Vitenskapelig foredrag
Simon, Margit Hildegard; Göktürk, Ozan mert; van der Bilt, Willem Godert Maria
et al. (2024). Investigation of biomarkers from Blombos Cave, South Africa and from Rabat-Temara Caves in Morocco: Insights into Middle Stone Age sites Palaeoclimate. . (ekstern lenke)
Engvik, Ane; Gautneb, Håvard; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2022). Graphite in granulite - characterization, origin, role of fluids and consequences for rheology. (ekstern lenke)
Engvik, Ane; Gautneb, Håvard; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2021). Proterozoic deep carbon - The graphite bearing rocks of the Lofoten-Vesterålen area, North Norway; Characterisation, origin and the role of fluids. . (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Marie; Olsen, Are; Fröb, Friederike
et al. (2017). The Anthropocene in the marine carbon isotope record, δ13C in the Nordic Seas. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Soldal, Jostein; Dörsch, Peter
et al. (2016). Soil pH regulation and reduction of N2O emissions by mafic rock application. (ekstern lenke)
Mangerud, Gunn; Paterson, Niall William; Mørk, Atle
et al. (2015). The biostratigraphy of the Upper Triassic succession on Hopen, Svalbard (ISBN 978-82-92-39497-7). (ekstern lenke)
Pedersen, Rolf B.; Blomberg, Ann Elisabeth Albright; Landschulze, Karin
et al. (2014). The Hugin Fracture. (ekstern lenke)
Christiansen, Hanne H; Elberling, Bo; gilbert, graham
et al. (2014). A detailed Holocene glacial-periglacial reconstruction based on multidisciplinary studies of a 60 m permafrost core from central Svalbard. (ekstern lenke)
Mangerud, Gunn; Paterson, Niall William; Mørk, Atle
et al. (2014). Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Upper Triassic succession (Carnian to Rhaetian) on Hopen, Arctic Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Fromreide, Siren; Mørkved, Pål Tore; Gilbert, Graham Lewis
et al. (2014). Geomicrobial characterization of a 60 m Holocene permafrost core. (ekstern lenke)
Pedersen, Rolf B.; Blomberg, Ann Elisabeth Albright; Landschulze, Karin
et al. (2013). Discovery of a 3 km long seafloor fracture system in the Central North Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Reigstad, Laila Johanne
(2013). Geomicrobial studies of a 60 m long permafrost in Adventdalen, Svalbard. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Dörsch, Peter; Bakken, Lars
et al. (2012). Combined N2O mitigation and CO2 trapping. (ekstern lenke)
Silvennoinen, Hanna Marika; Zhu, Jing; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2011). Novel denitrifier method for measuring 15N and 18O of nitrate. (ekstern lenke)
Zhi, Jing; Silvennoinen, Hanna Marika; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2011). Novel denitrifier method for measuring 15N and 18O of nitrate. (ekstern lenke)
Morley, Nicholas; Bakken, Lars R.; Dörsch, Peter
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Dörsch, Peter; Bakken, Lars R.
(2006). Soil acidity - a master variable for the product ratios of nitrification and denitrification. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Bergaust, Linda; Dörsch, Peter
et al. (2005). Phenotypic characterization of denitrifying communities and isolated bacteria, low temperature and low pH. (ekstern lenke)
Bakken, Lars R.; Frostegård, Åsa; Gomes, Newton
et al. (2001). The subsoil community explored by in situ substrate degradation kinetics and community fingerprinting. (ekstern lenke)
Bakken, Lars R.; Swensen, Berit; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2001). The subsoil community as a biological filter; substrate fluxes in pristine soils and possible implications for the mineralization of polluting substances. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Engvik, Ane; Gautneb, Håvard; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2023). Proterozoic Deep Carbon—Characterisation, Origin and the Role of Fluids during High-Grade Metamorphism of Graphite (Lofoten–Vesterålen Complex, Norway). (ekstern lenke)
Göktürk, Ozan mert; Simon, Margit Hildegard; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter
et al. (2023). Behaviourally modern humans in coastal southern Africa experienced an increasingly continental climate during the transition from Marine Isotope Stage 5 to 4. (ekstern lenke)
Halvorsen, Lene Synnøve; Mørkved, Pål Tore; Hjelle, Kari Loe
(2023). Were prehistoric cereal fields in western Norway manured? Evidence from stable isotope values (δ<sup>15</sup>N) of charred modern and fossil cereals. (ekstern lenke)
