Kari Klungsøyr
Professor, Lege, Dr.med. Spesialist i samfunnsmedisin
Klungsøyr har vært leder for forskningsgruppen ‘Registry based studies of familial risk’ i fagområdet Epidemiologi og Medisinsk Statistikk ved Institutt for Global Helse og Samfunnsmedisin (IGS), Medisinsk fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen, og er nå nestleder for Senter for translasjonell forskning i epidemiologi (TRACE), IGS, UiB.
Klungsøyr, som er tidligere allmennlege og spesialist i samfunnsmedisin, har i mer enn 20 år fokusert sin forskning på reproduktiv helse og perinatal epidemiologi. Ett tema har vært sammenhenger innad i familier (for eksempel gjennom arv og mer varige miljøfaktorer) og hvordan slike sammenhenger påvirker forholdet mellom kjente og ukjente risikofaktorer og uheldige svangerskapsutfall, på kort og lang sikt. Hun har også forsket på medfødte misdannelser, alvorlige komplikasjoner hos kvinner i forbindelse med svangerskap og fødsel, svangerskapsforgiftning, dødfødsel, fertilitet og sammenhengen mellom reproduktiv helse og helse senere i livet.
Som overlege ved Medisinsk fødselsregister (MFR) siden 2004 har Klungsøyr vært opptatt av at data i de norske helseregistrene må være av god kvalitet, og hun har gjennomført flere valideringsstudier av tilstander og intervensjoner registrert i MFR. Hun leder nå et stort samarbeidsprosjekt der forskere samarbeider med klinikere for å studere svært alvorlige utfall hos mor og barn ved svangerskap og fødsel. Her er ett av målene å evaluere om analyser av behandlingsforløpene (audit) kan brukes til å identifisere svikt og forsinkelser i behandlingen og dermed mulige områder for forbedring.
I løpet av siste tiår har Klungsøyr i økende grad vært involvert i forskning på nevroutviklingsforstyrrelser, med et fokus på Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Innen dette forskningsfeltet har hun vært partner i et «Centre of excellence» ledet av prof Jan Haavik: ‘K.G. Jebsen centre for research on Neuropsychiatric disorders’. Dette senteret hadde som mål å anvende en translasjonell tilnærming til studier av nevroutviklingsforstyrrelser ved å kombinere epidemiologi, basal nevroforskning, genetikk, billeddiagnostikk og kliniske studier. Senteret var en suksess og oppnådde finansiering i to perioder. Klungsøyr har også vært deltager og partner i flere EU prosjekter på ADHD feltet.
Klungsøyr er partner i prosjektet "Healthier Women", ledet av prof Rolv Skjærven. Skjærven fikk ERC Advanced Grant for dette prosjektet, som har som et hovedmål å bruke data om kvinners totale reproduktive karriere til å studere sammenhengen mellom svangerskap og senere helse hos mor.
Klungsøyr er medlem av EuroPeristat, et europeisk nettverk som benytter rutinedata om svangerskap og fødsler fra forskjellige europeiske land for å utvikle europeiske indikatorer om perinatal helse og studere ulike spørsmål innen perinatal-feltet basert på disse data. Nettverket publiserer rapporter som viser de perinatale helseindikatorene, siste rapport viste indikatorer for årene 2015-2019: https://www.europeristat.com/
Klungsøyr er også medlem av EUROCAT, European network of population-based registries for the epidemiological surveillance of congenital anomalies, hvor hun representerer MFR. Dette nettverket, etablert I 1974, har siden 2015 ligget ved European Commission's Joint Research Centre. Nettverket har som hovedmål å drive overvåkning av og forskning om medfødte misdannelser, og publiserer årlige oppdatert Statistikk om forekomst av medfødte misdannelser i Europa: https://eu-rd-platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/eurocat_en
Klungsøyr underviser ulike emner innen epidemiologi, for medisinerstudenter, master studenter innen ernæring og farmasi, og for PhD studenter. Hun underviser også noen emner innen samfunnsmedisin for medisinerstudenter.
Klungsøyr veileder medisinerstudenter når de skal skrive sine hovedoppgaver, medisinerstudenter som går "forskerlinjen" og PhD studenter. Hun er også mentor for post doc stipendiater.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Win, Shwe Sin; Klungsøyr, Kari; Egeland, Grace Margrethe et al. (2025). Paternal family history of premature atherosclerotic disease and perinatal death: A population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sletten, Ida Neergård; Jokihaara, Jarkko; Klungsøyr, Kari (2024). Prevalence, infant outcomes and gestational risk factors for transverse reduction deficiencies at or above the wrist: a population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Mentzoni, Camilla Tjønneland; Klungsøyr, Kari; Engjom, Hilde Marie (2024). Trends in severe postpartum haemorrhage among nulliparous women with spontaneous onset of labour: A population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sharifian, Mohammad Jalil; Igland, Jannicke; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2024). Incidence trends of adult glioma in Norway and its association with occupation and education: A registry-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Zeitlin, Jennifer; Philibert, Marianne; Barros, Henrique et al. (2024). Socioeconomic disparities in changes to preterm birth and stillbirth rates during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: a study of 21 European countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Jeppegaard, Maria; Frølich, Maria Kongerslev; Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim et al. (2024). Perinatal death in the Nordic countries in relation to gestational age: The impact of registration practice. (ekstern lenke)
- Varpula, Reetta; Äyräs, Outi; Aabakke, Anna J. M. et al. (2024). Early suppression policies protected pregnant women from COVID-19 in 2020: A population-based surveillance from the Nordic countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Wyatt, Sage; Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt; Singh, Aditi et al. (2024). Heterogeneity in the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality after the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy across mothers' lifetime reproductive history. (ekstern lenke)
- Sartorius, Victor; Philibert, Marianne; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2024). Neonatal Mortality Disparities by Gestational Age in European Countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Instanes, Johanne Telnes; Solberg, Berit Skretting; Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt et al. (2024). Organic food consumption during pregnancy and symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders at 8 years of age in the offspring: the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). (ekstern lenke)
- Arshad, Nadia; Skjaerven, Rolv; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2024). Pregnancy-Associated Maternal Mortality Within One Year After Childbirth: Population-Based Cohort Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Brikell, Margareta Isabell; Yao, Honghui; Li, Lin et al. (2023). ADHD medication discontinuation and persistence across the lifespan: a retrospective observational study using population-based databases. (ekstern lenke)
