of translation factor and CPEB phosphorylation. (ekstern lenke)
Håvik, Bjarte; Le Hellard, Stephanie; Rietschel, Marcella
et al. (2011). The Complement Control-Related Genes CSMD1 and CSMD2 Associate to Schizophrenia. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Alme, Maria Nordheim; Bittins, Margarethe
et al. (2010). The Arc of synaptic memory. (ekstern lenke)
Bidinosti, Michael; Ran, Israeli; Sanchez-Carbente, Maria R.
et al. (2010). Postnatal deamidation of 4E-BP2 in brain enhances its association with raptor and alters kinetics of excitatory synaptic transmission. (ekstern lenke)
Wibrand, Karin; Panja, Debabrata; Tiron, Adrian
et al. (2010). Differential regulation of mature and precursor microRNA expression by NMDA and metabotropic glutamate receptor activation during LTP in the adult dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Myrum, Craig; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Soule, Jonathan
(2010). Identification of Arc/Arg3.1 Binding Partners. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Panja, Debabrata; Tiron, Adrian
et al. (2009). Arc/Arg3.1 synthesis and control of LTp consolidation in the adult dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Panja, Debabrata; Dagyte, Girstaute; Bidinosti, Mivhael
et al. (2009). Novel Translational Control in Arc-dependent Long Term Potentiation Consolidation in Vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Kuipers, Sjoukje; Tiron, Adrian; Soule, Jonathan
et al. (2009). Selective survival and maturation of adult-born dentate granule cells expressing the immediate early gene Arc/Arg3.1. (ekstern lenke)
Jedlicka, Peter; Schwarzacher, Stephan W.; Winkels, Raphael
et al. (2009). Impairment of in vivo theta-burst long term potentiation and network excitability in the dentate gyrus of synaptopodin-deficient mice lacking the spine apparatus and the cisternal organelle. (ekstern lenke)
Aksnes, Henriette; Nair, Rajeevkumar Raveendran; Bramham, Clive R.
(2009). Time-lapse imaging of Arc protein degradation and synthesis in hippocampal neurons. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Aksnes, Henriette
(2009). Time-lapse imaging of Arc/Arg3.1 protein degradation in hippocampal neurons using the novel photoconvertible fluorescent protein Dendra2. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Berentsen, Birgitte
(2009). microRNA-34a Function in Long-Term Potentiation in the Dentate Gyrus of the Anaesthetised Rat. (ekstern lenke)
Le Hellard, Stephanie; Håvik, Bjarte; Espeseth, Thomas
et al. (2009). Variants in doublecortin- and calmodulin kinase like 1, a gene up-regulated by BDNF, are Associated with memory and general cognitive abilities. (ekstern lenke)
Grønli, Janne; Dagestad, Grethe; Milde, Anne Marita
et al. (2008). Sleep deprivation as an antidepressant treatment following chronic mild stress: effects on translation factor EIF4E and EEF2 activity. (ekstern lenke)
Soule, Jonathan; Penke-Verdier, Z; Kanhema, Tambudzai
et al. (2008). Object-place recognition learning triggers rapid induction of plasticity-related immediate early genes and synaptic proteins in the rat dentate gyrus. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Worley, PF; Moore, MJ
et al. (2008). The immediate early gene arc/arg3.1: regulation, mechanisms, and function. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2008). Local protein synthesis, actin dynamics, and LTP consolidation. (ekstern lenke)
Haugan, Frøydis; Wibrand, Karin; Fiskå, Atle
et al. (2008). Stability of long term facilitation and expression of zif268 and Arc in the spinal cord dorsal horn is modulated by conditioning stimulation within the physiological frequency range of primary afferent fibers. (ekstern lenke)
Ofte, May Lillian; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2008). Effect of Antidepressant Treatment on the Expression of LTP-associated MicroRNAs. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2007). Control of synaptic consolidation in the dentate gyrus: mechanisms, functions, and therapeutic implications. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Wells, DG
(2007). Dendritic mRNA: transport, translation and function. (ekstern lenke)
Alme, Maria Nordheim; Wibrand, Karin; Dagestad, Grethe
et al. (2007). Chronic fluoxetine treatment induces brain region-specific upregulation of genes associated with BDNF-induced long-term potentiation. (ekstern lenke)
Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Kanhema, Tambudzai; Soule, Jonathan
et al. (2007). Sustained Arc/Arg3.1 synthesis controls long-term potentiation consolidation through regulation of local actin polymerization in the dentate gyrus In vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Håvik, Bjarte; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2007). Additive viability-loss following hsp70/hsc70 double interference and Hsp90 inhibition in two breast cancer cell lines. (ekstern lenke)
Håvik, Bjarte; Røkke, Håvard; Dagyte, Girstaute
et al. (2007). Synaptic activity-induced global gene expression patterns in the dentate gyrus of adult behaving rats: Induction of immunity-linked genes. (ekstern lenke)
Kuipers, Sjoukje; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2006). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor mechanisms and function in adult synaptic plasticity: New insights and implications for therapy. (ekstern lenke)
Wibrand, Karin; Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Håvik, Bjarte
et al. (2006). Identification of genes co-upregulated with Arc during BDNF-induced long-term potentiation in adult rat dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Soule, Jonathan; Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2006). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and control of synaptic consolidation in the adult brain. (ekstern lenke)