Sodemann, Harald; Mørkved, Pål Tore; Wahl, Sonja
(2023). FLIIMP - a community software for the processing, calibration, and reporting of liquid water isotope measurements on cavity-ring down spectrometers. (ekstern lenke)
Takken Beijersbergen, Liselotte; Fernandes, Ricardo; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2021). Temporal and spatial variability of bone collagen stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios of Norwegian reindeer. (ekstern lenke)
Rooks, Christine; Fang, James Kar-Hei; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2020). Deep-sea sponge grounds as nutrient sinks: Denitrification is common in boreo-Arctic sponges. (ekstern lenke)
Cheng, Lin; Normandeau, Claire; Bowden, Roxane
et al. (2019). An international intercomparison of stable carbon isotope composition measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater. (ekstern lenke)
Van Noort, Reinier; Mørkved, Pål Tore; Dundas, Siv Hjorth
(2018). Acid Neutralization by Mining Waste Dissolution under Conditions Relevant for Agricultural Applications. (ekstern lenke)
Zhu, Jing; Yu, Longfei; Bakken, Lars
et al. (2018). Controlled induction of denitrification in <i>Pseudomonas aureofaciens</i>: A simplified denitrifier method for dual isotope analysis in NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup>. (ekstern lenke)
Huq, Farhana; Smalley, P. Craig; Mørkved, Pål Tore
et al. (2017). The Longyearbyen CO2 Lab: Fluid communication in reservoir and caprock. (ekstern lenke)
Paterson, Niall William; Mangerud, Gunn; Cetean, Claudia
et al. (2016). A multidisciplinary biofacies characterisation of the Late Triassic (late Carnian-Rhaetian) Kapp Toscana Group on Hopen, Arctic Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Nikpey Somehsaraei, Homam; Assadi, Mohsen; Breuhaus, Peter
et al. (2014). Experimental evaluation and ANN modeling of a recuperative micro gas turbine burning mixtures of natural gas and biogas. (ekstern lenke)
Liu, Binbin; Mørkved, Pål Tore; Frostegård, Åsa
et al. (2010). Denitrification gene pools, transcription and kinetics of NO, N2O and N-2 production as affected by soil pH. (ekstern lenke)
Pedersen, Bent Skaare; Schaanning, Morten; Mørkved, Pål Tore
(2009). Source identification for oil-based drill cuttings on the seabed based on stable carbon isotopes. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Dörsch, Peter; Bakken, Lars R.
(2007). The N2O product ratio of nitrification and its dependence on long-term changes in soil pH. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Dörsch, Peter; Søvik, Anne Kristine
et al. (2007). Simplified preparation for the _d15N-analysis in soil NO3- by the denirifier method. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Dörsch, Peter; Henriksen, Trond Maukon
et al. (2006). N2O emissions and product ratios of nitrification and denitrification as affected by freezing and thawing. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Søvik, Anne Kristine; Kløve, Bjørn
et al. (2005). Removal of nitrogen in different wetland filter materials: use of stable isotopes to determine factors controlling denitrification and DNRA. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Søvik, Anne Kristine; Kløve, Bjørn
et al. (2005). Removal of nitrogen in different wetland filter materials: use of stable nitrogen isotopes to determine factors controlling denitrification and DNRA. (ekstern lenke)
Schöpke, Christian Alexander; Johansen, Ingar; Polteau, Stephane
et al. (2022). Stable isotopes as indicators for the remaining gas generation potential at the Brånåsdalen decommissioned municipal waste landfill. (ekstern lenke)
Barrio, Maria; Stewart, Heather A.; Akhurst, M.
et al. (2015). Norway and UK cross-boundary initiative towards a limate motivated drilling operation in the North Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Fromreide, Siren; Mørkved, Pål Tore; Reigstad, Laila Johanne
(2014). Geomicrobial characterization of a 60 m long permafrost core from Svalbard. (ekstern lenke)
Fromreide, Siren; Reigstad, Laila Johanne; Mørkved, Pål Tore
(2014). Geomicrobial characterisation of permafrost: controlled by past or present Activity?. (ekstern lenke)
Mørkved, Pål Tore; Simon, Nina Simone C; Dörsch, Peter
et al. (2013). Combined N2O mitigation and CO2 trapping: A step toward a carbon negative agriculture?. (ekstern lenke)
Bakken, Lars R.; Dörsch, Peter; Ohlson, Mikael
et al. (2003). Sinks and sources of greenhouse gases in a landscape; transformations and stable isotope signatures. (ekstern lenke)
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