Ragnhild Mølster
Forsker, Forskningsleder medier og kommunikasjon
- Gruppe for journalistikkforskning
- Forskningsgruppen for retorikk, demokrati og offentlig kultur
- Research group for rhetoric, democracy and public culture
- Research group for journalism studies
Retorikk, medier og helse, politisk kommunikasjon, offentlighet og demokrati, dokumentar, journalistikk, kjønn og medier.
Forsker på diskursiv forhandling av ethos i helsemyndighetenes kommunikasjon under korona-pandemien.
Tilknyttet prosjektet CAMRIA, medier og antibiotikaresistens.
og "Pandemic rhetoric" (https://www.hf.uio.no/imk/english/research/projects/pandemic-rhetoric/)
- Mølster, Ragnhild; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund (2023). Reconsidering the expert ethos in times of the corona pandemic. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2023). The rethoric of science and expertise in Norwegian NRK TV's news and factual programs on antmicrobial resistence (AMR).. (ekstern lenke)
- Almlund, Pernille; Mølster, Ragnhild; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund (2023). Expressions of governance, risk, and responsibility: Public campaigns in the crisis and risk management of Covid-19 in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund (2022). Information films as rhetorical responses during the COVID-19 crisis. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund (2022). Ethos in portraits of Scandinavian health authority representatives during the COVID-19 pandemic: Does gender matter?” . (ekstern lenke)
- Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Mølster, Ragnhild; Ihlen, Øyvind (2022). Expert uncertainty: Arguments bolstering the ethos of expertise in situations of uncertainty. (ekstern lenke)
- Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine N.; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund et al. (2022). Transparency beyond information disclosure: strategies of the Scandinavian public health authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic. (ekstern lenke)
- Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Mølster, Ragnhild; Ihlen, Øyvind et al. (2021). Trust, Ethos, and Expertise in Facebook Fan Sites for Health Experts. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund (2021). Trust and Self-Representation in Scandinavian Health Authorities’ Information Videos During the COVID-19 Crisis. . (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2018). Vad kan Finland lära sig av övriga Norden när det gäller att tackla näthat/hatprat i samhället? Paneldebatt. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2018). Migrant Crisis’, Public Debate and Immigration Policy. A report from three Scandinavian immigration ministries.. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2018). The influence of public immigration debate on immigration policy in Scandinavia. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2018). The influence of public debate on immigration policy in Scandinavia during and after the 2015 European "migrant crisis".. (ekstern lenke)
- Jaakkola, Maarit; Mølster, Ragnhild; Wadbring, Ingela (2016). De tusen skärmarnas tidsålder. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild; Wadbring, Ingela (2016). Introduksjon. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2016). Hot mot journalister i Norden. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2016). Nordic examples of working towards gender equality in the media.. (ekstern lenke)
- Edstrom, Maria; Mølster, Ragnhild (2014). Making change: Nordic examples of working towards gender equality in the media. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2014). Making Change. Nordic Examples of Working Towards Gender Equality in the Media. (ekstern lenke)
- Mølster, Ragnhild (2014). Den store likestillingsbløffen. Innledning til debatt. (ekstern lenke)
CAMRIA - Combatting Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) with Interdisciplinary Approaches
Media and AMR
The COVID-19 pandemic is a case study on how swift (mis)information and communication can change people's attitudes and behaviors. It led to improved adherence to infection prevention and control (IPC) measures among the public and healthcare workers (HCWs). The pandemic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has not elicited the same level of interest nor behaviour change. However, it also presupposes some needed changes in attitudes and behaviors to contain it, such as improved adherence to IPC measures and antibiotic prescribing practices and use. Thus, it is of interest to understand how people's beliefs and attitudes are formed, and how their perception of risk connected to AMR and their willingness to act, can be an important determinant of citizen behavior and policy influence.
We need to study communication on AMR in media over time to get a better understanding of HCWs' and citizens’ knowledge, attitudes and risk perception of AMR, along with their motivation to act. This knowledge is needed in order to bring about needed change in behaviors, both among the general public and healthcare workers.
Our three main research questions are:
- What is the perception of the AMR-related risk among HCWs and how willing are they to act to the AMR and COVID-19 pandemics (with focus on the influence of different sources of information)?
- How does the public’s knowledge of - and attitudes towards AMR, along with their willingness to act, compare to similar existing data on the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis?
- Has the framing of AMR in selected online news media and debated through the spread in social-media changed over time, and if so, how?
The knowledge gained from this project will enable the development of improved health policies and communication based interventions, which intentionally will promote desirable behaviour changes and thereby contain AMR.
The project applies a mixed methods approach. In Work Package 1, we will perform focus group interviews with healthcare workers, using a semi-structured interview guide. The data will consist of the interviewees’ quotes and expressions from which we will extract themes related to risk perception and motivation of action and change of behavior. In Work Package 2, AMR-related questions are a part of the citizen panel survey. Data, comprising of participants' answers, will be analyzed with the use of quantitative methods, and provide information as to suggest remedies specific for decision makers at macro- (politicians/ bureuacrats), meso- (health sector leaders) and micro- level (individual health care workers). Work Package 3 will explore how media audiences experience risk in the coverage of AMR, and accept, refuse or negotiate the framing of AMR in the news. Retrospective analyses will provide a framing of AMR in selected online news media over the past 10 years, through both quantitative and more detailed qualitative rhetorical analyses, to uncover the rhetoric and argumentative structures of the mediated debate and communication on AMR, and possible historical changes.
Retorikk om pandemi. Pandemic rhetoric: Risk communication in a changing media landscape.
The relations between migration policy and mediated public discourse in Scandinavia 1970-2015
This project studies the relationship between the public debate and political decisions on immigration in the three Scandinavian countries. How does public opinion, as expressed through the public debate in media and arts, influence political decisions? What are the differences between the countries, and how has the relationship developed over the past 45 years?
Through analyses of policy documents, parliamentary debates and interviews with Scandinavian politicians, public servants and communication officers, the projects will seek to identify and understand links between public debates and political decision-making in Scandinavia during the past 45 years.