Vår forskningsgruppe prøver å forstå hvordan stress fører til celledød og hvilke mekansimer cellene har for å beskytte seg selv og omliggende celler. Vi bruker zebrafisk som in vivo modell for å studere signaler som fører til celledød og beskyttelse. Zebrafisk er blitt en svært populær modell for menneskelig sykdommer. Zebrafiskens utvikling og organer er like våre og sykdomsrelaterte menneskelige gener finnes som funksjonelle gener også i zebrafisk.
Førde JL, Alhourani A, Carey T, Arbab A, Fladmark KE, Skrede S, Mollnes TE, Herfindal L, Hagland HR. Impact of the Graphene Production Methods Sonication and Microfluidization on In Vitro and In Vivo Toxicity, Macrophage Response, and Complement Activation. ACS Omega. 2024 Sep 18;9(39):40468-40476. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.4c03189.
Roodveldt, Bernardino, Oztop-Cakmak, Dragic , Fladmark, Ertan, Busra, Pita, Ciglar, Garraux, Williams-Gray, Pacheco, Romero-Ramos (2024) The immune system in Parkinson's disease: what we know so far. BRAIN doi: 10.1093.
Saponjic, Mejías, Nikolovski, Dragic, Canak, Papoutsopoulou, Gursoy-Ozdemir, Fladmark, Ntavaroukas, Muluk, Jovanovic, Comi, Marino (2024) Experimental models to study immune dysfunction in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14;25(8):4330.doi: 10.3390/ijms25084330
Chavali, L. N. M., Yddal, I., Bifulco, E., Mannsaker, S., Roise, D., Law, J. O., . . . Fladmark, K. E. (2023). Progressive Motor and Non-Motor Symptoms in Park7 Knockout Zebrafish. Int J Mol Sci, 24(7). doi:10.3390/ijms24076456.
Førde J-L, Reiten IN, Fladmark KE, Kittang AO, Herfindal L A (2022) New Software Tool for Computer Assisted In Vivo High-Content Analysis of Transplanted Fluorescent Cells in intact Zebrafish Larvae Biology Open Nov. 10.1242/bio.059530
Gharbi, N., Røise, D., Førre, J. E., Edson, A. J., Hushagen, H. A., Tronci, V., . . . Fladmark, K. E. (2021). Reintroduction of DJ-1 in Müller Cells Inhibits Retinal Degeneration in the DJ-1 Deficient Retina. Antioxidants (Basel), 10(12). doi:10.3390/antiox10121862
Dysregulation in the brain protein profile of zebrafish lacking the Parkinson’s disease related protein DJ-1. Edson, A.J., Hushagen, H.A., Frøyset, AK., Elda, I., Khan, E.A., Di Stefano, A., Fladmark, K.E. (2019) Mol. Neurobiol. DOI: 10.1007/s12035-019-01667-w
Astroglial DJ-1 over-expression up-regulates proteins involved in redox regulation and is neuroprotective in vivo. Frøyset AK Edson AJ, Gharbi N, Khan EA, Dondorp D, Bai Q, Tiraboschi E, Suster ML, Connolly JB, Burton EA, and Fladmark KE. (2018) Redox Biol. 16:237-247.
Quantitative proteomics analysis of zebrafish exposed to sub-lethal dosages of BMAA. Frøyset AK, Khan EA, Fladmark KE (2016) Sci Reports 6:29631.
Redox control of protein degradation. Pajares M, Jimineze-Moreno N, Dias I, Debelec B, Vucetic M, Fladmark KE, Basaga H, Ribaric S, Milisav I, Cuadrado A (2015) RedOx Biology 6:409-20.
The Algal Toxin Azaspiracid-1 Induces an Early Neuronal Differentiation and Alters Peripherin Isoform Stoichiometry . Hjørnevik LV , Frøyset AK, Grønset TA, Rungruangsak-Torrissen K, and Fladmark KE (2015) Marine Drugs 13, 7390-7402.
The N-terminal acetyltransferase Naa10 is essential for zebrafish development. Ree RM, Myklebust L, Thiel P, Foyn H, Fladmark KE, and Arnesen T (2015) Bioscience Reports Aug. 6
Proteomic tools to elucidate the molecular action of microalgal toxins. In Toxins and biologically active compounds from microalgae. Ed Rossini GP Fladmark KE (2014) (Book chapter)
Identification of dynamic changes in proteins associated with the cellular cytoskeleton after exposure to okadaic acid. Opsahl JA, Ljostveit S, Solstad T, Risa K, Roepstorff P, and Fladmark KE (2013) Marine Drugs11:1763-82.