- Daltveit, Dagrun Slettebø; Klungsøyr, Kari; Engeland, Anders et al. (2023). Cancer risk in the siblings of individuals with major birth defects: a large Nordic population-based case-control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Morris, Joan K.; Bergman, Jorieke E. H.; Barisic, Ingeborg et al. (2023). Surveillance of multiple congenital anomalies; searching for new associations. (ekstern lenke)
- Tan, Joachim; Glinianaia, Svetlana V.; Rankin, Judith et al. (2023). Risk factors for mortality in infancy and childhood in children with major congenital anomalies: A European population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Amyx, Melissa; Philibert, Marianne; Farr, Alex et al. (2023). Trends in caesarean section rates in Europe from 2015 to 2019 using Robson's Ten Group Classification System: A Euro-Peristat study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sletten, Ida Neergård; Klungsøyr, Kari; Garratt, Andrew et al. (2023). Patient-reported function, quality of life and prosthesis wear in adults born with one hand: a national cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, Ann-Louise Rud; Urhoj, Stine Kjaer; Tan, Joachim et al. (2023). The burden of disease for children born alive with Turner syndrome—A European cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Klungsøyr, Kari; Stigum, Hein (2023). Adjusting for outcome risk factors in immigrant datasets: total or direct effects?. (ekstern lenke)
- Basnet, Prativa; Skjaerven, Rolv; Harmon, Quaker E. et al. (2023). Risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in twin- and singleton-born women: An inter-generational cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sima, Yeneabeba Tilahun; Magnus, Maria Christine; Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt et al. (2023). The relationship between cesarean delivery and fecundability: a population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Basnet, Prativa; Skjaerven, Rolv; Harmon, Quaker E. et al. (2023). Birthweight of the subsequent singleton pregnancy following a first twin or singleton pregnancy. (ekstern lenke)
- Seid, Abdu Kedir; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2023). Pregnancy complications in last pregnancy and mothers’ long-term cardiovascular mortality: does the relation differ from that of complications in first pregnancy? A population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sima, Yeneabeba Tilahun; Skjaerven, Rolv; Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt et al. (2023). Birth Weight in Consecutive Pregnancies and Maternal Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Among Spontaneous and Iatrogenic Term Births: A Population-Based Cohort Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Garne, Ester; Goldsmith, Shona; Barisic, Ingeborg et al. (2023). Severe Congenital Heart Defects and Cerebral Palsy. (ekstern lenke)
- Santoro, Michele; Garne, Ester; Coi, Alessio et al. (2023). Survival, hospitalisation and surgery in children born with Pierre Robin sequence: A European population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Glinianaia, Svetlana V.; Rankin, Judith; Tan, Joachim et al. (2023). Ten-year survival of children with trisomy 13 or trisomy 18: A multi-registry European cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Xie, Tian; Schweren, Lizanne J.S.; Larsson, Henrik et al. (2023). Do Poor Diet and Lifestyle Behaviors Modify the Genetic Susceptibility to Impulsivity in the General Population?. (ekstern lenke)
- Mamasoula, Chrysovalanto; Bigirumurame, Theophile; Chadwick, Thomas et al. (2023). Maternal age and the prevalence of congenital heart defects in Europe, 1995–2015: A register-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Bröms, Gabriella; Hernandez-Diaz, Sonia; Huybrechts, Krista F. et al. (2023). Atomoxetine in Early Pregnancy and the Prevalence of Major Congenital Malformations: A Multinational Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Rissmann, Anke; Tan, Joachim; Glinianaia, Svetlana V et al. (2023). Causes of death in children with congenital anomalies up to age 10 in eight European countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Claridge, Hugh; Tan, Joachim; Loane, Maria et al. (2023). Ethics and legal requirements for data linkage in 14 European countries for children with congenital anomalies. (ekstern lenke)
- Paramsothy, Abira; Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Engeland, Anders et al. (2023). Fetal Exposure to Preeclampsia and Later Risk of Cardiometabolic Disorders: A Population-Based Cohort Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt; Instanes, Johanne Telnes et al. (2023). Maternal Fiber Intake During Pregnancy and Development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Across Childhood: The Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Glinianaia, Svetlana V.; Rankin, Judith; Pierini, Anna et al. (2022). Ten-Year Survival of Children With Congenital Anomalies: A European Cohort Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Gissler, Mika; Durox, Mélanie; Smith, Lucy et al. (2022). Clarity and consistency in stillbirth reporting in Europe: why is it so hard to get this right?. (ekstern lenke)
- Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt; Klungsøyr, Kari; Igland, Jannicke et al. (2022). Association of sweetened carbonated beverage consumption during pregnancy and ADHD symptoms in the offspring: a study from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). (ekstern lenke)
- Coi, Alessio; Santoro, Michele; Pierini, Anna et al. (2022). Survival of children with rare structural congenital anomalies: a multi-registry cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Morris, Joan K.; Wellesley, Diana; Limb, Elizabeth et al. (2022). Prevalence of vascular disruption anomalies and association with young maternal age: A EUROCAT study to compare the United Kingdom with other European countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Mamasoula, Chrysovalanto; Addor, Marie-Claude; Carbonell, Clara Cavero et al. (2022). Prevalence of congenital heart defects in Europe, 2008–2015: A registry-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Daltveit, Dagrun Slettebø; Klungsøyr, Kari; Engeland, Anders et al. (2022). Sex differences in childhood cancer risk among children with major birth defects: a Nordic population-based nested case-control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sima, Yeneabeba; Skjaerven, Rolv; Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt et al. (2022). Cesarean delivery in Norwegian nulliparous women with singleton cephalic term births, 1967–2020: a population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Basnet, Prativa; Skjaerven, Rolv; Sørbye, Linn Marie et al. (2022). Long-term cardiovascular mortality in women with twin pregnancies by lifetime reproductive history. (ekstern lenke)
