Vitenskapelig foredrag
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2023). Setting up MjS stations in a remote area - adaptations, challenges and experiences. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Pierce, Richard
(2018). The Ancient Beja/Blemmy Center of Nubt.. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Heidi Lie; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2015). The difference in genetic population structure of Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan between the continuous populations East of the Nile and the isolated populations in the West.. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Haflidason, Haflidi
(2015). Combining XRF data and Scanning Electro Microscopy (SEM) of Acacia tortilis ssp raddiana wood samples for high resolution dendroecological history of Wadi Semna, Eastern Desert, Egypt. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Gjessing, H. K.
et al. (2015). Viability and germination of Acacia tortilis seeds. Effects of land use and aridity in the Eastern Sahara. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Winters, Gidon
(2015). Modeling age and growth rate of an Acacia tortilis population in Arava using a free-shape age-depth model of AMS radiocarbon dates. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; talib, Mohamed
et al. (2013). Traditional nomadic tending of trees in the Red Sea Hills. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; talib, Mohamed
et al. (2013). Traditional tending and the use of Acacia tortilis: Long-term effects upon population viability. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Goslar, Tomasz
et al. (2013). A methodological approach to determine age and growth rate of ringless trees. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(2013). Sampling Methodology and Procedure. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; talib, Mohamed
et al. (2013). Use, tending and shaping desert trees. (ekstern lenke)
Goslar, T.; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
et al. (2012). Radiocarbon determination of past growth rates of living Acacia tortilis trees from two arid sites in Eastern Sahara. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Ebaid, Ahmed; Hobbs, Joseph
et al. (2011). Acacia Trees on the Cultural Landscape of Pastoral Nomads in the Eastern Sahara. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2008). Land-use transformation in a hyper-arid cultural landscape. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(2001). The Cultural landscape of The Red Sea Hills. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(2001). The cultural landscape of Ancient Tegea. (ekstern lenke)
Flügel, Wolfgang; Müschen,, Bettina; Steinnocher,, K.
et al. (1999). Parameterising Hydrological, Erosion and Solute Transport Models by Application of Remote Sensing in the ARSGISIP Project. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Talib, Mohammed
et al. (2022). Endangered Dracaena ombet Population in the Red Sea Hills, Sudan, Recovers After Abrupt Change. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Gjessing, Håkon K.
et al. (2016). Seed viability and germination success of Acacia tortilis along land-use and aridity gradients in the Eastern Sahara. (ekstern lenke)
Hobbs, Joseph J.; Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs
et al. (2014). Acacia Trees on the Cultural Landscapes of the Red Sea Hills. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Talib, Mohamed
et al. (2014). Traditional nomadic tending of trees in the Red Sea Hills. (ekstern lenke)
Hegazy, Ahmad K.; Alatar, Abdulrahman A.; Thomas, Jacob A.
et al. (2014). Compatibility and complementarity of indigenous and scientific knowledge of wild plants in the highlands of southwest Saudi Arabia. (ekstern lenke)
Goslar, Tomasz; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
et al. (2013). Radiocarbon determination of past growth rates of living acacia tortilis trees from two arid sites in the eastern Sahara. (ekstern lenke)
Abdelrahman, Howaida F.; Krzywinski, Knut
(2008). Environmental effects on morphology of Acacia tortilis group in the red Sea Hills, North-Eastern Sudan and South-Eastern Egypt. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2007). Mortality, recruitment and change of desert tree populations in a hyper-arid environment. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2007). Longevity and growth of Acacia tortilis; insights from 14C content and anatomy of wood. (ekstern lenke)
Müschen, B.; Flügel, W.-A.; Hochschild, V.
