Marius Rydningen Langvad
Forsker, PhD Candidate in Marine Microbiology
I am researching the co-evolution between viruses and their hosts in the marine environment, and how they structure microbial communities. My research focus is on nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs) and how they interact and coevolve with their phototrophic eukaryotic hosts belonging to Haptophyta. My project will involve cross-infection experiments using a selection of viruses and hosts, looking at the expression and functionality of interesting viral auxiliary metabolic genes that may affect the host energy metabolism and investigating the diversity and distribution of these viruses and hosts in marine communities.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Mayers, Kyle; Kuhlisch, Constanze; Basso, Jonelle T. R. et al. (2023). Grazing on Marine Viruses and Its Biogeochemical Implications. (ekstern lenke)
- Schatz, Daniella; Schleyer, Guy; Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen et al. (2021). Ecological significance of extracellular vesicles in modulating host-virus interactions during algal blooms. (ekstern lenke)
- Mayers, Kyle; Lawrence, Janice; Skaar, Katrine Sandnes et al. (2021). Removal of large viruses and their dispersal through fecal pellets of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica during Emiliania huxleyi bloom conditions. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandaa, Ruth-Anne; Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Dahle, Håkon et al. (2021). Adaptive evolution of viruses infecting marine microalgae (haptophytes), from acute infections to stable coexistence. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Wang, Haina; Dahle, Håkon et al. (2023). PERSISTENT VIRUS PRODUCTION BY PHYTOPLANKTON. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Haina; Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Blanc-Mathieu, Romain et al. (2022). Genomes of two giant viruses and their capacity in the infection cycles. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandaa, Ruth-Anne; Blanc-Mathieu, Romain; Dahle, Håkon et al. (2019). Friends or foes, strategies for stable co-existance in algel viruses infecting haptophytes. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Haina; Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Blanc-Mathieu, Romain et al. (2022). Genomes of two giant viruses and their capacity in the infection cycles. (ekstern lenke)
- Saltvedt, Marius Rydningen; Wang, Haina; Lawrence, Janice et al. (2022). Friend or enemy: The story of a frenemy relationship between a virus and its host. (ekstern lenke)