- Cohen, Jacqueline Mallory; Alvestad, Silje; Cesta, Carolyn E. et al. (2022). Comparative Safety of Antiseizure Medication Monotherapy for Major Malformations. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergman, Jorieke E. H.; Barišić, Ingeborg; Addor, Marie-Claude et al. (2022). Amniotic band syndrome and limb body wall complex in Europe 1980–2019. (ekstern lenke)
- Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Klungsøyr, Kari; Kuja-Halkola, Ralf et al. (2022). Labor epidural analgesia and subsequent risk of offspring autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a cross-national cohort study of 4.5 million individuals and their siblings. (ekstern lenke)
- Santoro, Michele; Coi, Alessio; Pierini, Anna et al. (2022). Temporal and geographical variations in survival of children born with congenital anomalies in Europe: A multi-registry cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Engjom, Hilde Marie; Aabakke, Anna J. M.; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2021). COVID‐19 in pregnancy – characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women admitted to hospital because of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in the Nordic countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Morris, Joan K.; Addor, Marie-Claude; Ballardini, Elisa et al. (2021). Prevention of Neural Tube Defects in Europe: A Public Health Failure. (ekstern lenke)
- Hocquette, Alice; Durox, Mélanie; Wood, Rachael et al. (2021). International versus national growth charts for identifying small and large-for-gestational age newborns: A population-based study in 15 European countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Chen, Qi; Kuja-Halkola, Ralf et al. (2021). Familial co-Aggregation of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autoimmune diseases: A cohort study based on Swedish population-wide registers. (ekstern lenke)
- Roell, Kyle R.; Harmon, Quaker; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2021). Clustering Longitudinal Blood Pressure Trajectories to Examine Heterogeneity in Outcomes among Preeclampsia Cases and Controls. (ekstern lenke)
- Cavadino, Alana; Sandberg, Lovisa; Øhman, Inger et al. (2021). Signal Detection in EUROmediCAT: Identification and Evaluation of Medication–Congenital Anomaly Associations and Use of VigiBase as a Complementary Source of Reference. (ekstern lenke)
- Bauer, Anna E.; Avery, Christy L.; Shi, Min et al. (2021). Do Genetic Variants Modify the Effect of Smoking on Risk of Preeclampsia in Pregnancy?. (ekstern lenke)
- Santoro, Michele; Coi, Alessio; Barišić, Ingeborg et al. (2021). Epidemiology of Pierre-Robin sequence in Europe: A population-based EUROCAT study. (ekstern lenke)
- Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio; Solberg, Berit Skretting; Engeland, Anders et al. (2021). Male to female ratios in autism spectrum disorders by age, intellectual disability and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (ekstern lenke)
- Leke, Aminkeng Zawuo; Dolk, Helen; Loane, Maria et al. (2021). Macrolide and lincosamide antibiotic exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy and risk of congenital anomaly: A European case-control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Loane, Maria; Given, Joanne E.; Tan, J. et al. (2021). Linking a European cohort of children born with congenital anomalies to vital statistics and mortality records: A EUROlinkCAT study. (ekstern lenke)
- Anderson, Anneli; Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Chen, Qi et al. (2020). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and smoking habits in pregnant women. (ekstern lenke)
- Honigberg, Michael C.; Riise, Hilde Kristin Refvik; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti et al. (2020). Heart failure in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: Insights from the cardiovascular disease in Norway project. (ekstern lenke)
- Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; McGinnis, Ralph; Williams, Nicholas O. et al. (2020). Genetic predisposition to hypertension is associated with preeclampsia in European and Central Asian women. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjellmo, Solveig; Andersen, Guro Lillemoen; Hjelle, Sissel et al. (2020). Does caesarean delivery in the first pregnancy increase the risk for adverse outcome in the second? A registry-based cohort study on first and second singleton births in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- van de Putte, Romy; van Rooij, Iris A.L.M.; Haanappel, Cynthia P. et al. (2020). Maternal risk factors for the VACTERL association: A EUROCAT case-control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Best, Kate E.; Rankin, Judith; Dolk, Helen et al. (2020). Multilevel analyses of related public health indicators: The European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) Public Health Indicators. (ekstern lenke)
- Mortensen, Laust H.; Cnattingius, Sven; Gissler, Mika et al. (2020). Sex of the first-born and obstetric complications in the subsequent birth. A study of 2.3 million second births from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Halmøy, Anne et al. (2020). Sex differences in parent–offspring recurrence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (ekstern lenke)
- Gildestad, Trude; Bjørge, Tone; Haaland, Øystein Ariansen et al. (2020). Maternal use of folic acid and multivitamin supplements and infant risk of birth defects in Norway, 1999–2013. (ekstern lenke)
- Daltveit , Dagrun Slettebø; Klungsøyr, Kari; Engeland, Anders et al. (2020). Cancer risk in individuals with major birth defects: large Nordic population based case-control study among children, adolescents, and adults. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørbye, Linn Marie; Cnattingius, Sven; Skjærven, Rolv et al. (2020). Interpregnancy weight change and recurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus: a population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Hao; Barisic, Ingeborg; Loane, Maria et al. (2019). Congenital clubfoot in Europe: A population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Zayats, Tetyana; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio et al. (2019). Patterns of psychiatric comorbidity and genetic correlations provide new insights into differences between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder. (ekstern lenke)
- van de Putte, Romy; van Rooij, Iris A.L.M.; Marcelis, Carlo L.M. et al. (2019). Spectrum of congenital anomalies among VACTERL cases: a EUROCAT population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Santoro, Michele; Coi, Alessio; Barišić, Ingeborg et al. (2019). Epidemiology of Dandy-Walker malformation in Europe: A EUROCAT population-based registry study. (ekstern lenke)
- Morris, Joan K.; Wellesley, Diana G.; Barisic, Ingeborg et al. (2019). Epidemiology of congenital cerebral anomalies in Europe: a multicentre, population-based EUROCAT study. (ekstern lenke)