Dagestad, Grethe; Kuipers, Sjoukje; Messaoudi, Elhoucine
et al. (2006). Chronic fluoxetine induces region-specific changes in translation factor eIF4E and eEF2 activity in the rat brain. (ekstern lenke)
Grønli, Janne; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Murison, Robert
et al. (2006). Chronic mild stress inhibits BDNF protein expression and CREB activation in the dentate gyrus but not in the hippocampus proper. (ekstern lenke)
Kanhema, Tambudzai; Dagestad, Grethe; Panja, Debabrata
et al. (2006). Dual regulation of translation initiation and peptide chain elongation during BDNF-induced LTP in vivo: evidence for compartment-specific translation control. (ekstern lenke)
Breivik, Mona Inger; Tjølsen, Arne; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2006). Genaktivering ved langtidspotensiering (LTP) i spinale smertesystem. (ekstern lenke)
Kuipers, Sjoukje; Trentani, Andrea; Westenbroek, Christel
et al. (2006). Unique patterns of FOS, phospho-CREB and BrdU immunoreactivity in the female rat brain following chronic stress and citalopram treatment. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). Neurotrophic factors and synaptic plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasicity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasisity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasicity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasicity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasicity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). Neurobiology of learning and plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasicity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF-induced synaptic consolidation requires ongoing translation of the immediate early gene Arc. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). Understanding synaptic plasicity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasisity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasicity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). BDNF as a consolidation factor in adult synaptic plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Kanhema, Tambudzai; Håvik, Bjarte; Grethe, Dagestad
et al. (2003). BDNF, translation control and dendritic protein synthesis in adult synaptic plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). På sporet av hukommelsen. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). På sporet av hukommelsen. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). Trophic factors and plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Ernfors, Patrick; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2003). The coupling of a TrkB tyrosine residue to LTP. (ekstern lenke)
Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Ying, Shui-Wang; Kanhema, Tambudzai
et al. (2002). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor triggers transcription-dependent, late phase long-term potentiation in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Tyler, W.J.; Alonso, M; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
et al. (2002). From acquisition to consolidation: on the role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling in hippocampal-dependent learning. (ekstern lenke)
Ying, Shui-Wang; Futter, Marie; Rosenblum, Kobi
et al. (2002). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor induces long-term potentiation in intact adult hippocampus: requirement for ERK activation coupled to CREB and upregulation of Arc synthesis. (ekstern lenke)
McCutchen, Mary E.; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Pozzo-Miller, Lucas
(2002). Modulation of neuronal calcium signaling by neurotrophic factors. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Eikemo, Marit
(2002). Det gåtefulle minnet. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2002). The instructive role of BDNF in long-term potentiation. (ekstern lenke)
Steenslid, Vibeke; Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2002). Effect of acute intrahippocampal BDNF infusion on synaptic efficacy at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Røkke, Håvard; Håvik, Bjarte; Bårdsen, Kjetil
et al. (2002). LTP-induced regulation of the immediate early genes arc and zif268 in the dentate gyrus of freely moving rats: effect of sleep-wakefulness state. (ekstern lenke)
Håvik, Bjarte; Røkke, Håvard; Davanger, Svend
et al. (2002). Rapid dendritic trafficking and translation of pre-existing CaMKII mRNA during LTP in awake rats. (ekstern lenke)
Håvik, Bjarte; Røkke, Håvard; Davanger, Svend
et al. (2002). Effect of LTP induction in awake rats on the expression and dendritic trafficking of Arc and alpha-CaMKII mRNA: a real-time PCR analysis of synaptodendrosomes. (ekstern lenke)
Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Ying, Shui-Wang; Kanhema, Tambudzai
et al. (2002). BDNF triggers transcription-dependent, late phase LTP in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Bårdsen, Kjetil
(2002). Neurotrophins and synaptic plasticity in the adult hippocampus. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2002). Making memories last: brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as a trigger for synaptic consolidation. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2001). BDNF and synaptic plasticity in the hippicampus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2001). BDNF and synaptic plasticity in the hippicampus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2001). BDNF and synaptic plasticity in the hippicampus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2001). BDNF and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2001). BDNF and synaptic plasticity in the hippicampus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Kanhema, Tambudzai; Ying, Shui-Wang; Nairn, Angus C.
