Nils Kåre Birkeland


Emeriti, Professor


Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Faglig foredrag
Short communication
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)

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Current and previous projects, networks and funding for advanced equipment:

2013 - 2016: THERMOGENE - Novel thermostable enzymes for industrial biotechnology. ERA-NET Industrial Biotechnology project.

2011 - 2014: Cooperation with Armenia in microbiology of extreme environments. SIU/UD. 1.8 mill NOK.

2012: High-temperature biohydrogen production from waste. The Agricultural Research Development Agency, Thailand.

2011-2014: Biological methane oxidation by extremophilic methanotrophic Verrucomicrobia under  hot and acidic conditions; evolution of an ancient metabolic trait. NFR, 3.5 mill NOK.

2009-2012: Subsurface metagenomics, functional microbial diversity analysis and gene discovery in deep and hot petroleum reservoirs. VISTA. 2.5 mill NOK.

2010: Is methane oxidation an ancient metabolic trait? Centre for Geobiology, UiB. 180.000 NOK.

2007-2010: Metagenomics and gene discovery in Antarctic terrestrial habitats. The Research Council of Norway/The South-Africa programme. 898.000 NOK.

2009-2012: The Nordic Archaea Network. NordForsk.

2008: Comparative genomics of Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain 7324, a subsurface hyperthermophilic sulfate-reducing archaeon isolated from a hot North-Sea oil-well. University of Bergen/ Friforsk. 300.000 NOK.

2003-2011: Assessment of microbial pollution and diversity of Escherichia coli and Shigella in freshwater resources in Bangladesh. NUFU. 6.5 mill NOK.

2007-2010: Silicon Cell Model for the central carbohydrate metabolism of the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus under temperature variation. SysMo.

2004-2007: Metanspisende bakterier i havbunnsmiljø. VISTA. 1.5 millNOK.

2006-2007: Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain 7324: a unique archaeal sulfate reducer. The Research Council of Norway/ DAAD. 50.000 NOK.

2003-2007: Natural gas and biotechnology (NABI): bioprospecting of methane-oxidizing bacteria. The Norwegian Research Council/ Bioprospecting programme. 6.7 mill NOK.

2003-2007: Biological adaptations to extreme temperatures. The Norwegian Research Council/ Strategic university programme. 5.9 mill NOK.

2003-2007: Archaeal cell-cycle regulation. The Research Council of Norway. 1.7 mill NOK.

2006: Robot for automated picking of bacterial colonies (GenePix2xt). The Research Council of Norway. 1.7 mill NOK.

2002-2006: Biotechnology of intraterrestrial microorganisms. The Research Council of Norway/ Bioprospecting. 1.6 mill NOK.

2003-2005: Reduction of toxic metals and radionuclides by thermophilic prokaryotes. INTAS. 450.000 NOK.

2002-2004: Reduction of metals by thermophilic prokaryotes. NATO. 100.000 NOK.

1999-2003: Biology of Thermophiles. Nordic network. NorFA. 1.5 mill NOK.

1997-2001: VIRTUE: Bioaktive substanser. Wallenbergfondet. 475.000 NOK.

1997-1999: Termoresistens hos Archaeoglobus. The Research Council of Norway. 288.000 NOK.

1996-1999: Dissimilatorisk sulfitt reduktase fra oljebakterier. The Research Council of Norway. 1.2 mill NOK.

1995: Iso-sitronsyre dehydrogenase i Desulfobacter. The Research Council of Norway. 412.000 NOK.

1994: Generell drifts- og utstyrsbevilgning. The Research Council of Norway. 150.000 NOK.