- Coi, Alessio; Santoro, Michele; Garne, Ester et al. (2019). Epidemiology of achondroplasia: A population-based study in Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Cleary, Brian; Loane, Maria; Addor, Marie-Claude et al. (2019). Methadone, Pierre Robin sequence and other congenital anomalies: case–control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Klungsøyr, Kari; Nordtveit, Tone Irene; Kaastad, Trine Sand et al. (2019). Epidemiology of limb reduction defects as registered in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway, 1970-2016: Population based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergholt, Thomas; Skjeldestad, Finn Egil; Pyykönen, Aura et al. (2019). Maternal age and risk of cesarean section in women with induced labor at term—A Nordic register‐based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Bauer, Anna E; Avery, Christy L; Shi, Min et al. (2018). A Family Based Study of Carbon Monoxide and Nitric Oxide Signalling Genes and Preeclampsia. (ekstern lenke)
- Rossen, Janne; Klungsøyr, Kari; Albrechtsen, Susanne et al. (2018). Can oxytocin augmentation modify the risk of epidural analgesia by maternal age in cesarean sections?. (ekstern lenke)
- Chen, Qi; Hartman, Catharina A.; Haavik, Jan et al. (2018). Common psychiatric and metabolic comorbidity of adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A population-based cross-sectional study. (ekstern lenke)
- Given, Joanne E.; Loane, Maria; Garne, Ester et al. (2018). Metformin exposure in first trimester of pregnancy and risk of all or specific congenital anomalies: exploratory case-control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Engjom, Hilde Marie; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Høydahl, Even et al. (2018). Risk of eclampsia or HELLP-syndrome by institution availability and place of delivery - A population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Egeland, Grace M.; Skurtveit, Svetlana; Staff, Anne Cathrine et al. (2018). Pregnancy-related risk factors are associated with a significant burden of treated hypertension within 10 years of delivery: Findings from a population-based Norwegian Cohort. (ekstern lenke)
- Engeland, Anders; Bjørge, Tone; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2018). Trends in prescription drug use during pregnancy and postpartum in Norway, 2005 to 2015. (ekstern lenke)
- Garne, Ester; Rissmann, Anke; Addor, Marie-Claude et al. (2018). Epidemiology of septo-optic dysplasia with focus on prevalence and maternal age? A EUROCAT study. (ekstern lenke)
- Brodwall, Kristoffer; Greve, Gottfried; Leirgul, Elisabeth et al. (2018). The five-year survival of children with Down syndrome in Norway 1994-2009 differed by associated congenital heart defects and extracardiac malformations. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergman, Jorieke E. H.; Lutke, L Renee; Gans, Rijk O B et al. (2017). Beta-Blocker Use in Pregnancy and Risk of Specific Congenital Anomalies: A European Case-Malformed Control Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Jystad, Kjersti Postmyr; Strand, Kristin Melheim; Bjellmo, Solveig et al. (2017). Congenital anomalies and the severity of impairments for cerebral palsy. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørbye, Linn Marie; Skjaerven, Rolv; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2017). Gestational diabetes mellitus and interpregnancy weight change: A population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Colmorn, Lotte B; Krebs, Lone; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2017). Mode of first delivery and severe maternal complications in the subsequent pregnancy. (ekstern lenke)
- Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Instanes, Johanne Telnes; Haavik, Jan et al. (2017). Associations between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autoimmune diseases are modified by sex: a population-based cross-sectional study. (ekstern lenke)
- Pyykönen, Aura; Gissler, Mika; Løkkegaard, Ellen et al. (2017). Cesarean section trends in the Nordic Countries - a comparative analysis with the Robson classification. (ekstern lenke)
- Colmorn, Lotte Berdiin; Langhoff-Roos, Jens; Jakobsson, Maija et al. (2017). National Rates of Uterine Rupture are not Associated with Rates of Previous Caesarean Delivery: Results from the Nordic Obstetric Surveillance Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Engeland, Anders; Bjørge, Tone; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2017). Preterm births and use of medication in early adulthood: a population-based registry study. (ekstern lenke)
- Lindström, Linda ; Skjaerven, Rolv; Bergman, Eva et al. (2017). Chronic hypertension in women after perinatal exposure to preeclampsia, being born small for gestational age or preterm. (ekstern lenke)
- Engjom, Hilde Marie; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Høydahl, Even et al. (2017). Increased risk of peripartum perinatal mortality in unplanned births outside an institution: a retrospective population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Halmøy, Anne; Engeland, Anders et al. (2017). Gender differences in psychiatric comorbidity: a population-based study of 40 000 adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (ekstern lenke)
- Charlton, R A; Bettoli, V; Bos, H J et al. (2017). The limitations of some European healthcare databases for monitoring the effectiveness of pregnancy prevention programmes as risk minimisation measures. (ekstern lenke)
- Given, Joanne E; Loane, Maria; Garne, Ester et al. (2017). Gastroschisis in Europe - a Case-malformed-control study of medication and maternal illness during pregnancy as risk factors. (ekstern lenke)
- Egeland, Grace M.; Tell, Grethe S.; Næss, Øyvind et al. (2017). Association between pregravid physical activity and family history of stroke and risk of stillbirth: Population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Instanes, Johanne Telnes; Halmøy, Anne; Engeland, Anders et al. (2017). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring of mothers with inflammatory and immune system diseases. (ekstern lenke)
- Luteijn, Johannes Michiel; Morris, Joan K.; Garne, Ester et al. (2016). EUROmediCAT signal detection: a systematic method for identifying potential teratogenic medication. (ekstern lenke)
- Given, Joanne E.; Loane, Maria; Luteijn, Johannes Michiel et al. (2016). EUROmediCAT signal detection: an evaluation of selected congenital anomaly-medication associations. (ekstern lenke)
- Morris, Joan K.; Rankin, Judith; Garne, Ester et al. (2016). Prevalence of microcephaly in Europe: Population based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Thurn, Lars; Lindqvist, Pelle G.; Jakobsson, Maija et al. (2016). Abnormally invasive placenta—prevalence, risk factors and antenatal suspicion: results from a large population-based pregnancy cohort study in the Nordic countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Jordan, Sue; Morris, Joan K; Davies, Gareth I. et al. (2016). Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants in pregnancy and congenital anomalies: Analysis of linked databases in Wales, Norway and Funen, Denmark. (ekstern lenke)
