Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ben Ezra, Tal; Blachinsky, Alon; Gozali, Shiran
et al. (2024). Interannual changes in nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) predict the consequences of climate change; results from the Sdot-Yam Time-series station 2018–2022. (ekstern lenke)
Tsiola, Anastasia; Krasakopoulou, Evangelia; Daffonchio, Daniele
et al. (2023). Responses of Free-Living Planktonic Bacterial Communities to Experimental Acidification and Warming. (ekstern lenke)
Erga, Svein Rune; Heldal, Mikal; Prestegard, Siv Kristin
et al. (2022). The importance of microbiota and terrestrial inflows in controlling seston C:N:P:O:Si:Ca:Mn:Mg:Fe:K:Na:Cl:S:Cu:Zn stoichiometry of a deep coastal fjord. (ekstern lenke)
Abreu, Andre; Bourgois, Etienne; Gristwood, Adam
et al. (2022). Priorities for ocean microbiome research. (ekstern lenke)
Kauko, Hanna Maria; Hattermann, Tore; Ryan-Keogh, Thomas J.
et al. (2021). Phenology and Environmental Control of Phytoplankton Blooms in the Kong Håkon VII Hav in the Southern Ocean. (ekstern lenke)
Hopwood, Mark J.; Santana-González, Carolina; Gallego-Urrea, Julian Alberto
et al. (2020). Fe(II) stability in coastal seawater during experiments in Patagonia, Svalbard, and Gran Canaria. (ekstern lenke)
Batziakas, Stratos; Frangoulis, Constantin; Tsiola, Anastasia
et al. (2020). Hypoxia changes the shape of the biomass size spectrum of planktonic communities: A case study in the eastern Mediterranean (Elefsina Bay). (ekstern lenke)
Hopwood, M. J.; Sanchez, Nicolas; Polyviou, Despo
et al. (2020). Experiment design and bacterial abundance control extracellular H2O2 concentrations during four series of mesocosm experiments. (ekstern lenke)
Tsagaraki, Tatiana Margo; Pree, Bernadette; Leiknes, Øystein
et al. (2018). Bacterial community composition responds to changes in copepod abundance and alters ecosystem function in an Arctic mesocosm study. (ekstern lenke)
Tsagaraki, Tatiana; Herut, Barak; Rahav, Eyal
et al. (2017). Atmospheric deposition effects on plankton communities in the Eastern Mediterranean: A mesocosm experimental approach. (ekstern lenke)
Tsiola, Anastasia; Tsagaraki, Tatiana; Giannakourou, Antonia
et al. (2017). Bacterial growth and mortality after deposition of saharan dust and mixed aerosols in the eastern mediterranean sea: A mesocosm experiment. (ekstern lenke)
Pree, Bernadette; Larsen, Aud; Egge, Jorun Karin
et al. (2017). Dampened copepod-mediated trophic cascades in a microzooplankton-dominated microbial food web: A mesocosm study. (ekstern lenke)
Segovia, María; Lorenzo, M. Rosario; Maldonado, María T.
et al. (2017). Iron availability modulates the effects of future CO2 levels within the marine planktonic food web. (ekstern lenke)
Ptacnik, Robert; Gomes, Ana; Royer, Sarah-Jeanne
et al. (2016). A light-induced shortcut in the planktonic microbial loop. (ekstern lenke)
Herut, Barak; Rahav, Eyal; Tsagaraki, Tatiana
et al. (2016). The potential impact of Saharan dust and polluted aerosols on microbial populations in the East Mediterranean Sea, an overview of a mesocosm experimental approach. (ekstern lenke)
Rahav, Eyal; Shun-Yan, Cheung; Cui, Guo
et al. (2016). Evaluating the impact of atmospheric depositions on springtime dinitrogen fixation in the cretan sea (Eastern Mediterranean)-A mesocosm approach. (ekstern lenke)
Krom, Michael D.; Shi, Zongbo; Stockdale, Anthony
et al. (2016). Response of the eastern mediterranean microbial ecosystem to dust and dust affected by acid processing in the atmosphere. (ekstern lenke)
Pitta, Paraskevi; Nejstgaard, Jens Christian; Tsagaraki, Tatiana
et al. (2016). Confirming the "rapid phosphorus transfer from microorganisms to mesozooplankton in the eastern mediterranean sea" scenario through a mesocosm experiment. (ekstern lenke)
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Tsagaraki, Tatiana; Egge, Jorun Karin; Bratbak, Gunnar
et al. (2017). Microbial Food web structure in a changing Arctic.. (ekstern lenke)
Tiller, Rachel ; Tsagaraki, Tatiana; Ardelan, Murat Van
Tiller, Rachel ; De Kok, L. J.; Bailey, Jennifer L.
et al. (2017). Reducing uncertainty in climate change scenario Development through transdisciplinary integration of qualitative stakeholder data in decision support systems. (ekstern lenke)
Thingstad, T. Frede; Tsagaraki, Tatiana Margo
(2016). Top down controls in the microbial food web and its consequences for the Carbon pumps. (ekstern lenke)
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