Kjell Erik Lommerud





International industrial organization

Family economics

Labor economics

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Your place or mine? On residential choice among young couples in Norway. Demography, 2013. (With Katrine Løken and Shelly Lundberg.)

North-South technology transfer in unionised oligopoly, Journal of Development Economics, 99, 385-395, 2012. (With Frode Meland and Odd Rune Straume.)

Employment protection versus flexicurity: On technology adoption in unionised firms. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114, 177-199, 2012. (With Odd Rune Straume.)

Love and taxes - and matching institutions. Canadian Journal of Economics, 43, 919-940, 2010. (With Kai A. Konrad)

Can deunioniazation lead to international outsourcing? Journal of International Economics, 77, 109-119, 2009. (With Frode Meland and Odd Rune Straume.) Pre-publication pdf-version.

National versus international mergers in unionized oligopoly. RAND Journal of Economics, 37, 212-233, 2006. (With Odd Rune Straume and Lars Sørgard.)

Globalisation and union opposition to technological change. Journal of International Economics, 68, 1-23, 2006. (With Frode Meland and Odd Rune Straume.) Pre-publication pdf-version.

Downstream merger with upstream market power. European Economic Review, 49, 717-743, 2005. (With Odd Rune straume and Lars Sørgard)

Good jobs, bad jobs and redistribution. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 106, 703-720. (With Bjørn Sandvik and Odd Rune Straume)

Unionised oligopoly, trade liberalisation and location choice. Economic Journal, 113, 782-800, 2003. (With Frode meland and Lars Sørgard.)

Geography of the family. American Economic Review, 92, 981-998, 2002. (With Kai A. Konrad, Harald Künemund and Julio Robledo.)

Foreign direct investment, intra-firm trade and ownership structure. European Economic Review, 45, 475-494, 2001. (With Kai A. Konrad)

The bargaining family revisited. Canadian Journal of Economics, 2000. (With Kai A Konrad.)

Merger and product line rivalry. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 16, 21-42, 1997. (With Lars Sørgard)

Minimum wages and the incentives for skill formation. Journal of Public Economics, 1997. (With Jonas Agell.)

Family policy with non-cooperative families. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 97, 581-601, 1995. (With Kai A. Konrad)

Relative standing comparisons, risk-taking and safety regulations. Journal of Public Economics, 51, 345-358, 1993. (With Kai A. Konrad)