- Gildestad, Trude; Øyen, Nina; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2016). Maternal use of folic acid supplements and infant risk of neural tube defects in Norway 1999-2013. (ekstern lenke)
- Instanes, Johanne Telnes; Klungsøyr, Kari; Halmøy, Anne et al. (2016). Adult ADHD and Comorbid Somatic Disease: A Systematic Literature Review. (ekstern lenke)
- Halland, Frode; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; deRoo, Lisa et al. (2016). Long-term mortality in mothers with perinatal losses and risk modification by surviving children and attained education: A population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt; Haug, Kjell; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2016). Maternal smoking status in successive pregnancies and risk of having a small for gestational age infant. (ekstern lenke)
- Delnord, Marie; Hindori-Mohangoo, Ashna D.; Smith, Lucy et al. (2016). Variations in very preterm birth rates in 30 high- income countries: are valid international compari sons possible using routine data? . (ekstern lenke)
- Zeitlin, Jennifer; Mortensen, Laust; Prunet, Caroline et al. (2016). Socioeconomic inequalities in stillbirth rates in Europe: measuring the gap using routine data from the Euro-Peristat Project. (ekstern lenke)
- Zeitlin, Jennifer; Mortensen, Laust; Cuttini, Marina et al. (2016). Declines in stillbirth and neonatal mortality rates in Europe between 2004 and 2010: results from the Euro-Peristat project. (ekstern lenke)
- Heino, Anna; Gissler, Mika; Hindori-Mohangoo, Ashna D. et al. (2016). Variations in multiple birth rates and impact on perinatal outcomes in Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Herstad, Lina; Klungsøyr, Kari; Skjaerven, Rolv et al. (2016). Elective cesarean section or not? Maternal age and risk of adverse outcomes at term: A population-based registry study of low-risk primiparous women. (ekstern lenke)
- Garne, Ester; Vinkel Hansen, Anne; Morris, Joan K. et al. (2016). Risk of congenital anomalies after exposure to asthma medication in the first trimester of pregnancy – a cohort linkage study. (ekstern lenke)
- Charlton, Rachel A; Klungsøyr, Kari; Neville, Amanda J. et al. (2016). Prescribing of antidiabetic medicines before, during and after pregnancy: A study in seven European regions. (ekstern lenke)
- Charlton, Rachel A; Pierini, Anna; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2016). Asthma medication prescribing before, during and after pregnancy: a study in seven European regions. (ekstern lenke)
- Egeland, Grace M.; Klungsøyr, Kari; Øyen, Nina et al. (2016). Preconception cardiovascular risk factor differences between gestational hypertension and preeclampsia: Cohort Norway study. (ekstern lenke)
- Herstad, Lina; Klungsøyr, Kari; Skjaerven, Rolv et al. (2015). Maternal age and emergency operative deliveries at term: a population-based registry study among low-risk primiparous women. (ekstern lenke)
- de Jonge, Linda; Garne, Ester; Gini, Rosa et al. (2015). Improving information on maternal medication use by linking prescription data to congenital anomaly registers: a EUROmediCAT study. (ekstern lenke)
- deRoo, Lisa; Skjaerven, Rolv; Wilcox, Allen et al. (2015). Placental abruption and long-term maternal cardiovascular disease mortality: a population-based registry study in Norway and Sweden. (ekstern lenke)
- Charlton, Rachel ; Garne, Ester; Wang, Hao et al. (2015). Antiepileptic drug prescribing before, during and after pregnancy: a study in seven European regions. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørbye, Linn Marie; Klungsøyr, Kari; Samdal, Oddrun et al. (2015). Pre-pregnant body mass index and recreational physical activity: effects on perinatal mortality in a prospective pregnancy cohort. (ekstern lenke)
- Rich-Edwards, Janet W; Klungsøyr, Kari; Wilcox, Allen J. et al. (2015). Duration of pregnancy, even at term, predicts long-term risk of coronary heart disease and stroke mortality in women: a population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Halland, Frode; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; deRoo, Lisa et al. (2015). Association of Women's Reproductive History with Long-term Mortality and Effect of Socioeconomic Factors. (ekstern lenke)
- Garne, Ester; Hansen, Anne Vinkel; Morris, Joan et al. (2015). Use of asthma medication during pregnancy and risk of specific congenital anomalies: A European case-malformed control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Khoshnood, Babak; Loane, Maria; De Walle, Hermien et al. (2015). Long term trends in prevalence of neural tube defects in Europe: population based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Gildestad, Trude; Bjørge, Tone; Vollset, Stein Emil et al. (2015). Folic acid supplements and risk of oral clefts in the newborn: A population-based study.. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergman, Jorieke E.H.; Loane, Maria; Vrijheid, Martine et al. (2015). Epidemiology of hypospadias in Europe: a registry-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Engeland, Anders; Bjørge, Tone; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2015). Preeclampsia in pregnancy and later use of antihypertensive drugs. (ekstern lenke)
- Wemakor, Anthony; Casson, Karen; Garne, Ester et al. (2015). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant use in first trimester pregnancy and risk of specific congenital anomalies: a European register-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Jakobsson, Maija; Tapper, Anna-Maija; Colmorn, Lotte Berdiin et al. (2015). Emergency peripartum hysterectomy: Results from the prospective Nordic Obstetric Surveillance Study (NOSS). (ekstern lenke)
- Tandberg, Anne; Klungsøyr, Kari; Romundstad, Liv Bente et al. (2015). Pre-eclampsia and assisted reproductive technologies: Consequences of advanced maternal age, interbirth intervals, new partner and smoking habits. (ekstern lenke)
- Springett, Anna; Wellesley, Diana; Greenlees, Ruth et al. (2015). Congenital anomalies associated with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13: A registry-based study in 16 european countries, 2000-2011. (ekstern lenke)
- Vistad, Ingvild; Klungsøyr, Kari; Albrechtsen, Susanne et al. (2015). Neonatal outcome of singleton term breech deliveries in Norway from 1991 to 2011. (ekstern lenke)
- Colmorn, Lotte Berdiin; Petersen, Kathrine Birch; Jakobsson, Maija et al. (2015). The Nordic Obstetric Surveillance Study: A study of complete uterine rupture, abnormally invasive placenta, peripartum hysterectomy, and severe blood loss at delivery. (ekstern lenke)
- Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt; Skjaerven, Rolv; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2015). Can 'early programming' be partly explained by smoking? Results from a prospective, population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Barisic, Ingeborg; Boban, Ljubika; Loane, Maria et al. (2015). Meckel–Gruber Syndrome: a population-based study on prevalence, prenatal diagnosis, clinical features, and survival in Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- McGivern, Mark R.; Best, Kate E.; Rankin, Judith et al. (2015). Epidemiology of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in Europe: A register-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Harmon, Quaker E; Huang, Lisu; Umbach, David M et al. (2015). Risk of fetal death with preeclampsia. (ekstern lenke)