et al. (2001). BDNF-induced long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus in vivo is associated with phosphorylation of elongation factor-2. (ekstern lenke)
Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2001). Characterization of BDNF-induced LTP in the dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Kanhema, Tambudzai; Ying, Shui-Wang; Nairn, Angus C.
et al. (2001). BDNF-induced long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus in vivo is associated with phosphorylation of elongation factor-2. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2001). Brain-derived neurotrophophic factor (BDNF) and Long-Term synaptic plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2001). BDNF, LTP and neuroprotection. (ekstern lenke)
Valentine, Gerald; Chakravarty, Sumana; Sarvey, John
et al. (2000). Fragile X (fmr1) mRNA expression is differentially regulated in two adult models of activity-dependent gene expression. (ekstern lenke)
Rygh, Lars Jørgen; Bårdsen, Kjetil; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2000). In vivo monitoring of TrkB-Fc efficacy and time course using paired-pulse inhibition in the dentate gyrus. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Lynch, M.A.; Plummer, M.
et al. (2000). Symposium: Neurotrophins and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. (ekstern lenke)
Røkke, Håvard; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2000). Pairing of low frequency perforant path stimulation and endogenous exitatory events in dentate gyrus of the freely behaving rat. (ekstern lenke)
Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Croll, S.; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(2000). Characterization of BDNF-induced long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus. (ekstern lenke)
Ying, Shui-Wang; Rosenblum, K.; Futter, M.
et al. (2000). Activation of MAPK signaling pathway is required in BDNF-induced long-term potentation in the adult hippocampus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Rosenblum, K.; Futter, M.; Voss, K.
et al. (2000). GFP-ERKII translocation in neurons: a marker for long-term synaptic plasticity. (ekstern lenke)
Røkke, Håvard; Webber, M.; Hunt, S.
et al. (2000). LTP induction in wakefulness and sleep-effect on expression patterns of immediate early genes. (ekstern lenke)
Røkke, Håvard; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(1999). LTP induction in the dentate gyrus of freely moving rats is modulated by dentate EEG spikes. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Webber, M.
et al. (1999). BDNF-induced LTP is associated with enhanced ZIF/268 protein expression in rat dantate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(1999). NMDA receptor activation is not required for BDNF-induced LTP in the rat dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Thomas, G; Toska, Karen; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
et al. (1999). Mitogen and stress activated protein kinase signaling pathways: emerging functions in the nervous system. (ekstern lenke)
Thomas, Gareth; Toska, Karen; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
et al. (1999). MAP and SAP kinase signaling pathways: emerging functions in the nervous system. (ekstern lenke)
Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Srebro, Boleslaw; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(1998). Acute intrahippocampal infusion of BDNF induces lasting potentiation of synaptic transmission in the rat dentate gyrus. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(1998). Phasic boosting of medial perforant path-evoked granule cell output time-locked to spontaneous dentate EEG spikes in awake rats. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Alhers, S.; Sarvey, J.
(1998). Acute cold stress leading to elevated corticosterone neither enhances synaptic efficacy nor impairs tetanus-evoked LTP in the dentate gyrus of free moving rats. (ekstern lenke)
Bårdsen, Kjetil; Messaoudi, El Houcine; Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(1998). Effect of the BDNF-scavenger TrkB-IgF on LTP in the rat dentate gyrus in vivo. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen; Bårdsen, Kjetil; Messaoudi, Elhoucine
(1998). Endogenous neurotrophins and LTP in the dentate gyrus in vivo: effect of BDNF-scavenger Trk-IgG. (ekstern lenke)
Messaoudi, Elhoucine; Bårdsen, Kjetil; Srebro, Bolek
et al. (1998). In vivo BDNF-induced long-lasting potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus. (ekstern lenke)
Bramham, Clive R. Evjen
(1998). Neurotrophin regulation of synaptic plasticity in the adult nervous system. (ekstern lenke)
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