Geir Atle Ersland


Emeriti, Medieval History 2011, since 2012 to present at Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen. Senior Researcher Center of Medieval Studies, University of Bergen, 2008 – 2011.



Professor of Medieval History 2011, since 2012 to present at Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen.

2016– . UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management – Nature and Cultur. University of Bergen.

2014– .  Part time lecturer, University College of Bergen.

2011– .  Part time lecturer, Department of Landscape, Architecture and Spatial Planning. The University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway.

2008–12. Researcher and author of Stavanger bys historie, b. 1.

Senior Researcher and professor, The  Centre for Mediaeval Studies, University of Bergen.

2008–11.  Part time adviser, The Hanseatic Museum, Bergen.

2003–07.  Associate professor, Department of History, University of Bergen.

2002.  Associate professor, Volda University College, Volda, Norway.

1997–99. Researcher and author of Norsk forsvarshistorie, b. 1. (Norwegian military history, vol. 1). Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies. Oslo.

1994–2002.  Associate professor, part and full time, Department of History, University of Bergen.

1994. Lecturer at The Bryggen Museum, Bergen.

1991–94.  Scholarship The Norwegian Research Council 1991 – 1994.


Publications and activities registered in Cristin

Dissemination etc:

2021. Ersland, Geir Atle.Bergen i mellomalderen. Nasjonalbiblioteket, Lagapodden spesial: norske byar [Internett] 2021-11-28UiB UiO Nasjonalbiblioteket. Red.: Sunde, Jørn Øyrehagen: Lagapodden spesial: norske byar [Internett] 2021-11-28UiB UiO NB

2016. Gotland i vikingtid. (Gotland in the Age of the Vikings). NRK P2 [Radio] 2016-10-08.

2016. Historiespor på Gotland. (Traces of History at Gotland). NRK P2 [Radio] 2016-10-01.

2015 – . Prosjekt Bryggen, publisering av kjelder o.a. knytt til Bryggegardane og Bryggenleksikon. (Project Bryggen, sources related to the Bryggen tenement and a Bryggen Lexicon). . Bergen.

2015. Hanseatar (Hansards). NRK P2 [Radio] 2015-08-08.

2015. Hansamuseet i Lübeck. (Europäische Hansemuseum Lübeck). NRK P2 [Radio] 2015-08-15.

2015. Lübeck og Bergen. (Lübeck and Bergen). NRK P2 [Radio] 2015-10-10.

2013. Utstilling: Kva er tant og kva er sant, Dyveketradisjonen i Bergen. (Exhibition: Truth and fiction, Dyveke and king Christian 2 in Bergen). Bergen Public Library.

2011. Utstilling: Kjøpmannsstuen og Det hanseatiske kontorets arkiv. (Exhibition: The Merchants house and The Archive of the The Hanseatic Kontor in Bergen). The Hanseatic Museum. Bergen. 

2011. Utstilling: Fragment frå fortida. (Exhibition: Fragments from the past). Centre for Medieval Studies and The University Museum. Bergen.

2011. Bergen and de hanseatiske kjøpmennene på Bryggen. (Bergen and The Hanseatic Merchants at Bryggen). NRK P2 [Radio] 2011.

2009. Ansvarleg for filmprosjektet Den siste hanseat til dei faste utstillingane ved. (Film: The Last Hanseatic Merchant in Bergen).  The Hanseatic Museum, 2009. Bergen.

2008. Utstilling: Byens ansikt. (Exhibition: The Face of the Town). In co-operation with The University Museum and The University Library. Bergen.

2008. Ansvarleg for filmprosjektet Tordenkugler over Bergen. (Film: Canon balls over Bergen. Part of the exhipition The Face of the Town).

1999 – 2002. Prosjektleiar for det nasjonale utstillingsprosjektet Historiens bilder. (The Pictures of History). Part of the Norwegian Millenium Project (Tusenårsmarkeringa Norge 2000). Exhibition sites: Oslo, Sandnes, Bergen, Narvik and Tromsø.

(Not included: Popular lectures 61, newspaper contributions 5, newspaper interviews 21, TV-interviews 4, radio interviews 10, internet publications (interviews) 5. All prior to 2016).


Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin

Publications and activities registered in Cristin

Publications 2010 - 2019

Ersland, Geir Atle. 2019. The Notau harbour and the Kontor in Bergen. AmS-skrifter 2019 (27) s. 237-244.