Comparative analysis of IgM sub-variants in salmonid fish and identification of a residue in m3 which is essential for MAb4C10 reactivity. KamilA, RaaeA, Fjelldal PG, Koppang EO, Fladmark KE, Hordvik I (2013)Fish and Shellfish Immunology 34: 667-72.
Nodularin exposure induces SOD1 phosphorylation and distrupts SOD1 co-localization with actin. Hjørnevik LV, Fismen L, Young FM, Solstad T , Fladmark KE (2012) . Toxins 4:1482-1499.
Dietary lysine imbalance affects muscle proteome in zebrafish (Danio rerio): a comparative 2D-DIGE study. de Vareilles M, Conceição L, Gómez-Requeni P, Kousoulaki K, Richard N, Rodrigues P, Fladmark, KE, Rønnestad I, (2012) Marine Biotechnology 14:643-654.
Impact of dietary protein hydrolysates on skeleton quality and proteome in Diplodus sargus larvae. de Vareilles M, Richard N, Gavaia PJ, Silva TS., Cordeiro O, Guerreiro I, Yúfera M, Batista I, Pires C, Pousão-Ferreira P, Rodrigues PM, Rønnestad I, Fladmark KE, Conceição LEC (2012) J Appl Ichthyol 28: 477-87.
Ectopic expression of Flt3 kinase inhibits proliferation and promotes cell death in different human cancer cell lines Oveland E, Wergeland L, Hovland R, Lorens JB, Gjertsen BT, Fladmark KE. Cell Biol Toxicol. 2012 Mar 16.
Increased interaction between DJ-1 and the Mi-2/ nucleosome remodelling and deacetylase complex during cellular stress. Opsahl JA, Hjornevik LV, Bull VH, Fismen L, Froyset AK, Gromyko D, Solstad T, Fladmark KE. Proteomics. 2010;10(7):1494-504.
Acyloxymethyl Esterification of Nodularin-R and Microcystin-LA Produces Inactive Protoxins that Become Reactivated and Produce Apoptosis inside Intact Cells. Herfindal L, Kasprzykowski F, Schwede F, Lankiewicz L, Fladmark KE, Lukomska J, Wahlsten M, Sivonen K, Grzonka Z, Jastorff B, Døskeland SO J Med Chem 2009 Epub 2009 aug.
Proteomic response of human neuroblastoma cells to azaspiracid-1. Kellmann R, Schaffner CA, Grønset TA, Satake M, Ziegler M, Fladmark KE. J Proteomics. 2009 May 2;72(4):695-707. Epub 2009 Mar 5.
Ligand-induced Flt3-downregulation modulates cell death associated proteins and enhances chemosensitivity to idarubicin in THP-1 acute myeloid leukemia cells. Oveland E, Gjertsen BT, Wergeland L, Selheim F, Fladmark KE, Hovland R. Leuk Res. 2009 Feb;33(2):276-87. Epub 2008 Aug 8.
Identification of a novel phosphorylation site of acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) in nodularin-induced apoptotic hepatocytes. Solstad T, Fismen L, Garberg H, Fladmark KE. Exp Cell Res. 2008 Jun 10;314(10):2141-9. Epub 2008 Mar 30.
Comprehensive analysis of exported proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. Målen H, Berven FS, Fladmark KE, Wiker HG. Proteomics. 2007 May;7(10):1702-18.
CaM-kinaseII-dependent commitment to microcystin-induced apoptosis is coupled to cell budding, but not to shrinkage or chromatin hypercondensation. Krakstad C, Herfindal L, Gjertsen BT, Bøe R, Vintermyr OK, Fladmark KE, Døskeland SO. Cell Death Differ. 2006 Jul;13(7):1191-202. Epub 2005 Nov 25.
Algal toxins as guidance to identify phosphoproteins with key roles in apoptotic cell death. Solstad T, Fladmark KE. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2006 Jun;7(3):209-15. Review.
Proteomics approaches to elucidate oncogenic tyrosine kinase signaling in myeloid malignancies. Oveland E, Fladmark KE, Wergeland L, Gjertsen BT, Hovland R. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2006 Jun;7(3):185-98. Review.
Pågående prosjekter:
Regulering og funksjon til astrocytt DJ-1 i en dyremodell av Parkinsons sykdom. Rebergs Legat til forskning av Parkinsons sykdom
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Omega3Up- Comparison of uptake of EPA/DHA from salmon oil with other marine oils (Omega3Up). FHF – Norwegian Seafood Research Fund
ImmuParkNet. The role of IMMUnity in tackling PARKinson’s disease through a Translational NETwork. EU-COST CA21117
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