et al. (2000). Parameterization of Hydrological, erosion and Solute Transport Models byRemote Sensing Techniques and GIS Analyses in European Catchments. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(2000). Deposit Analysis. Fingerprints of former town activities. (ekstern lenke)
Magid, Anwar; Pierce, Richard; Krzywinski, Knut
(1997). Results of a preliminary survey of stone monuments in the Red Sea Hills, Sudan. (ekstern lenke)
Pierce, Richard; Magid, Anwar A.; Krzywinski, Knut
(1996). Test excavations in The Southern Red Sea Hills (Sudan): Cultural Linkages to The North. (ekstern lenke)
Magid, A.A; Krzywinski, Knut
(1995). The Method of making Positive Casts of Plant Impressions in Pottery. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(1995). Deposit analysis. Fingerprints of former town activities. (ekstern lenke)
Magid, Anwar; Pierce, Richard; Krzywinski, Knut
(1995). Test excavations in the southern Red Sea Hills (sudan: Cultural linkages to the North. (ekstern lenke)
Baka, Z. A. M.; Krzywinski, Knut
(1995). Fungi associated with leaf spots of Dracaena ombet (Kotschy & Peyr). (ekstern lenke)
Ayyad, S.; Krzywinski, Knut
(1994). Archaeopalynological Thoughts on Vicia faba Type Pollen from Ancient Mendes (Tel El Roba Area, Egypt). (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Pierce, Richard
(2020). At the crossroads of kingdoms and empires: RPAS mapping of Nubt in the land of the Beja. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(2012). The Eastern Desert Tombs and Cultural Continuity. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut; Vetaas, Ole Reidar; Manger, Leif Ole
(1996). Vegetation dynamics in the Red Sea Hills - Continuties and changes. (ekstern lenke)
Manger, Leif Ole; Krzywinski, Knut; Vetaas, Ole Reidar
(1996). The Natural Environment of the Red Sea Hills - Lessons in Variability. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Talib, Mohamed
et al. (2020). Can the storage effect save the endangered Nubian dragon blood tree?. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2017). The tales of Akerateheils - can RPAS based mapping of ancient graves improve our understanding of the Blemmy culture?. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Hobbs, Joseph J.
Gagen, Mary H.; Young, Giles H.F.; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs
et al. (2013). Palaeoclimatic potential of Acacia tortilis in the Eastern Sahara. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Pierce, Richard
(2018). Et knutepunkt for karavaneveier mellom fortidens store imperier. - Dronekartlegging og GIS-analyser av den ukjente Blemmy hovedstad Nubt i den østlige ørken. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs
(2013). In the footsteps of Prof. Mohamed Kassas. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2013). Care for Trees. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut; Pierce, Richard
(2011). Mellom Nilen og Rødehavet et kulturlandskap i endring. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2010). Continuity and change in vegetation resources. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs
(2010). Desert cultural landscape the role of tribal management. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(2000). Bergens sjølinjen et historisk dokument. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut; Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Pierce, Richard
et al. (2017). The Ancient Blemmy Capital of Nubt Photogrammetry Survey of Sudanese Cultural Heritage on the initiative of Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Wildlife, Red Sea State, Sudan.. (ekstern lenke)
Andersen, Gidske Leknæs; Krzywinski, Knut
(2008). Forprosjekt: Restaurering etter utbygging av Kløvtveitvassdraget. (ekstern lenke)
Overland, Anette; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Krzywinski, Knut
(1997). Palynological investigations of the Athena Alea temple in Tegea, Greece. Report from a preliminary study of a profile north of the sanctuary. (ekstern lenke)
Ayyad, S.; Pierce, Richard; Krzywinski, Knut
(1995). Exploratory palynological studies on some tombs at Saqqara. Report to Antiquity Service, Egypt. (ekstern lenke)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Harir, Sherif
et al. (1994). Survival on Meagre Resources: Hadendowa pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills. Final report The Red Sea Area Programme. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(1993). Multi-temporal analysis of variation and change in the semidesert Beja cultural landscape, Sinkat area, Red Sea hills, Sudan. (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut
(1993). Detection of change in a semidesert environment at the landscape and Landsat MSS pixel level in the Beja cultural landscape, Sinkat Area, Red Sea Hills, Sudan. (ekstern lenke)
Christensen, Ann-Dorte; Krzywinski, Knut
(1993). Deforestation and urban energy consumption. The case of Port Sudan and its hinterland in the Red Sea Hills. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig monografi
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Populærvitenskapelig bok
Krzywinski, Knut; Pierce, Richard
(2001). Deserting the Desert, a Threatened Cultural Landscape between the Nile and the Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Harir, Sharif
et al. (1996). "Survival on Meagre Resources". (ekstern lenke)
Krzywinski, Knut; Kolle, Nils
(1996). Det grå riket. (ekstern lenke)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Harir, Sharif
et al. (1996). "Survival on Meagre Resources". (ekstern lenke)
Manger, Leif Ole; Abd el Ati, Hassan; Harir, Sharif
et al. (1996). Survival on Meagre Resources: Hadendowa Pastoralism in the Red Sea Hills. (ekstern lenke)
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