Vitenskapelig foredrag
Keles, Serap; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2025). Systematic reviews workshop for educational research. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Keles, Serap
(2024). A Systematic Review of Empirical Research on Students’ ChatGPT Use in Higher Education. (ekstern lenke)
Watson, Lisa; Pezzotta, Micol; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2023). From identifying workforce needs to co-creating courses. (ekstern lenke)
Gokturk Saglam, Asli Lidice; Tsagari, Dina; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Developing Research Literacy of Pre-service Language Teachers in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Burns, Anne; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2025). The Routledge Handbook of Language Teacher Action Research. (ekstern lenke)
Jimarkon, Pattamawan ; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2025). Critical intercultural in the internationalization of higher education. (ekstern lenke)
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). International perspectives on mentoring in English language education . (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Reynolds, Kate
(2022). Research methods in language teaching and learning : A practical guide. (ekstern lenke)
Mede, Enisa; Dikilitas, Kenan; Atay, Derin
(2020). Pedagogic and instructional perspectives in language education : The context of higher education. (ekstern lenke)
Gokturk Saglam, Asli Lidice; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2019). Stories by Teacher Researchers in an Online Research Community. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Yuzlu, Muhammet Yasar; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2024). EFL teachers learning to translanguage through loop input: implications for their identity-reconstruction. (ekstern lenke)
Arefian, Mohammad Hossein; Çomoğlu, Irem; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2024). Understanding EFL teachers’ experiences of ChatGPT-driven collaborative reflective practice through a community of practice lens. (ekstern lenke)
Hosseini, Mehrdad; Bahrami, Vahid; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2024). From research reading and doing to research use: Tracking trajectories of becoming research-informed second language teachers. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Öztüfekçi, Ali
(2024). English language teachers’ implementation of collaborative translanguaging. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Klippen, May Irene Furenes; Keles, Serap
(2024). A Systematic Rapid Review of Empirical Research on Students’ Use of ChatGPT in Higher Education. (ekstern lenke)
Ballldaǧ, Sezgin; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2024). Non-Native Parents Raising a Bilingual Child in Turkey. (ekstern lenke)
Yuksel, Dogan; Dikilitas, Kenan; Webb, Rhian
et al. (2024). Exploring EMI students’ attitudes towards
translanguaging and English language proficiency
threshold across different disciplines. (ekstern lenke)
Eryilmaz, Rukiye; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2023). Identity tensions of in-service teacher educators: A narrative inquiry. (ekstern lenke)
Basar, Serhat; Comoglu, Irem; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2023). Teacher study groups as a collaborative platform for action research: an ecological perspective. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Griffiths, Carol
(2023). EMI in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Gokturk Saglam, Asli Lidice
(2023). Exploring the Practical Impacts of Research Engagement on English Language Teaching: Insights from an Online Community of Practice. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
(2023). Identity reconstruction through reflection and reflexivity: a new journey beyond the Ph.D. dissertation. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Bahrami, Vahid; Erbakan, Nil Tugce
(2023). Bilingual education teachers and learners in a preschool context: Instructional and interactional translanguaging spaces. (ekstern lenke)
Gülşen, Erhan; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2023). (Re)construction of teacher identities in a soft-CLIL context. (ekstern lenke)
Webb, Rhian; Yuksel, Dogan; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2023). Discipline-specific attitudinal differences of EMI students towards translanguaging. (ekstern lenke)
Jensen, Ida Bruheim; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2023). A scoping review of action research in higher education: implications for research-based teaching. (ekstern lenke)
Ural, Onur; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Identity Formation and Career Prospects of Bilingual Professionals: Blending Language Skills to Create Novel Applications to Career Pursuits. (ekstern lenke)
Yuzlu, Muhammet Yasar; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Translanguaging as a way to fostering EFL learners’ criticality in a hybrid course design. (ekstern lenke)