Bergen 1300 - 1600: A Trading hub between the North and the Baltic Sea. 24, sider 428-445. I: Blockmans, Wim; Krom, Mikhail; Wubs-Mrozewicz, Justyna. 2017. The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Trade Around Europe 1300-1600. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-89950-6.

Suppersberger Hamre, Stian; Ersland, Geir Atle; Daux, Valérie; Parson, Walther; Wilkinson, Caroline. Three individuals, three stories, three burials from medieval Trondheim, Norway. PLOS ONE 2017; Volum 12: e018277. (7)

Ersland, Geir Atle. 2016. Stadtentwiclung in Westnorwegen 1450 - 1850. I: Der skandinavische Weg in die Moderne : Beiträge zur Geschichte Norwegens und Schwedens vom Spätmittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag 2016 ISBN 978-3-8305-3638-3. s. 49-61.

Ersland, Geir Atle. 2015. How Archaeology Saved Bryggen. I: Nordic Middle Ages - Artefacts, Landscapes and Society. Essays in Honour of Ingvild Øye on her 70th Birthday.  Universitetet i Bergen 2015 ISBN 978-82-90273-89-2. s. 145-157

Ersland, Geir Atle. 2015. The History of Bryggen until 1900. I: Monitoring, Mitigation, Management. Oslo: Riksantikvaren 2015 ISBN 978-82-7574-085-2. s. 11-23

Ersland, Geir Atle. 2015. Urban Land Ownership and Rural Estates - The Case of Three Scandinavian Medieval Towns. I: The Medieval Countryside 11 - Town and Country in Medieval North Western Europe. Brepols 2015 ISBN 978-2-503-53387-2. s. 265-285

Das Handelsgericht des Hansekontors in Bergen. I: Hanse und Stadt. Lübeck: Verein für Lübeckische Geschichte und Altertumskunde. ISBN 978-3-79505219-5. Lübeck 2014. s. 89-102.

Republic versus Monarchy: Urban Government in Medieval Scandinavia. I: Revue d'histoire Nordique 2013 (16) ISSN 1778-9605. Toulouse 2013. s. 99–113.

Eit statsbesøk til Konstantinopel via Jerusalem. I: Fragment frå fortida. ISBN 978-82-8265-058-8. Oslo 2013. s. 24–37.

The Castle as a Military Stronghold 1100–1700. I: Håkonshallen 750 Years – royal residence and national monument. ISBN 978-82-8265-063-2. Oslo 2013 .s. 77–88.

Mellomalderbyen Stavanger. Stavangeren, medlemsblad for Byhistorisk foreining. (3) ISSN 0806-184X. Stavanger 2013. s. 33–42.

Torget i Bergen - fra opphavet til 1733. Gamle Bergen Årbok. Bergen 2013. s. 6–12.

Stavanger bys historie, bind 1. Bispeby og borgarby – frå opphavet til 1815. ISBN 978-82-8140-080-1. Stavanger 2012  s. 10–297.

Byens konstruksjon – varige spor i byens landskap. ISBN 978-82-8265-029-8. Oslo 2011. 208 s.

Das Kaufmannshaus – Det hanseatiske kontorets rettslokale og administrasjonshus i Bergen. I: Det hanseatiske Museums Skrifter nr. 30. ISBN 978-82-92241-14-1. Bergen 2011. 94 s.

Kven eigde byen – bygrunnlegging, grunneige og grunnleige i Bergen og eit utval nordeuropeiske byar. Dr. avh. 1994. ISBN 978-82-8265-031-1. Oslo 2011. 239 s.

Opponentsinnlegg til Erika Harlitz: Urbana system och riksbildning i Skandinavien. Historisk Tidskrift (S) 2011; Volum 131.(2) ISSN 0345-469X.

Myking, Tor; Yakovlev, Igor; Ersland, Geir Atle.  Nuclear genetic markers indicate Danish origin of the Norwegian beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations established in 500–1,000 AD. I: Tree Genetics & Genomes 2011; Volum 7.(3) ISSN 1614-2942. s.  587–596

Bergen, Bryggen, hanseatene og Koren Wiberg. I: Det hanseatiske museums skrifter nr. 29. Bergen 2010. ISBN 978-82-92241-13-4. 25 s.

Plot longevity and urban land tenure: a Norwegian case study. I: Urban morphology 2010; Volum 14. (1). 2010. ISSN 1027-4278. 10 s.