- Roberts, Christine; Ford, Jane B; Algert, Charles S et al. (2014). Population-based trends in pregnancy hypertension and pre-eclampsia: an international comparative study. (ekstern lenke)
- Delnord, Marie; Blondel, Béatrice; Drewniak, Nicolas et al. (2014). Varying gestational age patterns in cesarean delivery: An international comparison. (ekstern lenke)
- Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Klungsøyr, Kari ; Skjaerven, Rolv (2014). Perinatal mortality by gestational week and size at birth in singleton pregnancies at and beyond term: A nationwide population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Morris, Joan K.; Garne, Ester; Wellesley, Diana et al. (2014). Major congenital anomalies in babies born with Down syndrome: a EUROCAT population-based registry study. (ekstern lenke)
- Charlton, Rachel A.; Neville, Amanda J.; Jordan, Sue et al. (2014). Healthcare databases in Europe for studying medicine use and safety during pregnancy. (ekstern lenke)
- Barisic, Ingeborg; Odak, Ljubica; Loane, Maria et al. (2014). Prevalence, prenatal diagnosis and clinical features of oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum: A registry-based study in Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Calzolari, Elisa; Barisic, Ingeborg; Loane, Maria et al. (2014). Epidemiology of multiple congenital anomalies in Europe: A EUROCAT population-based registry study. (ekstern lenke)
- Starling, Anne P.; Engel, Stephanie M.; Richardson, David B. et al. (2014). Perfluoroalkyl substances during pregnancy and validated preeclampsia among nulliparous women in the Norwegian mother and child cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord; Øverby, Nina Cecilie; Engel, Stephanie M et al. (2014). Associations of adherence to the New Nordic Diet with risk of preeclampsia and preterm delivery in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). (ekstern lenke)
- Engjom, Hilde Marie; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Norheim, Ole Frithjof et al. (2014). Availability and access in modern obstetric care: a retrospective population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Best, Kate E.; Addor, Marie-Claude; Arriola, Larraitz et al. (2014). Hirschsprung's disease prevalence in Europe: A register based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Klungsøyr, Kari; Harmon, Quaker; Skard, Linn Beate et al. (2014). Validity of pre-eclampsia registration in the medical birth registry of Norway for women participating in the Norwegian mother and child cohort study, 1999-2010. (ekstern lenke)
- Khoshnood, Babak; Loane, Maria; Garne, Ester et al. (2013). Recent Decrease in the Prevalence of Congenital Heart Defects in Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Loane, Maria; Morris, Joan K.; Addor, Marie-Claude et al. (2013). Twenty-year trends in the prevalence of Down syndrome and other trisomies in Europe: impact of maternal age and prenatal screening. (ekstern lenke)
- Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Magnus, Per et al. (2013). Pre-pregnant body mass index, gestational weight gain and the risk of operative delivery. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Roten, Linda Tømmerdal et al. (2013). Validity of the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Stensheim, Hanne; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv et al. (2013). Birth outcomes among offspring of adult cancer survivors: A population-based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Boyle, B; McConkey, R; Garne, E et al. (2013). Trends in the prevalence, risk and pregnancy outcome of multiple births with congenital anomaly: a registry-based study in 14 European countries 1984-2007. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Roten, Linda Tømmerdal; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2013). Validity of pre-eclampsia diagnosis in Medical Birth Registry of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Mohangoo, Ashna D.; Blondel, Béatrice; Gissler, Mika et al. (2013). International Comparisons of Fetal and Neonatal Mortality Rates in High-Income Countries: Should Exclusion Thresholds Be Based on Birth Weight or Gestational Age?. (ekstern lenke)
- Cupul-Uicab, Lea A; Skjaerven, Rolv; Haug, Kjell et al. (2012). In utero exposure to maternal tobacco smoke and subsequent obesity, hypertension, and gestational diabetes among women in the MoBa Cohort. (ekstern lenke)
- Garne, E; Loane, M; Dolk, H et al. (2012). Spectrum of congenital anomalies in pregnancies with pregestational diabetes. (ekstern lenke)
- Halmøy, Anne; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv et al. (2012). Pre- and perinatal risk factors in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (ekstern lenke)
- Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Irgens, Lorentz M. et al. (2012). Secular trends in the epidemiology of pre-eclampsia throughout 40 years in Norway: prevalence, risk factors and perinatal survival. (ekstern lenke)
- Herstad, Lina; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv et al. (2012). Maternal age and elective cesarean section in a low-risk population. (ekstern lenke)
- Skjaerven, Rolv; Wilcox, Allen J; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr et al. (2012). Cardiovascular mortality after pre-eclampsia in one child mothers: prospective, population based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Tandberg, Anne; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Nordtveit, Tone Irene et al. (2011). Maternal birth characteristics and perinatal mortality in twin offspring. An intergenerational population-based study in Norway, 1967-2008. (ekstern lenke)
- Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv (2011). Recurrence of prolonged and post-term gestational age across generations: maternal and paternal contribution. (ekstern lenke)
- Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv; Rasmussen, Svein et al. (2010). Recurrence of stillbirth in sibships: population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Cocchi, Guido; Gualdi, Silvia; Bower, Caroline et al. (2010). International trends of Down Syndrome 1993-2004: births in relation to maternal age and terminations of pregnancies. (ekstern lenke)
- Jentink, Janneke; Loane, Maria A.; Dolk, Helen et al. (2010). Valproic acid monotherapy in pregnancy and major congenital malformations. (ekstern lenke)
- Jentink, Janneke; Dolk, Helen; Loane, Maria A. et al. (2010). Intrauterine exposure to carbamazepine and specific congenital malformations: systematic review and case-control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordtveit, Tone I; Klungsøyr, Kari; Skjærven, Rolv (2010). Mothers' and fathers' birth characteristics and perinatal mortality in their offspring: a population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Rasmussen, Svein Arvid; Irgens, Lorentz M; Skjærven, Rolv et al. (2009). Prior adverse pregnancy outcome and the risk of stillbirth. (ekstern lenke)