Inceçay, Volkan; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Online peer observation: Reflections on a process-based job-embedded professional development activity through video recordings. (ekstern lenke)
Ilknur, Eginli; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Examining the Interplay between English Language Teachers’ Mindset and Researcher Self-Efficacy Beliefs in the Use of Action Research. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Bahrami, Vahid
(2022). Teacher Identity (re)Construction in Collaborative Bilingual Education: The Emergence of Dyadic Identity. (ekstern lenke)
Griffiths, Carol; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Developing Teacher and Learner Autonomy. (ekstern lenke)
Yuzlu, Muhammet Yasar; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). The impact of translanguaging-driven training on in-service EFL teachers: Complexity theory prism. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Comoglu, Irem
Aslan, Ayca; Erten, Ismail Hakki; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). In-Service EFL teachers’ engagement in reflexive practice via video enhanced observation . (ekstern lenke)
Yemez, Nazmiye; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Development of verbal creativity by bilingual and English as foreign language learners in kindergarten to 8th grade schools. (ekstern lenke)
Coşkun, Zeynep Nesrin; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Uncovering Fears, Challenges, and Motives of an Adult Learner with Dyslexia through Metaphors. (ekstern lenke)
Akbana, Yunus Emre; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). EFL Teachers' Sources of Remote Teaching Anxiety: Insights and Implications for EFL Teacher Education. (ekstern lenke)
Zilli, Pattamawan Jimarkon; Wanphet, Phalangchok; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2021). Pre-service Teachers’ Digital Experiences through Digital Pedagogical Practices in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Consoli, Sal; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2021). Research Engagement in Language Education. (ekstern lenke)
Ballidag, Sezgin; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2021). Preparatory School Teachers' Self-Directed Online Professional Development. (ekstern lenke)
Yuzlu, Muhammet Yaşar; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2021). Translanguaging in the development of EFL learners’ foreign language skills in Turkish context. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon E.
(2020). Preschool English teachers gaining bilingual competencies in a monolingual context. (ekstern lenke)
Akayoglu, Sedat; Satar Coen, Muge; Dikilitas, Kenan
et al. (2020). Digital Literacy practices of Turkish pre-service EFL teachers. (ekstern lenke)
Karacan, Cemil Gökhan; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Italian-Turkish Bilingual Students: Impact of Simultaneous and Sequential Acquisition. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Comoglu, Irem
(2020). Pre-service English teachers’ reflective engagement with stories of exploratory action research. (ekstern lenke)
Öztüfekçi, Ali; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). An Investigation of an Early Bilingual Child: Phonological Development at its Finest?. (ekstern lenke)
Candan, Karolin; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). The perception of university students and instructors towards cooperative learning
. (ekstern lenke)
Karakaya, Merve; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). Perceptions of the students and the teachers towards the use of code switching in EFL classrooms. (ekstern lenke)
Comoglu, Irem; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). Learning To Become An English Language Teacher: Navigating The Self Through Peer Practicum. (ekstern lenke)
Göktürk Saglam, Asli Lidice; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). Evaluating an Online Professional Learning Community as a Context for Professional Development in Classroom-based Research. (ekstern lenke)
Mumford, Simon; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2019). Pre-service language teachers reflection development through online interaction in a hybrid learning course. (ekstern lenke)
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2019). English language teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for grammar instruction: implications for teacher educators. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
(2019). Teacher autonomy development through reading teacher research: agency, motivation and identity. (ekstern lenke)
Kaya, Mehmet Haldun; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2019). Constructing, Reconstructing and Developing Teacher Identity in Supportive Contexts. (ekstern lenke)
Senaydin, Ferah; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2019). Exploring child bilingual identity in Turkish context: a single case study. (ekstern lenke)
Senaydin, Ferah; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2019). Action research for self-evaluation of teaching. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Tanis, Ayfer
