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Koseki, Shunya; Crespo, Lander Rodriguez; Tjiputra, Jerry
et al. (2024). Assessing the tropical Atlantic biogeochemical processes in the Norwegian Earth System Model. (ekstern lenke)
Koseki, Shunya; Tjiputra, Jerry; Fransner, Sara Filippa Krusmynta
et al. (2023). Disentangling the impact of Atlantic Niño on sea-air CO<inf>2</inf> flux. (ekstern lenke)
Fransner, Sara Filippa Krusmynta; Olsen, Are; Årthun, Marius
et al. (2023). Phytoplankton abundance in the Barents Sea is predictable up to five years in advance. (ekstern lenke)
Nilsen, Ina; Fransner, Sara Filippa Krusmynta; Olsen, Are
et al. (2023). Trivial gain of downscaling in future projections of higher trophic levels in the Nordic and Barents Seas. (ekstern lenke)
Beghoura, Houda; Gorgues, Thomas; Fransner, Sara Filippa Krusmynta
et al. (2023). Contrasting responses of the ocean’s oxygen minimum zones to artificial re-oxygenation. (ekstern lenke)
Planque, Benjamin; Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth ; Buttay, Lucie
et al. (2022). A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models. (ekstern lenke)
Fransner, Sara Filippa Krusmynta; Fröb, Friederike; Tjiputra, Jerry
et al. (2022). Acidification of the Nordic Seas. (ekstern lenke)
Bethke, Ingo; Wang, Yiguo; Counillon, Francois Stephane
et al. (2021). NorCPM1 and its contribution to CMIP6 DCPP. (ekstern lenke)
Ilyina, Tatiana; Hongmei, Li; Spring, Aaron
et al. (2021). Predictable variations of the carbon sinks and atmospheric CO2 growth in a multi‐model framework. (ekstern lenke)
Fransner, Filippa; Counillon, Francois; Bethke, Ingo
et al. (2020). Ocean Biogeochemical Predictions—Initialization and Limits of Predictability. (ekstern lenke)
Aldama-Campino, Aitor; Fransner, Filippa; Ödalen, Malin
et al. (2020). Meridional Ocean Carbon Transport. (ekstern lenke)
Hordoir, Robinson; Axell, Lars; Höglund, Anders
et al. (2019). Nemo-Nordic 1.0: A NEMO-based ocean model for the Baltic and North seas - Research and operational applications. (ekstern lenke)
Fransner, Filippa; Fransson, Agneta Ingrid; Humborg, Christoph
et al. (2019). Remineralization rate of terrestrial DOC as inferred from CO2 supersaturated coastal waters. (ekstern lenke)
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et al. (2019). Changes of the overturning of a fjord-type estuary in a warmer climate, a test case in the Northern Baltic sea. (ekstern lenke)
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Vitenskapelig foredrag
Faglig foredrag
Planque, Benjamin; Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth; Buttay, Lucie
et al. (2023). A standard protocol for describing the evaluation of ecological models. (ekstern lenke)
Fransner, Sara Filippa Krusmynta; Counillon, Francois Stephane; Bethke, Ingo
et al. (2019). Biogeochemical Predictions - What happens in Bergen? . (ekstern lenke)
Fransner, Sara Filippa Krusmynta; Olsen, Are; Tjiputra, Jerry
et al. (2019). Biogeochemical Predictions Working Group. (ekstern lenke)
Fransner, Filippa; Counillon, Francois; Bethke, Ingo
et al. (2019). Biogeochemical Predictions - An update from Bergen. (ekstern lenke)
Fransner, Filippa; Counillon, Francois; Bethke, Ingo
et al. (2019). Biogeochemical Predictions - Initialization and Sources of Potential Predictability. (ekstern lenke)
Skjelvan, Ingunn; Jeansson, Emil; Chierici, Melissa
et al. (2022). Trender i havforsuring og antropogent karbon i de nordiske hav, Nordsjøen og Skagerrak. (ekstern lenke)
Planque, Benjamin; Aarflot, Johanna Myrseth ; Buttay, Luice
et al. (2020). Best practices for ecological model evaluation II: Workshop Report. (ekstern lenke)
Planque, Benjamin; Carroll, JoLynn; Fransner, Filippa
et al. (2020). Best practices for ecological model evaluation I : Workshop Report. (ekstern lenke)
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