- Nilsen, Roy M; Vollset, Stein Emil; Gjessing, Håkon K. et al. (2009). Self-selection and bias in a large prospective pregnancy cohort in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordtveit, Tone Irene; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv (2009). Intergenerational birth weight associations by mother's birth order - The mechanisms behind the paradox: A population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Klungsøyr Melve, Kari; Lie, Rolv Terje; Skjærven, Rolv et al. (2008). Registration of Down syndrome in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway: Validity and time trends. (ekstern lenke)
- Klungsøyr Melve, Kari; Skjærven, Rolv (2008). Outcomes of pregnancies following a birth with major birth defects: A population based study. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordtveit, Tone Irene; Klungsøyr Melve, Kari; Albrechtsen, Susanne et al. (2008). Maternal and paternal contribution to intergenerational recurrence of breech delivery: population based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Magelssen, Henriette; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv et al. (2008). Parenthood probability and pregnancy outcome in patients with a cancer diagnosis during adolescence and young adulthood. (ekstern lenke)
- Lunde, Astrid; Klungsøyr Melve, Kari; Gjessing, Håkon K. et al. (2007). Genetic and environmental influences on birth weight, birth length, head circumference and gestational age using population based parent-offspring data. (ekstern lenke)
- Tollånes, Mette Christophersen; Klungsøyr Melve, Kari; Irgens, Lorentz M et al. (2007). Reduced fertility after cesarean delivery - A maternal choice. (ekstern lenke)
- Skjærven, Rolv; Klungsøyr Melve, Kari (2007). Selective fertility – the examples of perinatal death and preeclampsia. (ekstern lenke)
- Fosså, Sophie D; Magelssen, Henriette; Klungsøyr Melve, Kari et al. (2005). Parenthood in Survivors After Adulthood Cancer and Perinatal Health in Their Offspring: A Preliminary Report. (ekstern lenke)
- Magelssen, H; Haugen, Trine B.; von Düring, Vidar et al. (2005). Twenty years experience with semen cryopreservation in testicular cancer patients: who needs it?. (ekstern lenke)
- Fosså, Sophie D.; Magelssen, H; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr et al. (2005). Parenthood in survivors after adulthood cancer and perinatal health in their offspring. (ekstern lenke)
- Magelssen, H; Haugen, TB; Von During, V et al. (2005). Twenty years experience with semen cryopreservation in testicular cancer patients: who needs it?. (ekstern lenke)
- Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Gjessing, Håkon K; Skjærven, Rolv et al. (2000). Infant's length at birth: an independent effect on perinatal mortality. (ekstern lenke)
- Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Bærheim, A (1994). Signs of subclinical eating disorders in teenage girls. (ekstern lenke)
- Daltveit , Dagrun Slettebø; Bjørge, Tone; Klungsøyr, Kari (2024). Birth defects and cancer risk: Nordic population-based studies of cancer risk in children, adolescents, and adults with major birth defects and their siblings. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Klungsøyr, Kari; Haavik, Jan et al. (2020). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; sex differences in psychiatric comorbidity and transgenerational recurrence risks : A population-based study using Norwegian registry data. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørbye, Linn Marie; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Klungsøyr, Kari (2019). Maternal weight, weight change and perinatal outcomes: Can physical activity and gestational weight gain modify the risk?. (ekstern lenke)
- Engjom, Hilde Marie; Norheim, Ole Frithjof; Lindtjorn, Bernt et al. (2018). Obstetric care in Norway - the role of institution availability and place of delivery for maternal and perinatal outcomes. Population-based retrospective cohort studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Nordtveit, Tone Irene; Klungsøyr, Kari; Skjaerven, Rolv (2010). Generations, reproduction and birth outcome : a registry-based cohort study in Norway 1967-2006. (ekstern lenke)
- Melve, Kari Klungsøyr (2003). Pregnancy outcome and family data: Heterogeneity of risk, and sibling dependencies. Epidemiological studies of births in Norway, 1967-1998. (ekstern lenke)
Brev til redaktøren
- Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti Nesje; Krogvik, Kristine Tønder et al. (2024). Årsrapport for Medisinsk fødselsregister 2023. Svangerskap og fødsler i Norge. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti Nesje; Juliusson, Pétur Benedikt et al. (2023). Årsrapport for Medisinsk fødselsregister 2022. Svangerskap og fødsler i Norge . (ekstern lenke)
- Duerr, Ana; Moster, Dag; Seliussen, Ingvei Helen et al. (2014). Årstabeller for Medisinsk fødselsregister 2012. Fødsler i Norge. (ekstern lenke)
- Ebbing, Marta; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr (2013). Årstabeller for Medisinsk fødselsregister 2011. Fødsler i Norge. (ekstern lenke)
- Lauvrak, Vigdis; Norderhaug, Inger Natvig; Hagen, Gunhild et al. (2012). Tidlig ultralyd i svangerskapsomsorgen. (ekstern lenke)
- Brubakk, Ann-Mari; Tømmervik, Kristin; Slinning, Kari et al. (2005). Alkohol og graviditet: Hva er farlig for fosteret? Hvordan forebygge og behandle? Rapport fra en ekspertgruppe (IS-1284). (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
- Hartman, Catharina A.; Larsson, Henrik; Vos, Melissa et al. (2023). Anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders in adult men and women with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A substantive and methodological overview. (ekstern lenke)
- Morris, Joan K.; Springett, Anna L.; Greenlees, Ruth et al. (2018). Trends in congenital anomalies in Europe from 1980 to 2012. (ekstern lenke)
- Blondel, Béatrice; Alexander, Sophie; Bjarnadottir, Ragnheidur I. et al. (2016). Variations in rates of severe perineal tears an d episiotomies in 20 European countries: a study based on routine national data in Euro-Peristat Project . (ekstern lenke)
- Ananth, Cande V.; Skjaerven, Rolv; Klungsøyr, Kari (2015). Change in paternity, risk of placental abruption and confounding by birth interval: A population-based prospective cohort study in Norway, 1967-2009. (ekstern lenke)
- Daltveit , Dagrun Slettebø; Bjørge, Tone; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2022). Childhood cancer risk among children with major birth defects – sex differences?. (ekstern lenke)
- Honingberg, Michael; Riise, Hilde Kristin Refvik; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti Nesje et al. (2020). Long-term risk of heart failure in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. (ekstern lenke)