(2019). Exploring CLIL in Turkish context: Teacher and student voices. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Yayli, Demet
(2018). Teachers’ professional identity development through action research. (ekstern lenke)
Tanis, Ayfer; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2018). Turkish EFL Instructors’ Engagement in Professional Development. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Wyatt, Mark
(2018). Learning teacher-research-mentoring: stories from Turkey. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
(2016). Supporting the writing up of teacher research: peer and mentor roles. (ekstern lenke)
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2016). English language teachers becoming more efficacious through research engagement at their Turkish university. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Dikilitas, Kenan; Bahrami, Vahid; Erbakan, Nil Tugce
(2024). Developmental Trajectories of a Pre-K-12 Teacher during Collaborative Research with University Academics on Translanguaging Pedagogy. (ekstern lenke)
Comoglu, Irem; Öztüfekçi, Ali; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2024). Promoting multilingual pedagogies in initial English language teacher education: Reflections from multilingual Turkey. (ekstern lenke)
Akbana, Yunus Emre; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2024). Developing collaborative teacher autonomy for learning to teach English to young learners. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
(2024). Approaches to Teaching and Learning through EAP. (ekstern lenke)
Köylü, Zeynep; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2023). Syntactic and lexical complexity in CLIL and EFL written production: Evidence for ELF as a WEs paradigm in Turkey. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Çomoglu, Irem
(2023). Pedagogical and conceptual principles of teacher professional learning in TESOL: Teacher stories from Turkey. (ekstern lenke)
Öztüfekçi, Ali; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2023). Engaging in systematic digital reflection : A case of pre-service English teachers
. (ekstern lenke)
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Current developments in mentoring in English language education. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Mumford, Simon
(2022). Transformative mentoring in a pre-school bilingual context in Turkey. (ekstern lenke)
Wyatt, Mark; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Mentoring in English language education : Using current transnational practices to inform the future. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Gokturk Saglam, Asli Lidice; Serra, Mariana
et al. (2022). Mentoring presence for supporting international teacher-researchers. (ekstern lenke)
Arkin, Erkan; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2022). Turkish undergraduates' perspectives on EMI : A framework induced analysis of policies and processes. (ekstern lenke)
Khurram, Bushra Ahmed; Dikilitas, Kenan; Zafar, Hadia
(2021). Transnational professional development practices in TESOL teacher education. (ekstern lenke)
Dilber, Ece; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). The use of DIU in an ESP setting in Turkey. (ekstern lenke)
Mumford, Simon; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). The autoethnography of an re-emerging researcher identity and its impact on EAP teaching. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan
(2020). Teacher autonomy and good language teachers. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan
(2019). Teacher researchers. (ekstern lenke)
Faglig foredrag
Vitenskapelig monografi
Reynolds, Kate; Dikilitas, Kenan; Close, Steven
(2021). Introduction to TESOL : Becoming a language teaching professional. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Bostancioglu, Ali
(2019). Inquiry and research skills for language teachers. (ekstern lenke)
Sanchez, Hugo Santiago; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2019). Developing Academic Writing Literacy While Responding to Tutor Written Feedback. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Hanks, Judith
(2018). Developing Language Teachers with Exploratory Practice: Innovations and Explorations in Language Education. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Kesli Dollar, Yesim; Mede, Enisa
(2018). English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Involvement in High-Stakes Testing in Turkey. (ekstern lenke)
Gary, Barkhuizen; Burns, Anne; Dikilitas, Kenan
et al. (2018). Empowering Teacher-researchers, Empowering learners. (ekstern lenke)
Kirkgoz, Yasemin; Dikilitas, Kenan
(2018). Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes in Higher Education. (ekstern lenke)
Burns, Anne; Dikilitas, Kenan; Smith, Richard
et al. (2017). Developing Insights into Teacher-research. (ekstern lenke)
Dikilitas, Kenan; Griffiths, Carol
(2017). Developing Language Teacher Autonomy through Action Research. (ekstern lenke)
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