Ida Martine Gard Rysjedals bilde
Eivind Senneset

Ida Martine Gard Rysjedal

Stipendiat, PhD Candidate

Rysjedal is part of the Understanding Male Gamers project.

Rysjedal is currently working on her PhD project about how gaming behavior and communicational aspects can be a way of channeling masculinity. By studying two different forums and selected YouTube-/Twitch.tv-channels she wish to address the question: how do male players refer to gender issues, and in what way are behavior in games and rhetorical devices used as an expression of masculinity? 

Gard, I.M.S. (2023) Transgressive spillerkarakterer: Kjønnsstereotyper og giftig spillkultur rundt The Last of Us Part 2. Master thesis. The Universiy of Bergen. Available from: https://bora.uib.no/bora-xmlui/handle/11250/3075046

Rysjedal has a bachelors degree in Media and Communication, within the course Media Institutions: Market and Democracy, where she focused on media institutions and freedom of speech. In her bachelors dissertation she critically discussed the Norwegian Press Complaints Commission (Pressens Faglige Utvalg) verdict of the NRK program Folkeopplysningen: Make Lillestrøm Great Again. With a critical view she discussed media institutions' freedom of speech.

In 2023, Rysjedal finished her Master thesis in game studies, within Media and Communication. In her prosject, she conducted a forum study focusing on the toxic gamer culture and gender stereotypes connected to the game The Last of Us Part 2. Focusing on the transgressive - or boundary breaking - elements of the characters in the game, she investigated how expectations to gender, and stereotypical understandings of gender, were present in the toxic parts of the gamer culture.