- Skjeldestad, Finn Egil; Klungsøyr, Kari ; Bergholt, Thomas et al. (2014). Caesarean delivery among nulliparous women - Nordic countries 2000-2011. (ekstern lenke)
- Albrechtsen, Susanne; Klungsøyr, Kari ; Bergholt, Thomas et al. (2014). Breech deliveries in the Nordic countries. (ekstern lenke)
- Vestrheim, Liv Cecilie; Austgulen, Rigmor; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr et al. (2010). Classification of pre-eclamptic pregnancies in health registries. An evaluation of criteria selected and pregnancies included in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Daltveit , Dagrun Slettebø; Klungsøyr, Kari; Engeland, Anders et al. (2022). Cancer risk in individuals with siblings with major birth defects: A large Nordic population-based case-control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Daltveit , Dagrun Slettebø; Klungsøyr, Kari; Engeland, Anders et al. (2021). Childhood cancer risk among individuals with major birth defects: A Nordic collaborative study. (ekstern lenke)
- Daltveit , Dagrun Slettebø; Klungsøyr, Kari; Engeland, Anders et al. (2020). Cancer risk in individuals with major birth defects: A large Nordic population-based case-control study among children, adolescents, and adults. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Halmøy, Anne et al. (2019). Parent-offspring recurrence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Zayats, Tetyana et al. (2019). Parent-offspring recurrence of ADHD. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Zayats, Tetyana; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio et al. (2018). Psychiatric comorbidities in adults with ADHD and/or autism: Can patterns of comorbidities together with genetics add knowledge on etiologic relations? . (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Zayats, Tetyana; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio et al. (2018). Psychiatric comorbidity and genetic correlations provide new insights into differences between ADHD and autism . (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Zayats, Tetyana; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio et al. (2018). Psychiatric comorbidity and genetic correlations provide new insights into differences between ADHD and autism . (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Halmøy, Anne; Engeland, Anders et al. (2017). Psychiatric comorbidities in male and female adults with ADHD. (ekstern lenke)
- Skjeldestad, Finn Egil; Rossen, Janne; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2017). Maternal age, epidural analgesia and oxytocin augmentation as risk factors for cesarean delivery in nulliparous women in spontaneous labor at term.. (ekstern lenke)
- Solberg, Berit Skretting; Halmøy, Anne; Engeland, Anders et al. (2017). Gender Differences in Psychiatric Comorbidity: A Population-based Study of 40,000 Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. (ekstern lenke)
- Løkkegård, Ellen; Rasmussen, Sven; Pykonen, A et al. (2014). Cesarean delivery in induced women - Nordic countries 2000-2011. (ekstern lenke)
- Pykkonen, A; Gissler, Mika; Skjeldestad, Finn Egil et al. (2014). Caesaren delivery inNordic countries 1991-2011: a registry study using the Robson groups. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
- Given, Joanne E.; Loane, Maria; Garne, Ester et al. (2018). Metformin exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy and risk of all or specific congenital anomalies: Exploratory case-control study. (ekstern lenke)
- Engjom, Hilde Marie; Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Norheim, Ole Frithjof et al. (2013). Availability and access in modern obstetric care: a retrospective population-based cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Kvalvik, Liv Grimstvedt; Skjaerven, Rolv; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr et al. (2013). Low birth weight babies are more often smokers as adults. (ekstern lenke)
- Tandberg, Anne; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv (2012). Risk of preeclampsia in pregnancies from assisted reproductive technologies. (ekstern lenke)
- Colmorn, Lotte Berdiin; Petersen, Kathrine Birch; Jakobsson, Maija et al. (2012). Nordic Obstetric Surveillance Study (NOSS). Preliminary results and perspectives. (ekstern lenke)
- Vestrheim, Liv Cecilie; Austgulen, Rigmor; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr et al. (2010). Classification of pre-eclamptic pregnancies in health registries. An evaluation of criteria selected and pregnancies included in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Lie, Rolv T.; Skjaerven, Rolv et al. (2009). Down Syndrome registration in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway: Validity and time trends. (ekstern lenke)
- Klungsøyr, Kari; Lie, Rolv Terje; Skjærven, Rolv et al. (2008). Registration of Down's syndrome in the medical birth registry of Norway; validity and time trends. (ekstern lenke)
- Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv (2007). Recurrence of stillbirth by gestational age. (ekstern lenke)
- Skjaerven, Rolv; Wilcox, Allen J.; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr et al. (2007). Preeclampsia and long-term maternal mortality. (ekstern lenke)
Short communication
- Langhoff-Roos, Jens; Krebs, Lone; Klungsøyr, Kari et al. (2014). The Nordic medical birth registers - a potential goldmine for clinical research. (ekstern lenke)
- Morken, Nils-Halvdan; Melve, Kari Klungsøyr; Skjaerven, Rolv (2012). Recurrence of Prolonged and Postterm Gestational Age Across Generations: Maternal and Paternal Contribution EDITORIAL COMMENT. (ekstern lenke)
Ongoing projects:
2023 -: Nytt prosjekt, informasjon kommer i desember
2022 -: "Men's health factors and risk of fetal loss and stillbirth". Rolle: Prosjekt leder. Finansiering: Landsforeningen Uventet Barnedød
2021 -: "OCiNOR" - Obstetric Care in Norway - a Collaborative and Knowledge-building project". Rolle: Prosjekt leder - Finansiering: Norges forskningsråd
2020 -: "TIMESPAN" - Management of chronic cardiometabolic disease and treatment discontinuity in adult ADHD patients". Rolle: Arbeidspakke leder. Finansiering: EU
2019/2020 -: "GlioLink" - Improving prognosis of patients with glioblastoma: Linking health registry and clinical data to basic brain tumour research". Rolle: Partner/veileder. Finansiering: Kreftforeningen/ Norges forskningsråd
2020 - : "NEDCOM" - Neurodevelopmental disorders and comorbidity - sex differences, risk factors and functional aspects from childhood to adulthood. Rolle: Prosjekt leder. Finansiering: flere, inklusivt NEVSOM
2019 -: “Healthier Women” - A woman´s reproductive experience. Long term implications for chronic disease and death. Rolle: Partner/ veileder. Finansiering: EU - ERC Advanced grant til prof Rolv Skjærven.
2016 -: "Congenital limb reduction defects in Norway - epidemiology, risk factors and treatment". Rolle: Prosjekt leder Del I, Partner Del II. Samarbeidsprosjekt med Rikshospitalet, Oslo universitetssykehus
2014 -: "Cancer risk in families with children with birth defects: a Nordic collaboration". Rolle: Partner/ veileder. Finanisering: Kreftforeningen